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OpenThread CLI - History Tracker

History Tracker module records history of different events (e.g., RX and TX IPv6 messages or network info changes, etc.) as the Thread network operates. All tracked entries are timestamped.

All commands under history require OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_HISTORY_TRACKER_ENABLE feature to be enabled.

The number of entries recorded for each history list is configurable through a set of OpenThread config options, e.g. OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_HISTORY_TRACKER_NET_INFO_LIST_SIZE specifies the number of entries in Network Info history list. The History Tracker will keep the most recent entries overwriting oldest one when the list gets full.

Command List

Usage : history [command] ...

Timestamp Format

Recorded entries are timestamped. When the history list is printed, the timestamps are shown relative the time the command was issues (i.e., when the list was printed) indicating how long ago the entry was recorded.

> history netinfo
| Age                  | Role     | Mode | RLOC16 | Partition ID |
|         02:31:50.628 | leader   | rdn  | 0x2000 |    151029327 |
|         02:31:53.262 | detached | rdn  | 0xfffe |            0 |
|         02:31:54.663 | detached | rdn  | 0x2000 |            0 |

For example 02:31:50.628 indicates the event was recorded "2 hours, 31 minutes, 50 seconds, and 628 milliseconds ago". Number of days is added for events that are older than 24 hours, e.g., 1 day 11:25:31.179, or 31 days 03:00:23.931.

Timestamps use millisecond accuracy and are tacked up to 49 days. If the event is older than 49 days, the entry is still tracked in the list but the timestamp is shown as more than 49 days.

Command Details


Usage: history help

Print SRP client help menu.

> history help


Usage history ipaddr [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the unicast IPv6 address history. Each entry provides:

  • Event: Added or Removed.
  • Address: Unicast address along with its prefix length (in bits).
  • Origin: thread, slaac, dhcp6, or manual.
  • Address Scope.
  • Flags: Preferred, Valid, and RLOC (whether the address is RLOC).

Print the unicast IPv6 address history as table.

> history ipaddr
| Age                  | Event   | Address / PrefixLength                      | Origin |Scope| P | V | R |
|         00:00:04.991 | Removed | 2001:dead:beef:cafe:c4cb:caba:8d55:e30b/64  | slaac  |  14 | Y | Y | N |
|         00:00:44.647 | Added   | 2001:dead:beef:cafe:c4cb:caba:8d55:e30b/64  | slaac  |  14 | Y | Y | N |
|         00:01:07.199 | Added   | fd00:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/64                       | manual |  14 | Y | Y | N |
|         00:02:17.885 | Added   | fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00/64          | thread |   3 | N | Y | N |
|         00:02:17.885 | Added   | fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:5400/64          | thread |   3 | N | Y | Y |
|         00:02:20.107 | Removed | fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:5400/64          | thread |   3 | N | Y | Y |
|         00:02:21.575 | Added   | fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:5400/64          | thread |   3 | N | Y | Y |
|         00:02:21.575 | Added   | fdde:ad00:beef:0:ecea:c4fc:ad96:4655/64     | thread |   3 | N | Y | N |
|         00:02:23.904 | Added   | fe80:0:0:0:3c12:a4d2:fbe0:31ad/64           | thread |   2 | Y | Y | N |

Print the unicast IPv6 address history as a list (the last 5 entries).

> history ipaddr list 5
00:00:20.327 -> event:Removed address:2001:dead:beef:cafe:c4cb:caba:8d55:e30b prefixlen:64 origin:slaac scope:14 preferred:yes valid:yes rloc:no
00:00:59.983 -> event:Added address:2001:dead:beef:cafe:c4cb:caba:8d55:e30b prefixlen:64 origin:slaac scope:14 preferred:yes valid:yes rloc:no
00:01:22.535 -> event:Added address:fd00:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 prefixlen:64 origin:manual scope:14 preferred:yes valid:yes rloc:no
00:02:33.221 -> event:Added address:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:fc00 prefixlen:64 origin:thread scope:3 preferred:no valid:yes rloc:no
00:02:33.221 -> event:Added address:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:5400 prefixlen:64 origin:thread scope:3 preferred:no valid:yes rloc:yes


Usage history ipmaddr [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the multicast IPv6 address history. Each entry provides:

  • Event: Subscribed or Unsubscribed.
  • Address: Multicast address.
  • Origin: Thread, or Manual.

