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OSPOS development index

PICCORO Lenz McKAY edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 33 revisions

OSPOS is an open source application as evolution of PHP Point Of Sale, when it used to be Open Source before becoming a commercial application. Since that time the two applications diverged OSPOS evolved in a robust application thanks to active contributors, that small shops can use.

We hope you already read the README before coming here, that should give you already a good hint of what this software is about using MySQL DBMS as data backend and Apache2 as WEBSERVER render frontend.

Tech: Installation

The installation will depend also of the kind of deployment, can be at the cloud, docker instance or locally server by own. Also can be using a unofficial software that perform similar to those officially supported.


Due OSPOS its a web based software, cons of two parts, a client rendering side and a server side. So there's two kinds of requirements, those at the client browsing usage and those at the server runtime.

Client side requirements

The hardware where OSPOS will be consume an use it by employee, could be any that runs Firefox or any modern web browser, theres the officially tested supported web browsers requirements:

name minimal version observations
firefox 34 (ESR) Recommended and officially supported
palemoon 25 Performs well as firefox does
chromiun 40 not recomended
chrome 40 not recomended
safary ? not supported, seems work
opera ? not supported, seems work
midory ? not supported, does not performs well
qupzilla/razen ? not supported, does not work

Server side requirements

The hardware where OSPOS will run and serve to client side, could be any that runs php, mysql and the webserver. Inclusively can run on Androit or RasberryPi hardware.

name software/hardware minimal version recomended observations
webserver Apache2 2.2.12 2.4 Only apache2 are officially supported
database MySQL or MariaDB 5.5 5.6 / 10.0.1 Only MySQL related DBMS are compatible such Percona Server also works
websoftware PHP 5.6 7.0 Need sockets, mycrypt/openssl, curl and mysql modules actived.
Machine PC/MAC/RasberryPi/Daruma year of 2010 year of 2012 Recent hardware with enought RAM and fast storage

1 - Officially supported:

Currently only Apache & MySql/MariaDB see this wiki

2 - Unofficially or unsupported

Can run inclusive better, but currently there's some issues on this.

For lighttpd and MAriaDB:

For Nginx/ & MySql/MariaDB:

3 - Deploy for/to Development:

Some users reports that can install and run in others not supported or that fit enough quality to deploy:

Tech: Architecture

This software is about using MySQL DBMS as data backend and (for now) Apache2 as WEBSERVER render frontend. So not so importat, your should be enought knowledge about enabling, activate and manage those software.

OSPOS is a project code based on CodeIgniter, so a good starting point to understand the architecture of the software is to read a Codeigniter tutorial (

Among Codeigniter, also has usage of some other web software technologies such like JQuery and Bootstrap, the Development Environment wiki (click here) has some related info of how to start the different parts of the software needs.

Now with development environment in tune, start to code understanding the architecture workflow (following the info) and the database (below there some info), and also some coding tips about both.

1 - Architecture workflow

The code makes use of the architecture pattern called Model-View-Controller (MVC) complete managed by the Codeigniter framework as explained, and from now CI for short. Therefore it's important that you get accustomed to dir names like controllers, models, views and what they are about.

Take a reading of CI workflow MVC at, on top of the MVC concept CodeIgniter uses the URL to point to Class/Functions and it uses a routing table to facilitate navigation through the views and according to the URL path.

The OSPOS has some little modifications: firts autoload the models, then excecute the hooks, and later loads class and/or controllers, that implicts that first load config model and later the hooks that tracks and checks session and routing so the configuration instance are available for all the environment.

About models

All the models are autoloading, the order are in the autoload config file, the Appconfig model are the firts. The Employee and Reports models are also importans, due are parents of others. Not all the models consult the DB, the enums/Routing model are a pure class.

About controllers

So in fact, after reading controllers in CI there's two important controllers in OSPOS mvc:

  • the Secure_controller that check employee/session and defines methods to implements in others controllers
  • the Login controller that by using callback perform username so then password check to log in to application

Each controller has their own view directory.

About hooks

So in fact, after reading hooks in CI, there's fourth hooks in the OSPOS:

  • a loading config so the configuration setting are available to developer as CI config array part
  • a loading statics so always will try to send data to net no care if user disable it.
  • a db logging facility, if enabled from config file, will try to log all the sql querys.
  • a env dot file, from application config, if foud a .env filename for docker installation devel.

The statictics are mandatory at first login, if those are not calculated respect the running session, the application check will not pass and the shadow disabling will happened.

2 - How to start Develop

In order to start to develop first must understand how to use a git workflow, then how to work a server-client web software (take care of the request and response concepts) and the read the specific Development Environment documentation (click here) for.

