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convert service load balancer to real invariant test
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deads2k committed Aug 1, 2023
1 parent 65bd698 commit f5c7c8d
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Showing 7 changed files with 393 additions and 252 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions pkg/defaultinvariants/types.go
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
Expand All @@ -25,5 +26,7 @@ func NewDefaultInvariants() invariants.InvariantRegistry {
invariantTests.AddInvariantOrDie("cluster-info-serializer", "Test Framework", clusterinfo_serializer.NewClusterInfoSerializer())
invariantTests.AddInvariantOrDie("additional-events-collector", "Test Framework", additional_events_collector.NewIntervalSerializer())

invariantTests.AddInvariantOrDie("service-type-load-balancer-availability", "NetworkEdge", availability_service_loadbalancer.NewAvailabilityInvariant())

return invariantTests
364 changes: 364 additions & 0 deletions pkg/invariants/availability_service_loadbalancer/invariant.go
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
package availability_service_loadbalancer

import (
_ "embed"


utilnet ""


configv1 ""
configclient ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""

var (
//go:embed namespace.yaml
namespaceYaml []byte

var (
namespace *corev1.Namespace

const (
newConnectionTestName = "[sig-network-edge] Application behind service load balancer with PDB remains available using new connections"
reusedConnectionTestName = "[sig-network-edge] Application behind service load balancer with PDB remains available using reused connections"

func init() {
namespace = resourceread.ReadNamespaceV1OrDie(namespaceYaml)

type availability struct {
namespaceName string
notSupportedReason string
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface
newConnectionDisruptionSampler *backenddisruption.BackendSampler
reusedConnectionDisruptionSampler *backenddisruption.BackendSampler

// TODO stop storing this and use clients so we can unit test if we want
adminRESTConfig *rest.Config

func NewAvailabilityInvariant() invariants.InvariantTest {
return &availability{}

func (w *availability) StartCollection(ctx context.Context, adminRESTConfig *rest.Config, recorder monitorapi.RecorderWriter) error {
var err error

w.adminRESTConfig = adminRESTConfig
w.kubeClient, err = kubernetes.NewForConfig(adminRESTConfig)
if err != nil {
return err

actualNamespace, err := w.kubeClient.CoreV1().Namespaces().Create(context.Background(), namespace, metav1.CreateOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
w.namespaceName = actualNamespace.Name

configClient, err := configclient.NewForConfig(adminRESTConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
infra, err := configClient.ConfigV1().Infrastructures().Get(context.Background(), "cluster", metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
// ovirt does not support service type loadbalancer because it doesn't program a cloud.
if infra.Status.PlatformStatus.Type == configv1.OvirtPlatformType || infra.Status.PlatformStatus.Type == configv1.KubevirtPlatformType || infra.Status.PlatformStatus.Type == configv1.LibvirtPlatformType || infra.Status.PlatformStatus.Type == configv1.VSpherePlatformType || infra.Status.PlatformStatus.Type == configv1.BareMetalPlatformType {
w.notSupportedReason = fmt.Sprintf("platform %q is not supported", infra.Status.PlatformStatus.Type)
// single node clusters are not supported because the replication controller has 2 replicas with anti-affinity for running on the same node.
if infra.Status.ControlPlaneTopology == configv1.SingleReplicaTopologyMode {
w.notSupportedReason = fmt.Sprintf("topology %q is not supported", infra.Status.ControlPlaneTopology)
if len(w.notSupportedReason) > 0 {
return nil

serviceName := "service-test"
jig := service.NewTestJig(w.kubeClient, w.namespaceName, serviceName)

fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "creating a TCP service %v with type=LoadBalancer in namespace %v\n", serviceName, w.namespaceName)
tcpService, err := jig.CreateTCPService(ctx, func(s *corev1.Service) {
s.Spec.Type = corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
// ServiceExternalTrafficPolicyTypeCluster performs during disruption, Local does not
s.Spec.ExternalTrafficPolicy = corev1.ServiceExternalTrafficPolicyTypeCluster
if s.Annotations == nil {
s.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
// We tune the LB checks to match the longest intervals available so that interactions between
// upgrading components and the service are more obvious.
// - AWS allows configuration, default is 70s (6 failed with 10s interval in 1.17) set to match GCP
s.Annotations[""] = "8"
s.Annotations[""] = "3"
s.Annotations[""] = "2"
// - Azure is hardcoded to 15s (2 failed with 5s interval in 1.17) and is sufficient
// - GCP has a non-configurable interval of 32s (3 failed health checks with 8s interval in 1.17)
// - thus pods need to stay up for > 32s, so pod shutdown period will will be 45s
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error creating tcp service: %w", err)
tcpService, err = jig.WaitForLoadBalancer(ctx, service.GetServiceLoadBalancerCreationTimeout(ctx, w.kubeClient))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error waiting for load balancer: %w", err)