Print the multicast IPv6 address history as table.

> history ipmaddr
| Age                  | Event        | Multicast Address                       | Origin |
|         00:00:08.592 | Unsubscribed | ff05:0:0:0:0:0:0:1                      | Manual |
|         00:01:25.353 | Subscribed   | ff05:0:0:0:0:0:0:1                      | Manual |
|         00:01:54.953 | Subscribed   | ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:2                      | Thread |
|         00:01:54.953 | Subscribed   | ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2                      | Thread |
|         00:01:59.329 | Subscribed   | ff33:40:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:1            | Thread |
|         00:01:59.329 | Subscribed   | ff32:40:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:1            | Thread |
|         00:02:01.129 | Subscribed   | ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:fc                     | Thread |
|         00:02:01.129 | Subscribed   | ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:1                      | Thread |
|         00:02:01.129 | Subscribed   | ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1                      | Thread |

Print the multicast IPv6 address history as a list.

> history ipmaddr list
00:00:25.447 -> event:Unsubscribed address:ff05:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 origin:Manual
00:01:42.208 -> event:Subscribed address:ff05:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 origin:Manual
00:02:11.808 -> event:Subscribed address:ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 origin:Thread
00:02:11.808 -> event:Subscribed address:ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 origin:Thread
00:02:16.184 -> event:Subscribed address:ff33:40:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:1 origin:Thread
00:02:16.184 -> event:Subscribed address:ff32:40:fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:1 origin:Thread
00:02:17.984 -> event:Subscribed address:ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:fc origin:Thread
00:02:17.984 -> event:Subscribed address:ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 origin:Thread
00:02:17.984 -> event:Subscribed address:ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 origin:Thread


Usage history neighbor [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the neighbor table history. Each entry provides:

  • Type: Child or Router
  • Event: Added, Removed, Changed (e.g., mode change).
  • Extended Address
  • RLOC16
  • MLE Link Mode
  • Average RSS (in dBm) of received frames from neighbor at the time the entry was recorded

Print the neighbor history as a table.

> history neighbor
| Age                  | Type   | Event     | Extended Address | RLOC16 | Mode | Ave RSS |
|         00:00:29.233 | Child  | Added     | ae5105292f0b9169 | 0x8404 | -    |     -20 |
|         00:01:38.368 | Child  | Removed   | ae5105292f0b9169 | 0x8401 | -    |     -20 |
|         00:04:27.181 | Child  | Changed   | ae5105292f0b9169 | 0x8401 | -    |     -20 |
|         00:04:51.236 | Router | Added     | 865c7ca38a5fa960 | 0x9400 | rdn  |     -20 |
|         00:04:51.587 | Child  | Removed   | 865c7ca38a5fa960 | 0x8402 | rdn  |     -20 |
|         00:05:22.764 | Child  | Changed   | ae5105292f0b9169 | 0x8401 | rn   |     -20 |
|         00:06:40.764 | Child  | Added     | 4ec99efc874a1841 | 0x8403 | r    |     -20 |
|         00:06:44.060 | Child  | Added     | 865c7ca38a5fa960 | 0x8402 | rdn  |     -20 |
|         00:06:49.515 | Child  | Added     | ae5105292f0b9169 | 0x8401 | -    |     -20 |

Print the neighbor history as a list.

