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scheduler: Flatten 'ResourceRequest.from_extra_specs', 'from_image_pr…
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The 'ResourceRequest' object sources information from three different
attributes of an instance: the instance's image metadata properties,
the instance's flavor, this flavor's extra specs. It's possible for a
user to override resources requested via the flavor using flavor extra
specs (e.g. using the 'resources:VCPU=N' extra spec), and it's possible
to override traits requested via the flavor extra specs using image
metadata (e.g. using the 'traits_required=foo' metadata property). This
means there's an implicit hierarchy present:

- Traits: image metadata > flavor extra specs
- Resources: flavor extra specs > flavor

Previously, we pulled information from the flavor extra specs and image
metadata using two classmethods, 'from_extra_specs' and
'from_image_props', but this required a lot of glue code in between to
ensure this hierarchy was maintained. Stop doing this, preferring to
centralize everything in one location. This results in fewer LoC and a
more grokable implementation, and will make things much easier when we
start handling 'PCPU's here.

Part of blueprint cpu-resources

Change-Id: Ic0e6bc47b79711b38b2d4dabaeb5ae1dbaf2b18a
Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
  • Loading branch information
stephenfin committed Aug 27, 2019
1 parent 912a46c commit 7abe83f
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283 changes: 112 additions & 171 deletions nova/scheduler/
Expand Up @@ -54,17 +54,108 @@ class ResourceRequest(object):
XS_KEYPAT = re.compile(r"^(%s)([1-9][0-9]*)?:(.*)$" %

def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, request_spec):
"""Create a new instance of ResourceRequest from a RequestSpec.
Examines the flavor, flavor extra specs, and (optional) image metadata
of the provided ``request_spec``.
For extra specs, items of the following form are examined:
- ``resources:$RESOURCE_CLASS``: $AMOUNT
- ``resources$N:$RESOURCE_CLASS``: $AMOUNT
- ``trait:$TRAIT_NAME``: "required"
- ``trait$N:$TRAIT_NAME``: "required"
.. note::
This does *not* yet handle ``member_of[$N]``.
For image metadata, traits are extracted from the ``traits_required``
property, if present.
For the flavor, ``VCPU``, ``MEMORY_MB`` and ``DISK_GB`` are calculated
from Flavor properties, though these are only used if they aren't
overridden by flavor extra specs.
:param request_spec: An instance of ``objects.RequestSpec``.
# { ident: RequestGroup }
self._rg_by_id = {}
self._group_policy = None
# Default to the configured limit but _limit can be
# set to None to indicate "no limit".
self._limit = CONF.scheduler.max_placement_results

def __str__(self):
return ', '.join(sorted(
list(str(rg) for rg in list(self._rg_by_id.values()))))
# TODO(efried): Handle member_of[$N], which will need to be reconciled
# with destination.aggregates handling in resources_from_request_spec

# Parse the flavor extra specs

self.numbered_groups_from_flavor = self.get_num_of_numbered_groups()

# Now parse the (optional) image metadata
image = request_spec.image if 'image' in request_spec else None

# Finally, parse the flavor itself, though we'll only use these fields
# if they don't conflict with something already provided by the flavor
# extra specs. These are all added to the unnumbered request group.
merged_resources = self.merged_resources()

if orc.VCPU not in merged_resources:
self._add_resource(None, orc.VCPU, request_spec.vcpus)

if orc.MEMORY_MB not in merged_resources:
self._add_resource(None, orc.MEMORY_MB, request_spec.memory_mb)

if orc.DISK_GB not in merged_resources:
disk = request_spec.ephemeral_gb
disk += compute_utils.convert_mb_to_ceil_gb(request_spec.swap)
if 'is_bfv' not in request_spec or not request_spec.is_bfv:
disk += request_spec.root_gb

if disk:
self._add_resource(None, orc.DISK_GB, disk)


def _process_extra_specs(self, flavor):
if 'extra_specs' not in flavor:

for key, val in flavor.extra_specs.items():
if key == 'group_policy':

match = self.XS_KEYPAT.match(key)
if not match:

# 'prefix' is 'resources' or 'trait'
# 'suffix' is $N or None
# 'name' is either the resource class name or the trait name.
prefix, suffix, name = match.groups()

