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.. index:: advanced, proxy

Advanced proxy handling


Before reading this section make sure you have already understood :ref:`agents_and_proxies`.

.. index:: proxy

Understanding proxies better

When an agent is run, there is one thread executing the method :any:``, which simply listens forever for incoming messages to process them. At the same time, the :class:`Agent <osbrain.agent.Agent>` object is served so it can be accessed through proxies.

In order to prevent concurrent access to the agent, proxy calls are by default serialized and sent to the main thread to be executed there. This way we avoid any concurrent access to memory (only the main thread will make changes to the agent).

However, the user has control and can change that default behavior.


The user can decide to change the default behavior and make unsafe calls. However, they should be aware of the possible risks they may bring. If not carefully selected, unsafe calls can lead to undefined behavior and hard-to-debug problems.

.. index:: proxy, unsafe

Executing unsafe calls

You can change the default behavior and make unsafe calls, which means the method call will be executed on another thread separate from the main thread. In order to do so, the :class:`Proxy <osbrain.proxy.Proxy>` provides us with access to the safe and unsafe attributes, which allows us to force safe or unsafe calls for single remote method calls:

agent = run_agent('test')

agent.unsafe.method_call()  # This forces an unsafe method_call()  # This forces a safe method_call()

agent.method_call()  # This is a default (safe) method_call() again

The :class:`Proxy <osbrain.proxy.Proxy>` behavior can also be changed on a per-proxy basis, either when executing the :any:`run_agent <agent.run_agent>` function:

agent = run_agent('test', safe=False)

agent.method_call()  # This is now by default an unsafe method_call()

Or when creating a new :class:`Proxy <osbrain.proxy.Proxy>` to the agent:

agent = Proxy('a0', safe=False)

agent.method_call()  # This is now by default an unsafe method_call()


It is also possible, although totally inadvisable, to change the default proxy behavior globally. Setting the OSBRAIN_DEFAULT_SAFE environment variable to false would result in all proxies making unsafe calls by default. Another option is to change the osbrain.config['SAFE'] configuration variable.

.. index:: proxy, oneway, concurrent

Executing one-way, unsafe calls

In some situations, you might want to execute unsafe calls in parallel without waiting for any return. In that case, you can make use of the oneway proxy attribute:


This method call will return immediately, and the code will be executed in the remote agent concurrently with the main thread and any other unsafe or one-way calls.


Do note that oneway calls are actually executed in a separate thread, which means they behave like unsafe calls. If not used with care, this concurrency may result in unexpected hard-to-debug behavior.