So then you will need:

  1. Install git, npm, bower, composer, apache, mysql, php and a web browser with good debugging tool.
  2. Understand the web client-server concepts of request and response
  3. Understand the Codeigniter applications framework at
  4. Clone the repository and ....
  5. the Development Environment documentation to start the git repo cloned.
  6. Start to coding with the [Development coding tips and help](#development code tips and help)

IF you don want to do that can try a local installation deploy and sync with git only the changes.

4 - Database Design and important tables:


Development code tips and help

Some important information to start coding and make usefully changes in the project:

About the Secure Controller and Controllers

The Secure_Controller loads the Employee model, verify the login in in database and not in session object.

All the controller/calls to modules has preloaded and extends from Secure_Controller so after that the module access are checked and each module represents a controller.

Get information about current user: the employee

The Secure_Controller loads the Employee model and all the controller/calls to modules has preloaded that, so to get info from current user (a employee loged in) are so simple as:

$employee_object = $this->Employee->get_logged_in_employee_info();

By example to get the current employee id are incorrect take from the session object, the correct way its:

$employee_id = $this->Employee->get_logged_in_employee_info()->person_id;

To cheap memory it's recommended:

$employee = $this->Employee->get_logged_in_employee_info();
$employee_id = $employee->person_id;

to avoid multiple object call and work in pure ram.

Using a predefined loaded object and used in new function

Lest take a defined function/member and will use it, as example the change_password in Home controller, remember that we have already a instance of the Employee model (the user) thanks to Secure_Controller and all the controllers will extends that controller, so we will get info of the user and defined that funtion and sanitize values before load in a modal dialog form:

    /* **
    Loads required and permit the change password form in popup or normal, depends of how are invoqued
    public function change_password($employee_id = -1)
        $person_info = $this->Employee->get_info($employee_id);		// obtain and retrieve current user info
        foreach(get_object_vars($person_info) as $property => $value)	// parse each propiety of the information
            $person_info->$property = $this->xss_clean($value);		// each input will be sanitized due security
        $data['person_info'] = $person_info;				// refill that information now secured
        $this->load->view('employees/form_change_password', $data);	// load a form and parse the information

How to invokes that function with anchor as a modal dialog and what will have it

This fuction/member change_password was called in home or employee controllers with a especial CSS class, that makes the load of the form html a modal dialog, lest see :

echo anchor('home/change_password/'.$user_info->person_id, $user_info->first_name, array('class' => 'modal-dlg', 'data-btn-submit' => 'Submit', 'title' => 'Password'));

The function change_password was defined at home controller, then the anchor will raise a modal dialog css with the following features:

  • links point to the home/change_pasword/<id>
  • where <id> will be $user_info->person_id from vars parsed in controller
  • the link anchor will have the text Jhon extracted from $user_info->first_name from vars parsed
  • the anchor have extra definitions parsed as array:
  • the class named modal-dlg are defined so when click not will redirected, event will popup as dialog
  • the second extra definition indicates that this dialog will have a "submit" button named "Submit"
  • the last extra definition indicates a title for the modal dialog

Take in consideration as example if you change the class name the form loading will not be as a dialog, will load as new page.

Always use translations event hardcoded strings

It's important that always used the languaje translation functions, as example event put "Password" as a tittle, the correect way its: $this->lang->line('employees_change_password') so the code wil look as:

echo anchor('home/change_password/'.$user_info->person_id, $user_info->first_name, array('class' => 'modal-dlg', 'data-btn-submit' => $this->lang->line('employees_save'), 'title' => $this->lang->line('employees_change_password')));
  1. That employees_change_password and employees_save strings are defined in a php array named lang (that's why -> lang access), of the file in application/languaje directory, the file will be named always <controllername>_lang.php in this case its: employees_lang.php.
  2. Each file are inside a directory with the languaje code , as example for Spanish the directory its es so the file are in application/languaje/es/employees_lang.php and the string ARE part of the lang array.
  3. So in conclusion you must use the lang strings defined here for each frontend message string to the user. Of course only predefined strings, pleas follow this document to lear about manage lang strings.

How to make translations and manage lang strings

Add translations using Weblate (post 3.0.0), find our Weblate website here: and sign up to help translating this fine application. After registering you can subscribe to different languages and you will be notified once a new translation is added. The web interface are very "un-flexible" but very user-friendly.

For current strings, the web interface will present all the defined lang strings as inputs to translated to each defined languaje, each defined languaje are a directoy inside application/languaje.

For new strings, must be using git pull resquest workflow, must be added to corresponding lang array in respective php file agains the controller name, by example a string for employees controller must be added to the <codelang>/employeees_lang.php where <codelang are *each directory languaje.

Yes, you must added the new string lang to all the directory languajes in all respective controller file.

Set and Get a config item


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