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Flashing for BK7231T

UART (Windows only)

get BKwriter v1.60 exe (extract zip)

Use USB to TTL converter with 3.3V logic levels, like HW 597 Power the BK module from a reliable 3.3V source, remember to connect ground as well, it is also possible to use onboard 3.3V LDO (usually AMS1117) connect the PC to TX1 and RX1 on the bk7231 (TX2 and RX2 are optional, only for log)

start flash in BKwriter 1.60 (select COM port, etc) then re-power the device (or reset with CEN by temporary connecting CEN to ground) until the flashing program continues, repeat if required.

UART (multiplatform method, Python required)

clone the repo

Use USB to TTL converter with 3.3V logic levels, like HW 597 Power the BK module from a reliable 3.3V source, remember to connect ground as well, it is also possible to use onboard 3.3V LDO (usually AMS1117) connect the PC to TX1 and RX1 on the bk7231 (TX2 and RX2 are optional, only for log)

start flash using: python uartprogram <sdk folder>\apps\<folder>\output\1.0.0\<appname>_UA_<appversion>.bin -d <port> -w then re-power the device (or reset with CEN temporary connecting CEN to ground) until the flashing program continues, repeat if required.

e.g. python uartprogram C:\DataNoBackup\tuya\tuya-iotos-embeded-sdk-wifi-ble-bk7231t\apps\my_alpha_demo\output\1.0.0\my_alpha_demo_UA_1.0.0.bin -d com4 -w




Once the firmware has been flashed for the first time, it can be flashed over wifi (note: change hardcoded firmware URL in new_http.c)

Setup a simple webserver to serve <sdk folder>\apps\<folder>\output\1.0.0\<appname>_<appversion>.rbl

Visit /ota - here start the flashing process.


If your devices is supported, tuya-cloudcutter can be used to flash OpenBeken without opening the device!

see tuya-cloudcutter flashing

First run

At first boot, if the new firmware does not find your wifi SSID and password in the Tuya flash, it will start as an access point.

The access point will come up on, however some machines may not get an ip from it - you may need to configure your connecting for a staitc IP on that network, e.g.

Once you are connected and have an IP, go to , select config then wifi, and setup your wifi.

After a reboot, the device should connect to your lan.