# Process "resources[$N]"
if prefix == self.XS_RES_PREFIX:
self._add_resource(suffix, name, val)

# Process "trait[$N]"
elif prefix == self.XS_TRAIT_PREFIX:
self._add_trait(suffix, name, val)

def _process_image_meta(self, image):
if not image or 'properties' not in image:

for trait in'traits_required', []):
# required traits from the image are always added to the
# unnumbered request group, granular request groups are not
# supported in image traits
self._add_trait(None, trait, "required")

def group_policy(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,81 +231,6 @@ def _add_group_policy(self, policy):
self._group_policy = policy

def from_extra_specs(cls, extra_specs, req=None):
"""Processes resources and traits in numbered groupings in extra_specs.
Examines extra_specs for items of the following forms:
"trait:$TRAIT_NAME": "required"
"trait$N:$TRAIT_NAME": "required"
Does *not* yet handle member_of[$N].
:param extra_specs: The flavor extra_specs dict.
:param req: the ResourceRequest object to add the requirements to or
None to create a new ResourceRequest
:return: A ResourceRequest object representing the resources and
required traits in the extra_specs.
# TODO(efried): Handle member_of[$N], which will need to be reconciled
# with destination.aggregates handling in resources_from_request_spec

if req is not None:
ret = req
ret = cls()

for key, val in extra_specs.items():
if key == 'group_policy':

match = cls.XS_KEYPAT.match(key)
if not match:

# 'prefix' is 'resources' or 'trait'
# 'suffix' is $N or None
# 'name' is either the resource class name or the trait name.
prefix, suffix, name = match.groups()

# Process "resources[$N]"
if prefix == cls.XS_RES_PREFIX:
ret._add_resource(suffix, name, val)

# Process "trait[$N]"
elif prefix == cls.XS_TRAIT_PREFIX:
ret._add_trait(suffix, name, val)

return ret

def from_image_props(cls, image_meta_props, req=None):
"""Processes image properties and adds trait requirements to the
:param image_meta_props: The ImageMetaProps object.
:param req: the ResourceRequest object to add the requirements to or
None to create a new ResourceRequest
:return: A ResourceRequest object representing the required traits on
the image.
if req is not None:
ret = req
ret = cls()

if 'traits_required' in image_meta_props:
for trait in image_meta_props.traits_required:
# required traits from the image are always added to the
# unnumbered request group, granular request groups are not
# supported in image traits
ret._add_trait(None, trait, "required")

return ret

def resource_groups(self):
for rg in self._rg_by_id.values():
yield rg.resources
Expand All @@ -223,33 +239,18 @@ def get_num_of_numbered_groups(self):
return len([ident for ident in self._rg_by_id.keys()
if ident is not None])

def merged_resources(self, flavor_resources=None):
def merged_resources(self):
"""Returns a merge of {resource_class: amount} for all resource groups.
Amounts of the same resource class from different groups are added
:param flavor_resources: A flat dict of {resource_class: amount}. If
specified, the resources therein are folded
into the return dict, such that any resource
in flavor_resources is included only if that
resource class does not exist elsewhere in the
merged ResourceRequest.
:return: A dict of the form {resource_class: amount}
ret = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for resource_dict in self.resource_groups():
for resource_class, amount in resource_dict.items():
ret[resource_class] += amount
if flavor_resources:
for resource_class, amount in flavor_resources.items():
# If it's in there - even if zero - ignore the one from the
# flavor.
if resource_class not in ret:
ret[resource_class] = amount
# Now strip zeros. This has to be done after the above - we can't
# use strip_zeros :(
ret = {rc: amt for rc, amt in ret.items() if amt}
return dict(ret)

def _clean_empties(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,6 +330,10 @@ def all_required_traits(self):
traits = traits.union(rr.required_traits)
return traits

def __str__(self):
return ', '.join(sorted(
list(str(rg) for rg in list(self._rg_by_id.values()))))

def build_request_spec(image, instances, instance_type=None):
"""Build a request_spec for the scheduler.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,25 +401,17 @@ def resources_from_flavor(instance, flavor):
is_bfv = compute_utils.is_volume_backed_instance(instance._context,
swap_in_gb = compute_utils.convert_mb_to_ceil_gb(flavor.swap)
disk = ((0 if is_bfv else flavor.root_gb) +
swap_in_gb + flavor.ephemeral_gb)

resources = {
orc.VCPU: flavor.vcpus,
orc.MEMORY_MB: flavor.memory_mb,
orc.DISK_GB: disk,
if "extra_specs" in flavor:
# TODO(efried): This method is currently only used from places that
# assume the compute node is the only resource provider. So for now,
# we just merge together all the resources specified in the flavor and
# pass them along. This will need to be adjusted when nested and/or
# shared RPs are in play.
rreq = ResourceRequest.from_extra_specs(flavor.extra_specs)
resources = rreq.merged_resources(flavor_resources=resources)
# create a fake RequestSpec as a wrapper to the caller
req_spec = objects.RequestSpec(flavor=flavor, is_bfv=is_bfv)

