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Join cluster without using a failed task
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Currently a new node joining the cluster is done by using
a try/rescue operation which always fails for a new node,
causing a lot of confusion due to the failed task report.

This patch ensures that the implementation no longer does

In order to prevent lint check failures, each join task
has a 'changed_when: true' added.

Change-Id: Ic1da9f3ad1016831fe37643165880e7ff98ca923
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Jesse Pretorius committed Feb 10, 2018
1 parent ad29910 commit 83b398e
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Showing 2 changed files with 65 additions and 43 deletions.
45 changes: 28 additions & 17 deletions tasks/rabbitmq_cluster.yml
Expand Up @@ -13,24 +13,35 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# The output of 'rabbitmqctl -q cluster_status' looks like this:
# [{nodes,[{disc,[rabbit@container1,rabbit@container2,rabbit@container3]}]},
# {running_nodes,[rabbit@container3,rabbit@container1,rabbit@container2]},
# {cluster_name,<<"rabbitmq_cluster1">>},
# {partitions,[]},
# {alarms,[{rabbit@container3,[]},
# {rabbit@container1,[]},
# {rabbit@container2,[]}]}]
# Our solution to get the cluster name out cleanly is inspired by
- name: Get rabbitmq cluster name
shell: |
if ! rabbitmqctl cluster_status | grep -w '<<"{{ rabbitmq_cluster_name }}">>'; then
rabbitmqctl set_cluster_name {{ rabbitmq_cluster_name }}
exit ${return_code}
when: ansible_hostname == rabbitmq_primary_cluster_node
register: _set_cluster_name
changed_when: _set_cluster_name.rc == 2
failed_when: _set_cluster_name.rc not in [0, 2]
# We skip ansible lint testing for this task as it fails with
# ANSIBLE0014 Environment variables don't work as part of command
# which is nonsense.
- skip_ansible_lint
rabbitmqctl -q cluster_status | grep -oP '(?<={cluster_name,<<").*(?=">>})'
executable: /bin/bash
changed_when: false
register: _cluster_name

- name: Set rabbitmq cluster name on primary node
command: |
rabbitmqctl set_cluster_name {{ rabbitmq_cluster_name }}
- "ansible_hostname == rabbitmq_primary_cluster_node"
- "_cluster_name.stdout != rabbitmq_cluster_name"

- include: rabbitmq_cluster_join.yml
- name: Join cluster on secondary nodes
include: rabbitmq_cluster_join.yml
static: no
when: ansible_hostname != rabbitmq_primary_cluster_node
- "ansible_hostname != rabbitmq_primary_cluster_node"
- "_cluster_name.stdout != rabbitmq_cluster_name"
63 changes: 37 additions & 26 deletions tasks/rabbitmq_cluster_join.yml
Expand Up @@ -13,31 +13,42 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# If cluster name is our own hostname, we assume we're not properly clustered
# TODO(someone): implement a more robust way of checking
# if node is clustered or not
- block:
- name: Check cluster status
shell: |
rabbitmqctl -q cluster_status | grep '{cluster_name,<<"{{ rabbitmq_cluster_name }}">>}'
changed_when: false
- name: Stop rabbitmq app
shell: |
rabbitmqctl stop_app
sleep 5
executable: /bin/bash
# This task must use shell, otherwise the rabbitmqctl
# command somehow thinks that the sleep command is a
# parameter. Due to this, we skip ansible-lint checks
# on this task.
- skip_ansible_lint

- name: Stop rabbitmq app
shell: |
rabbitmqctl stop_app; sleep 5
- name: Join rabbitmq cluster
command: >
rabbitmqctl join_cluster "rabbit@{{ rabbitmq_primary_cluster_node.split('.')[0] }}"
register: rabbit_join_cluster
until: rabbit_join_cluster|success
retries: 5
delay: 2
# This task only gets executed on a condition
# in the rabbitmq_cluster.yml file, but ansible-lint
# does not seem to realise this and fails this task.
# Due to this, we skip ansible-lint checks on this task.
- skip_ansible_lint

- name: Join rabbitmq cluster
command: >
rabbitmqctl join_cluster "rabbit@{{ rabbitmq_primary_cluster_node.split('.')[0] }}"
register: rabbit_join_cluster
until: rabbit_join_cluster|success
retries: 5
delay: 2

- name: Start rabbitmq app
command: rabbitmqctl start_app
register: rabbit_start_app
until: rabbit_start_app|success
retries: 5
delay: 2
- name: Start rabbitmq app
command: rabbitmqctl start_app
register: rabbit_start_app
until: rabbit_start_app|success
retries: 5
delay: 2
# This task only gets executed on a condition
# in the rabbitmq_cluster.yml file, but ansible-lint
# does not seem to realise this and fails this task.
# Due to this, we skip ansible-lint checks on this task.
- skip_ansible_lint

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