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Add E2E test for UpgradeValidation contention
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Add "The HAProxy router converges when multiple routers are
writing conflicting upgrade validation status" test which validates
router converge when writing conflicting status in a scenario that uses
multiple conditions.

Previously, we tested conflicting status fields (hostname), but don't
have a test for conflicting status. This test add logic that exercises
new logic in the router for the Upgrade Validation plugin.
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gcs278 committed May 2, 2024
1 parent 32934f1 commit 3341e1c
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Showing 2 changed files with 190 additions and 2 deletions.
190 changes: 188 additions & 2 deletions test/extended/router/stress.go
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Expand Up @@ -245,6 +245,157 @@ var _ = g.Describe("[sig-network][Feature:Router][]",
o.Expect(writes).To(o.BeNumerically(">=", 1))
o.Expect(writes).To(o.BeNumerically("<=", 5))

g.It("converges when multiple routers are writing conflicting upgrade validation status", func() {
g.By("deploying a scaled out namespace scoped router that adds the UnservableInFutureVersions condition")

routerName := "conflicting"
numOfRoutes := 20
rsAdd, err := oc.KubeClient().AppsV1().ReplicaSets(ns).Create(
fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%s", ns),
// Make resync interval high to avoid contention flushes.
fmt.Sprintf("--name=%s", routerName),
err = waitForReadyReplicaSet(oc.KubeClient(), ns, rsAdd.Name)

g.By("creating multiple routes")
client := routeclientset.NewForConfigOrDie(oc.AdminConfig()).RouteV1().Routes(ns)
err = createTestRoutes(client, numOfRoutes)

g.By("waiting for sufficient routes to have a UnservableInFutureVersions and Admitted status condition")
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 10*time.Minute, false, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
routes, err := client.List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("failed to list routes: %v", err)
return false, nil
unservableCondition := 0
admittedCondition := 0
for _, route := range routes.Items {
ingress := findIngress(&route, routerName)
if ingress == nil {
// Find UnservableInFutureVersions condition.
if cond := findIngressCondition(ingress, routev1.RouteUnservableInFutureVersions); cond != nil {
// Find Admitted condition.
if cond := findIngressCondition(ingress, routev1.RouteAdmitted); cond != nil {
// Wait for both conditions to be on all routes.
if unservableCondition != numOfRoutes || admittedCondition != numOfRoutes {
e2e.Logf("waiting for %d conditions for %q, got UnservableInFutureVersions=%d and Admitted=%d", numOfRoutes, routerName, unservableCondition, admittedCondition)
return false, nil
return true, nil

// Start recording updates BEFORE the second router that removes the conditions gets created,
// so we capture all the updates.
err, stopRecordingRouteUpdates, updateCountCh := startRecordingRouteStatusUpdates(client, routerName, "")

g.By("deploying a scaled out namespace scoped router that removes the UnservableInFutureVersions condition")
rsRemove, err := oc.KubeClient().AppsV1().ReplicaSets(ns).Create(
fmt.Sprintf("--namespace=%s", ns),
// Make resync interval high to avoid contention flushes.
fmt.Sprintf("--name=%s", routerName),
err = waitForReadyReplicaSet(oc.KubeClient(), ns, rsRemove.Name)

g.By("verifying that we stop writing conflicts rapidly")
err, writes := waitForRouteStatusUpdates(stopRecordingRouteUpdates, updateCountCh, 30*time.Second)

// Ideally, we expect at least 20 writes for 20 routes, as the router-add-condition routers already consider
// all routes a candidate for contention. When router-remove-condition begins to remove these conditions,
// the router-add-condition routers should immediately consider each route as contended and won't attempt to
// add the condition back. However, a few additional conflicting writes might occur if the contention
// tracker is late in detecting route writes. Therefore, we generously allow for up to 50 writes to
// accommodate these discrepancies.
o.Expect(writes).To(o.BeNumerically(">=", numOfRoutes))
o.Expect(writes).To(o.BeNumerically("<=", 50))

g.By("toggling a single route's status condition")

