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Steve Ireland edited this page Feb 10, 2017 · 25 revisions

1. Sales Features

2. Definitions/Structure


Not yet included in the entity diagram is the following field which was added to both the sales_items table and the sales_suspended~items table. The field is print_option. The values are ..

  • 0 - Include sales item in list of items when printing invoice and receipt
  • 1 - If the price is zero then exclude the sales item from being included in the receipt and invoice detail.
  • 2 - Always exclude the sales item from being included in the receipt and invoice detail.

3. Rules of Operation


  • At the point of sale all stock items are checked to see if there is sufficient quantity on hand to satisfy the sale. If the Item Type is set to non-stock then the validation will not take place.

Invoice Print


Quote documents are not yet supported. They are documented here to solicit feedback. Issue #352 is the basis for the majority of design specs documented here.

Invoices can currently be printed by checking the "Print Invoice" checkbox during Sales entry. However this option is currently only available when the sale is complete and payment in full is complete.

With Invoice selected the check box labeled "Create Invoice" will be selected and a button labeled "Invoice" will be available (between "Suspend" and "Cancel"). At any point the user can click on the Invoice button which will complete the sale and print the invoice. The addition information that is usually available only when payment is complete will be available for use. When the Invoice button is pressed the sale will be completed and the invoice document will be will "Complete" the sale as an Invoice sale instead of a Receipt sale.

With Quote selected the check box labeled "Create Invoice" will not be selected and the middle button will be labeled "Quote" instead of "Invoice". (If the user wants to bypass creating a Quote and go directly to creating an Invoice then the user only needs to select the "Create Invoice" button.) After entering the sale when the user presses the "Quote" button the sale will be suspended and a quote document will be printed.

Even with "Invoice" or "Quote" selected the standard "Receipt" behavior is achieved by pressing on the "Complete" button which is still available.

4. Configuration


Enable Invoicing - If checked then the option for printing invoices instead of a receipt at the completion of a sale will be available.

Default Register Mode - [PROPOSED] When the user returns to the Register the register will default to one of the following modes.

  • Sale - When the sale is complete and payment received in full then a sales receipt will be printed.
  • Sale by Invoice - When the sales is complete, regardless of the amount paid, an invoice will be printed.
  • Quote - This is used to prepare a quote document. When completed the sales transaction derived from the quoate is suspended and can be unsuspended and process either as a "Sale" or a "Sale by Invoice".

Sales Invoice Format - This is how the invoice number will be formatted when it is assigned. There are three codes that you can provide that will be translated to a particular value. Normally only one is used.

  • $CO or {CO:9} - This will be replaced with the number of sales records that have an invoice number.
  • $YCO or {YCO:9} - This will be replaced with the number of sales records.
  • $SCO or {SCO:9} - This is a count of the number of suspended sales records with an invoice number.
  • {ISEQ:9} - [Proposed] This will use the "Last invoice number used" configuration value to build the invoice when the sale is complete. When the sale is complete the value is incremented and replaces {ISEQ}. If the invoice number should be a fixed number of digits then the number of digits to use can be indicated using the following format {ISEQ:9} with the single numeric digit after the colon representing the number of digits that should be returned. It can be up to 9 digits long with 0 indicating that the number should be as long as necessary to hold the full value and {xxx:0} and {xxx} will be treated the same.
  • %m - The two digit year from the date of sale replaces the value %m. In fact, there are numerous "%" tokens that are based on current system date and time. They are listed a

For example, If the value "INV-%m{ISEQ:6}" will render the invoice number INV-17000032 if prior to generation the value of the last invoice number used is 31 and the year of the sale is 2017.

Invoice Email Template

Invoice Comment - This is the text of a comment that will be automatically added to every invoice that is generated.

Sequence of Invoice Lines - The line items on invoice can be printed in four sequences. The ability to control this is configured at a global level. The options are

  • Entry - This will list the items in the sequence in which they were entered. The first item entered will be listed first. This is the default.
  • Group by Type - This will group the items by stock type. Non-stock items will be listed first followed by stock items. Within each group the items will be sorted by name or alternate description.
  • Group by Category - This will group the items by category. The categories will be listed by category name. Within a category the items will be sorted by name or alternate description.

Last used invoice number - [Proposed] This will contain the last number used to build an invoice number where the {ISEQ:9} is part of the format.

Sales Quote Format - This is how the quote number will be formatted when it is assigned. There following codes can be used to assign a particular value. Normally only one is used but they can be combined.

  • $CO or {CO:9} - This will be replaced with the number of sales records that have an invoice number.
  • $YCO or {YCO:9} - This will be replaced with the number of sales records.
  • $SCO or {SCO:9} - This is a count of the number of suspended sales records with an invoice number.
  • {QSEQ:9} - [Proposed] This will use the "Last quote number used" configuration value to build the invoice when the sale is complete. When the sale is complete the value is incremented and replaces {QSEQ:9}. If the quote number should be a fixed number of digits then the number of digits to use can be indicated using the following format {QSEQ:0} with the number of zeros between the brackets indicating how long the number should be. It can be up to 9 digits long with 0 indicating that the number should be as long as necessary to hold the full value and {xxx:0} and {xxx} will be treated the same.
  • %m - The two digit year from the date of sale replaces the value %m. In fact, there are numerous "%" tokens that are based on current system date and time. They are listed a

For example, If the value "Q%m{QSEQ:6}" will render the quote number Q17000032 if prior to generation the value of the last invoice number used is 31 and the year of the sale is 2017.

Last used quote number - [Proposed] This will contain the last number used to build a quote number where {QSEQ:9} is part of the format.

This is work in progress. Feedback is always appreciated.

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