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Preliminary work on MVD parser/converter/checker
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aothms committed Mar 4, 2019
0 parents commit d7345e6
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208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
import sys
import mvdxml_expression

from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Element

import sparql

class rule(object):
A class for representing an mvdXML EntityRule or AttributeRule

def __init__(self, tag, attribute, nodes, bind=None, optional=False):
self.tag, self.attribute, self.nodes, self.bind = tag, attribute, nodes, bind
self.optional = optional

def to_string(self, indent=0):
return "%s%s%s[%s](%s%s)%s" % ("\n" if indent else "", " "*indent, self.tag, self.attribute, "".join(n.to_string(indent+2) for n in self.nodes), ("\n" + " "*indent) if len(self.nodes) else "", (" -> %s" % self.bind) if self.bind else "")

def __repr__(self):
return self.to_string()

class template(object):
Representation of an mvdXML template

def __init__(self, concept, root, params=None, rules=None):
self.concept, self.root, self.params = concept, root, params
self.rules = rules or []
self.entity = str(root.attributes['applicableEntity'].value) = root.attributes['name'].value

def bind(self, params):
return template(self.concept, self.root, params, self.rules)

def parse(self):
for rules in self.root.childNodes:
if not isinstance(rules, Element): continue

for r in rules.childNodes:
if not isinstance(r, Element): continue

def traverse(self, fn, root=None, with_parents=False):
def _(n, p=root, ps=[root]):
if with_parents:
close = fn(rule=n, parents=ps)
close = fn(rule=n, parent=p)

for s in n.nodes:
_(s, n, ps + [n])

if close:

for r in self.rules:

def parse_rule(self, root):
def visit(node, prefix=""):
r = None
n = node
nm = None
p = prefix

if node.tagName == "AttributeRule":
r = node.attributes["AttributeName"].value
nm = node.attributes["RuleID"].value
# without binding, it's wrapped in a SPARQL OPTIONAL {} clause
# Aim is to insert this clause once as high in the stack as possible
# All topmost attribute rules are optional anyway as in the binding requirements on existence is specified

def child_has_ruleid_or_prefix(node):
if type(node).__name__ == "Element":
if "RuleID" in node.attributes or "IdPrefix" in node.attributes:
return True
for n in node.childNodes:
if child_has_ruleid_or_prefix(n): return True

optional = node.parentNode.tagName == "Rules" or not child_has_ruleid_or_prefix(node)
elif node.tagName == "EntityRule":
r = node.attributes["EntityName"].value
elif node.tagName == "References":
ref = node.getElementsByTagName("Template")[0].attributes['ref'].value
n = self.concept.template(ref).root
try: p = p + node.attributes["IdPrefix"].value
except: pass

def _(n):
for subnode in n.childNodes:
if not isinstance(subnode, Element): continue
for x in visit(subnode, p): yield x

if r:
yield rule(node.tagName, r, list(_(n)), (p + nm) if nm else nm, optional=optional)
for subnode in n.childNodes:
if not isinstance(subnode, Element): continue
for x in visit(subnode, p): yield x

return list(visit(root))[0]

class concept_or_applicability(object):
Representation of either a mvdXML Concept or the Applicability node. Basically a structure
for the hierarchical TemplateRule

def __init__(self, root, c):
self.root = root
self.concept_node = c
try: = c.attributes["name"].value
# probably applicability and not concept = "Applicability"

def template(self, id = None):
if id is None:
id = self.concept_node.getElementsByTagName("Template")[0].attributes['ref'].value

for node in self.root.dom.getElementsByTagName("ConceptTemplate"):
if node.attributes["uuid"].value == id:
t = template(self, node)
t_with_rules = t.bind(self.rules())
return t_with_rules

def rules(self):
# Get the top most TemplateRule and traverse
rules = self.concept_node.getElementsByTagName("TemplateRules")[0]

def visit(rules):
def _():
for i, r in enumerate([c for c in rules.childNodes if isinstance(c, Element)]):
if i:
yield rules.attributes["operator"].value
if r.tagName == "TemplateRules":
yield visit(r)
elif r.tagName == "TemplateRule":
yield mvdxml_expression.parse(r.attributes["Parameters"].value)
raise Exception()

return list(_())

return visit(rules)

class concept_root(object):
def __init__(self, dom, root):
self.dom, self.root = dom, root = root.attributes['name'].value
self.entity = str(root.attributes['applicableRootEntity'].value)

def applicability(self):
return concept_or_applicability(self, self.root.getElementsByTagName("Applicability")[0])

def concepts(self):
for c in self.root.getElementsByTagName("Concept"):
yield concept_or_applicability(self, c)

def parse(fn):
dom = parse(fn)
root = dom.getElementsByTagName("ConceptRoot")[0]
CR = concept_root(dom, root)
return CR
root = dom.getElementsByTagName("ConceptTemplate")[0]
t = template(None, root)
return t

if __name__ == "__main__":

if len(sys.argv) == 3:
ttlfn, mvdfn = sys.argv[1:]
ttlfn = sparql.infer_subtypes(ttlfn)
MVD = concept_root.parse(mvdfn), mvdfn, ttlfn)

mvdfn = sys.argv[1]
MVD = concept_root.parse(mvdfn)

def dump(rule, parents):
print(" " * len(parents), rule.tag, rule.attribute)

for c in MVD.concepts():

t = c.template()
print("RootEntity", t.entity)
t.traverse(dump, with_parents=True)
print(" ".join(map(str, t.params)))

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import pyparsing as pp

class node(object):
def __init__(self, args):
assert (args[1], args[3], args[4]) == ('[', ']', '=')
self.a, self.b, self.c = args[0], args[2], args[5]
def __repr__(self): return "{%s[%s]=%s}" % (self.a, self.b, self.c)

word = pp.Word(pp.alphanums+"_")
quoted = pp.Combine("'" + word + "'")
bool_value = pp.CaselessLiteral("TRUE") | pp.CaselessLiteral("FALSE")
rhs = quoted | bool_value
stmt = (word + "[" + word + "]" + "=" + rhs).setParseAction(node)
bool_op = pp.CaselessLiteral("AND") | pp.CaselessLiteral("OR")
grammar = stmt + pp.Optional(pp.OneOrMore(bool_op + stmt))

def parse(expr):
return grammar.parseString(expr)

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