// Get info to hit it with
tcpIngressIP := service.GetIngressPoint(&tcpService.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0])
svcPort := int(tcpService.Spec.Ports[0].Port)

fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "creating RC to be part of service %v\n", serviceName)
rc, err := jig.Run(ctx, func(rc *corev1.ReplicationController) {
// ensure the pod waits long enough during update for the LB to see the newly ready pod, which
// must be longer than the worst load balancer above (GCP at 32s)
rc.Spec.MinReadySeconds = 33

// use a readiness endpoint that will go not ready before the pod terminates.
// the probe will go false when the sig-term is sent.
rc.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].ReadinessProbe.HTTPGet.Path = "/readyz"

// delay shutdown long enough to go readyz=false before the process exits when the pod is deleted.
// 80 second delay was found to not show disruption in testing
rc.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Args = append(rc.Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[0].Args, "--delay-shutdown=80")

// ensure the pod is not forcibly deleted at 30s, but waits longer than the graceful sleep
minuteAndAHalf := int64(90)
rc.Spec.Template.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds = &minuteAndAHalf

if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error waiting for replicaset: %w", err)

fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "creating a PodDisruptionBudget to cover the ReplicationController\n")
_, err = jig.CreatePDB(ctx, rc)

// Hit it once before considering ourselves ready
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "hitting pods through the service's LoadBalancer\n")
timeout := 10 * time.Minute
// require thirty seconds of passing requests to continue (in case the SLB becomes available and then degrades)
// TODO this seems weird to @deads2k, why is status not trustworthy
baseURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", net.JoinHostPort(tcpIngressIP, strconv.Itoa(svcPort)))
path := "/echo?msg=hello"
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", baseURL, path)
if err := testReachableHTTPWithMinSuccessCount(url, 30, timeout); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not reach %v reliably: %w", url, err)

w.newConnectionDisruptionSampler =

w.reusedConnectionDisruptionSampler =
if err := w.newConnectionDisruptionSampler.StartEndpointMonitoring(ctx, recorder, nil); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.reusedConnectionDisruptionSampler.StartEndpointMonitoring(ctx, recorder, nil); err != nil {
return err

return nil

func (w *availability) CollectData(ctx context.Context, storageDir string, beginning, end time.Time) (monitorapi.Intervals, []*junitapi.JUnitTestCase, error) {
if len(w.notSupportedReason) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil

// when it is time to collect data, we need to stop the collectors. they both have to drain, so stop in parallel
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
go func() {
defer wg.Done()

return nil, nil, nil

func (*availability) ConstructComputedIntervals(ctx context.Context, startingIntervals monitorapi.Intervals, recordedResources monitorapi.ResourcesMap, beginning, end time.Time) (monitorapi.Intervals, error) {
return nil, nil

func createDisruptionJunit(testName string, allowedDisruption *time.Duration, disruptionDetails, locator string, disruptedIntervals monitorapi.Intervals) *junitapi.JUnitTestCase {
// Indicates there is no entry in the query_results.json data file, nor a valid fallback,
// we do not wish to run the test. (this likely implies we do not have the required number of
// runs in 3 weeks to do a reliable P99)
if allowedDisruption == nil {
return &junitapi.JUnitTestCase{
Name: testName,
SkipMessage: &junitapi.SkipMessage{
Message: "No historical data to calculate allowedDisruption",

if *allowedDisruption < 1*time.Second {
t := 1 * time.Second
allowedDisruption = &t
disruptionDetails = "always allow at least one second"