// Start recording updates BEFORE the route gets modified, so we capture all the updates.
err, stopRecordingRouteUpdates, updateCountCh = startRecordingRouteStatusUpdates(client, routerName, "9")

// Though it is highly likely that the router-remove-conditions won the conflict and the condition is
// removed, we will be safe and not make that assumption. We will add or remove the condition based on its
// presence.
route9, err := client.Get(context.Background(), "9", metav1.GetOptions{})
route9Ingress := findIngress(route9, routerName)
if cond := findIngressCondition(route9Ingress, routev1.RouteUnservableInFutureVersions); cond != nil {
e2e.Logf("removing %q condition from route %q", routev1.RouteUnservableInFutureVersions, route9.Name)
removeIngressCondition(route9Ingress, routev1.RouteUnservableInFutureVersions)
} else {
e2e.Logf("adding %q condition to route %q", routev1.RouteUnservableInFutureVersions, route9.Name)
cond := routev1.RouteIngressCondition{
Type: routev1.RouteUnservableInFutureVersions,
Status: corev1.ConditionFalse,
Message: "foo",
Reason: "foo",
route9Ingress.Conditions = append(route9Ingress.Conditions, cond)

route9, err = client.UpdateStatus(context.Background(), route9, metav1.UpdateOptions{})

g.By("verifying that only get a few updates")
err, writes = waitForRouteStatusUpdates(stopRecordingRouteUpdates, updateCountCh, 15*time.Second)
// Ideally, this should be 1 write. If we are adding the status condition, then the router-remove-condition
// routers should now consider the route contended. If we are removing the status condition, then the
// router-add-conditions should already consider the route contended and/or have reach max contentions.
// Though its very unlikely, we allow up to 5 writes for discrepancies in slow contention tracking.
o.Expect(writes).To(o.BeNumerically(">=", 1))
o.Expect(writes).To(o.BeNumerically("<=", 5))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,6 +511,26 @@ func findIngress(route *routev1.Route, name string) *routev1.RouteIngress {
return nil

// findIngressCondition locates the first condition that corresponds to the requested type.
func findIngressCondition(ingress *routev1.RouteIngress, t routev1.RouteIngressConditionType) (_ *routev1.RouteIngressCondition) {
for i := range ingress.Conditions {
if ingress.Conditions[i].Type == t {
return &ingress.Conditions[i]
return nil

// removeIngressCondition removes a condition of type t from the ingress conditions
func removeIngressCondition(ingress *routev1.RouteIngress, t routev1.RouteIngressConditionType) {
for i, v := range ingress.Conditions {
if v.Type == t {
ingress.Conditions = append(ingress.Conditions[:i], ingress.Conditions[i+1:]...)

func scaledRouter(name, image string, args []string) *appsv1.ReplicaSet {
one := int64(1)
scale := int32(3)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,16 +568,31 @@ func scaledRouter(name, image string, args []string) *appsv1.ReplicaSet {
func outputIngress(routes ...routev1.Route) {
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(b, 0, 0, 2, ' ', 0)
for _, route := range routes {
for _, ingress := range route.Status.Ingress {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", route.Name, ingress.RouterName, ingress.Host, ingress.Conditions[0].LastTransitionTime)
conditions := ""
for _, condition := range ingress.Conditions {
conditions += fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s ", condition.Type, condition.Status)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", route.Name, ingress.RouterName, ingress.Host, conditions, findMostRecentConditionTime(ingress.Conditions))
e2e.Logf("Routes:\n%s", b.String())

// findMostRecentConditionTime returns the time of the most recent condition.
func findMostRecentConditionTime(conditions []routev1.RouteIngressCondition) time.Time {
var recent time.Time
for j := range conditions {
if conditions[j].LastTransitionTime != nil && conditions[j].LastTransitionTime.Time.After(recent) {
recent = conditions[j].LastTransitionTime.Time
return recent

func verifyCommandEquivalent(c clientset.Interface, rs *appsv1.ReplicaSet, cmd string) {
selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(rs.Spec.Selector)
Expand Down

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