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Add PTR records for platform=none
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jrvaldes authored and openshift-cherrypick-robot committed Mar 3, 2022
1 parent 2c4b153 commit 387fb46
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Showing 2 changed files with 131 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions docs/vsphere_ci/platform-none/
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Adding PTR records for platform=none CI clusters in vSphere

WMCO's CSRs approver requires reverse DNS lookup for each Windows instance that
joins the cluster as a Windows worker. For CI clusters with platform-agnostic
infrastructure (platform=none) a fixed lease pool is configured to ensure
reverse DNS lookup is possible.

The []( script creates the reverse
DNS lookup by creating PTR records for each IP address available in the selected

Before running the []( script, ensure
AWS CLI is properly configured with AWS credentials and region for
`openshift-vmware-cloud-ci` account, for example:
# configures AWS CLI
export AWS_PROFILE="openshift-vmware-cloud-ci"
export AWS_REGION="us-west-2"

# run script
where `openshift-vmware-cloud-ci` is the name of profile that contains the
credentials, and `us-west-2` is the region where the resources were provisioned.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions docs/vsphere_ci/platform-none/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@

# - Create PTR records in AWS Route53 for vSphere CI.
# For platform=none clusters the following ci-segments are reserved:
# - ci-segment-56
# - ci-segment-57
# - ci-segment-58
# - ci-segment-59
# each segment sits on a `/27` subnet (`192.168.x.1/27`) with DHCP range from
# `192.168.x.10` to `192.168.x.30`, where `x` accounts for the third octet and
# matches the number of the ci-segment, from 56 to 59 inclusive. DNS is provided
# by the VPC with server IP ``.
# aws to fetch VPC information and create hosted zone with record sets

# name of the VPC cloud formation stack

# ci-segments for platform=none in vSphere
CI_SEGMENTS=(56 57 58 59)

# start and end IP addresses of the subnet

# createJSONRecordSets creates the JSON batch file with the PTR record sets
# for the given IP range.
function createJSONRecordSets () {
batch_file=$1; third_octet=$2
# init change_batch.json file content
cat <<EOF > ${batch_file}
"Comment": "PTR records for ci-segment-${third_octet}",
"Changes": [
# loop ip range
for ip in $(seq $SUBNET_START $SUBNET_END); do
# append record set
cat <<EOF >> ${batch_file}
"Action": "CREATE",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"Name": "${ip}.${third_octet}",
"Type": "PTR",
"TTL": 172800,
"ResourceRecords": [
"Value": "192.168.${third_octet}.${ip}"
}$([[ $ip = $SUBNET_END ]] && echo "" || echo ",")
cat <<EOF >> ${batch_file}

# find the VPC ID
VPC_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--region $AWS_REGION \
--stack-name $VSPHERE_VPC_STACK_NAME \
| jq -r '.Stacks[0].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey | contains("VpcId")).OutputValue') || {
echo "Error getting vSphere VPC ID"
exit 1

# create temp file for batch data

# loop ci-segments
for third_octet in "${CI_SEGMENTS[@]}"; do
echo "Processing ci-segment-$third_octet"
echo "Creating private hosted zone associate to VPC $AWS_REGION/$VPC_ID"
hosted_zone_id=$(aws route53 create-hosted-zone \
--name "${third_octet}" \
--hosted-zone-config PrivateZone=true,Comment="Hosted zone for VMC ci-segment-${third_octet}" \
--caller-reference "$(uuidgen)" \
--vpc VPCRegion="$AWS_REGION",VPCId="$VPC_ID" | jq -r '.HostedZone.Id') || {
echo "Error creating hosted zone for ci-segment-${third_octet}"
exit 1
echo "Created hosted zone $hosted_zone_id for ci-segment-${third_octet}"

echo "Creating PTR record sets batch file for ci-segment-${third_octet}"
createJSONRecordSets "${batch_file}" "${third_octet}"

echo "Adding PTR record sets to hosted zone ${hosted_zone_id}"
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
--hosted-zone-id "${hosted_zone_id}" \
--change-batch file://"${batch_file}" || {
echo "Error creating PTR record sets for hosted zone ${hosted_zone_id} from batch file ${batch_file}"
exit 1

# cleanup
rm -f "${batch_file}"

# success
exit 0

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