disruptionDuration := disruptedIntervals.Duration(1 * time.Second)
roundedAllowedDisruption := allowedDisruption.Round(time.Second)
roundedDisruptionDuration := disruptionDuration.Round(time.Second)

if roundedDisruptionDuration <= roundedAllowedDisruption {
return &junitapi.JUnitTestCase{
Name: testName,

reason := fmt.Sprintf("%s was unreachable during disruption: %v", locator, disruptionDetails)
describe := disruptedIntervals.Strings()
failureMessage := fmt.Sprintf("%s for at least %s (maxAllowed=%s):\n\n%s", reason, roundedDisruptionDuration, roundedAllowedDisruption, strings.Join(describe, "\n"))

return &junitapi.JUnitTestCase{
Name: testName,
FailureOutput: &junitapi.FailureOutput{
Output: failureMessage,
SystemOut: failureMessage,

func (w *availability) EvaluateTestsFromConstructedIntervals(ctx context.Context, finalIntervals monitorapi.Intervals) ([]*junitapi.JUnitTestCase, error) {
if len(w.notSupportedReason) == 0 {
return nil, nil

junits := []*junitapi.JUnitTestCase{}

// If someone feels motivated to DRY out further, find a way to abstract for ALL disruption. I don't see it yet.
// DO NOT MERGE something that just makes new and reused look the same. That's a waste of time and willmake drift worse.
{ // block to prevent cross-contamination.
newConnectionAllowed, newConnectionDisruptionDetails, err := disruption.HistoricalAllowedDisruption(ctx, w.newConnectionDisruptionSampler, w.adminRESTConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get new allowed disruption: %w", err)
junits = append(junits,
newConnectionTestName, newConnectionAllowed, newConnectionDisruptionDetails, w.newConnectionDisruptionSampler.GetLocator(),

{ // block to prevent cross-contamination
reusedConnectionAllowed, reusedConnectionDisruptionDetails, err := disruption.HistoricalAllowedDisruption(ctx, w.reusedConnectionDisruptionSampler, w.adminRESTConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get reused allowed disruption: %w", err)
junits = append(junits,
reusedConnectionTestName, reusedConnectionAllowed, reusedConnectionDisruptionDetails, w.reusedConnectionDisruptionSampler.GetLocator(),

return junits, nil

func (*availability) WriteContentToStorage(ctx context.Context, storageDir, timeSuffix string, finalIntervals monitorapi.Intervals, finalResourceState monitorapi.ResourcesMap) error {
return nil

func (w *availability) Cleanup(ctx context.Context) error {
if len(w.namespaceName) > 0 {
if err := w.kubeClient.CoreV1().Namespaces().Delete(ctx, w.namespaceName, metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err != nil {
return err
return nil

// testReachableHTTPWithMinSuccessCount tests that the given host serves HTTP on the given port for a minimum of successCount number of
// counts at a given interval. If the service reachability fails, the counter gets reset
func testReachableHTTPWithMinSuccessCount(url string, successCount int, timeout time.Duration) error {
consecutiveSuccessCnt := 0
err := wait.PollImmediate(1*time.Second, timeout, func() (bool, error) {
resp, err := httpGetNoConnectionPoolTimeout(url, 10*time.Second)
if err != nil {
consecutiveSuccessCnt = 0
return false, nil
return consecutiveSuccessCnt >= successCount, nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

// Does an HTTP GET, but does not reuse TCP connections
// This masks problems where the iptables rule has changed, but we don't see it
func httpGetNoConnectionPoolTimeout(url string, timeout time.Duration) (*http.Response, error) {
tr := utilnet.SetTransportDefaults(&http.Transport{
DisableKeepAlives: true,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
client := &http.Client{
Transport: tr,
Timeout: timeout,

return client.Get(url)
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions pkg/invariants/availability_service_loadbalancer/namespace.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
generateName: e2e-service-lb-test-
labels: privileged privileged privileged
# we must update our namespace to bypass SCC so that we can avoid default mutation of our pod and SCC evaluation.
# technically we could also choose to bind an SCC, but I don't see a lot of value in doing that and we have to wait
# for a secondary cache to fill to reflect that. If we miss that cache filling, we'll get assigned a restricted on
# and fail. "true"
# don't let the PSA labeller mess with our namespace. "false"
annotations: management

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