# TODO(efried): This method is currently only used from places that
# assume the compute node is the only resource provider. So for now, we
# just merge together all the resources specified in the flavor and pass
# them along. This will need to be adjusted when nested and/or shared RPs
# are in play.
res_req = ResourceRequest(req_spec)

return resources
return res_req.merged_resources()

def resources_from_request_spec(ctxt, spec_obj, host_manager):
Expand All @@ -428,63 +425,7 @@ def resources_from_request_spec(ctxt, spec_obj, host_manager):
:return: A ResourceRequest object.
:raises NoValidHost: If the specified host/node is not found in the DB.
spec_resources = {
orc.VCPU: spec_obj.vcpus,
orc.MEMORY_MB: spec_obj.memory_mb,

requested_disk_mb = ((1024 * spec_obj.ephemeral_gb) +

if 'is_bfv' not in spec_obj or not spec_obj.is_bfv:
# Either this is not a BFV instance, or we are not sure,
# so ask for root_gb allocation
requested_disk_mb += (1024 * spec_obj.root_gb)

# NOTE(sbauza): Disk request is expressed in MB but we count
# resources in GB. Since there could be a remainder of the division
# by 1024, we need to ceil the result to the next bigger Gb so we
# can be sure there would be enough disk space in the destination
# to sustain the request.
# FIXME(sbauza): All of that could be using math.ceil() but since
# we support both py2 and py3, let's fake it until we only support
# py3.
requested_disk_gb = requested_disk_mb // 1024
if requested_disk_mb % 1024 != 0:
# Let's ask for a bit more space since we count in GB
requested_disk_gb += 1
# NOTE(sbauza): Some flavors provide zero size for disk values, we need
# to avoid asking for disk usage.
if requested_disk_gb != 0:
spec_resources[orc.DISK_GB] = requested_disk_gb

# Process extra_specs
if "extra_specs" in spec_obj.flavor:
res_req = ResourceRequest.from_extra_specs(spec_obj.flavor.extra_specs)
# If any of the three standard resources above was explicitly given in
# the extra_specs - in any group - we need to replace it, or delete it
# if it was given as zero. We'll do this by grabbing a merged version
# of the ResourceRequest resources and removing matching items from the
# spec_resources.
spec_resources = {rclass: amt for rclass, amt in spec_resources.items()
if rclass not in res_req.merged_resources()}
# Now we don't need (or want) any remaining zero entries - remove them.

numbered_groups_from_flavor = res_req.get_num_of_numbered_groups()
# Start with an empty one
res_req = ResourceRequest()
numbered_groups_from_flavor = 0

# Process any image properties
if 'image' in spec_obj and 'properties' in spec_obj.image:
res_req = ResourceRequest.from_image_props(,

# Add the (remaining) items from the spec_resources to the sharing group
for rclass, amount in spec_resources.items():
res_req.get_request_group(None).resources[rclass] = amount
res_req = ResourceRequest(spec_obj)

requested_resources = (spec_obj.requested_resources
if 'requested_resources' in spec_obj and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,7 +515,7 @@ def resources_from_request_spec(ctxt, spec_obj, host_manager):
"group to be satisfied from a separate resource provider then "
"use 'group_policy': 'isolate'.")

if numbered_groups_from_flavor <= 1:
if res_req.numbered_groups_from_flavor <= 1:
"At least one numbered request group is defined outside of "
"the flavor (e.g. in a port that has a QoS minimum bandwidth "
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions nova/tests/functional/
Expand Up @@ -1019,9 +1019,12 @@ def test_non_tree_aggregate_membership(self):

def test_alloc_cands_smoke(self):
"""Simple call to get_allocation_candidates for version checking."""
flavor = objects.Flavor(
vcpus=1, memory_mb=1024, root_gb=10, ephemeral_gb=5, swap=0)
req_spec = objects.RequestSpec(flavor=flavor, is_bfv=False)
with self._interceptor():
self.context, utils.ResourceRequest())
self.context, utils.ResourceRequest(req_spec))

def _set_up_provider_tree(self):
r"""Create two compute nodes in placement ("this" one, and another one)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1145,7 +1148,7 @@ def assertProviderTree(self, expected_dict, actual_tree):
# care to check.
for k, expected in pdict.items():
# For inventories, we're only validating totals
if k is 'inventory':
if k == 'inventory':
set(expected), set(actual_data.inventory),
"Mismatched inventory keys for provider %s" % uuid)
Expand Down

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