> history neighbor list
00:00:34.753 -> type:Child event:Added extaddr:ae5105292f0b9169 rloc16:0x8404 mode:- rss:-20
00:01:43.888 -> type:Child event:Removed extaddr:ae5105292f0b9169 rloc16:0x8401 mode:- rss:-20
00:04:32.701 -> type:Child event:Changed extaddr:ae5105292f0b9169 rloc16:0x8401 mode:- rss:-20
00:04:56.756 -> type:Router event:Added extaddr:865c7ca38a5fa960 rloc16:0x9400 mode:rdn rss:-20
00:04:57.107 -> type:Child event:Removed extaddr:865c7ca38a5fa960 rloc16:0x8402 mode:rdn rss:-20
00:05:28.284 -> type:Child event:Changed extaddr:ae5105292f0b9169 rloc16:0x8401 mode:rn rss:-20
00:06:46.284 -> type:Child event:Added extaddr:4ec99efc874a1841 rloc16:0x8403 mode:r rss:-20
00:06:49.580 -> type:Child event:Added extaddr:865c7ca38a5fa960 rloc16:0x8402 mode:rdn rss:-20
00:06:55.035 -> type:Child event:Added extaddr:ae5105292f0b9169 rloc16:0x8401 mode:- rss:-20


Usage history netinfo [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the Network Info history. Each Network Info provides:

  • Device Role
  • MLE Link Mode
  • RLOC16
  • Partition ID

Print the Network Info history as a table.

> history netinfo
| Age                  | Role     | Mode | RLOC16 | Partition ID |
|         00:00:10.069 | router   | rdn  | 0x6000 |    151029327 |
|         00:02:09.337 | child    | rdn  | 0x2001 |    151029327 |
|         00:02:09.338 | child    | rdn  | 0x2001 |    151029327 |
|         00:07:40.806 | child    | -    | 0x2001 |    151029327 |
|         00:07:42.297 | detached | -    | 0x6000 |            0 |
|         00:07:42.968 | disabled | -    | 0x6000 |            0 |

Print the Network Info history as a list.

> history netinfo list
00:00:59.467 -> role:router mode:rdn rloc16:0x6000 partition-id:151029327
00:02:58.735 -> role:child mode:rdn rloc16:0x2001 partition-id:151029327
00:02:58.736 -> role:child mode:rdn rloc16:0x2001 partition-id:151029327
00:08:30.204 -> role:child mode:- rloc16:0x2001 partition-id:151029327
00:08:31.695 -> role:detached mode:- rloc16:0x6000 partition-id:0
00:08:32.366 -> role:disabled mode:- rloc16:0x6000 partition-id:0

Print only the latest 2 entries.

> history netinfo 2
| Age                  | Role     | Mode | RLOC16 | Partition ID |
|         00:02:05.451 | router   | rdn  | 0x6000 |    151029327 |
|         00:04:04.719 | child    | rdn  | 0x2001 |    151029327 |


Usage history prefix [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the Network Data on mesh prefix history. Each item provides:

  • Event (Added or Removed)
  • Prefix
  • Flags
  • Preference (high, med, low)
  • RLOC16

The flags are as follows:

  • p: Preferred flag
  • a: Stateless IPv6 Address Autoconfiguration flag
  • d: DHCPv6 IPv6 Address Configuration flag
  • c: DHCPv6 Other Configuration flag
  • r: Default Route flag
  • o: On Mesh flag
  • s: Stable flag
  • n: Nd Dns flag
  • D: Domain Prefix flag

Print the history as a table.

> history prefix
| Age                  | Event   | Prefix                                      | Flags     | Pref | RLOC16 |
|         00:00:10.663 | Added   | fd00:1111:2222:3333::/64                    | paro      | med  | 0x5400 |
|         00:01:02.054 | Removed | fd00:dead:beef:1::/64                       | paros     | high | 0x5400 |
|         00:01:21.136 | Added   | fd00:abba:cddd:0::/64                       | paos      | med  | 0x5400 |
|         00:01:45.144 | Added   | fd00:dead:beef:1::/64                       | paros     | high | 0x3c00 |
|         00:01:50.944 | Added   | fd00:dead:beef:1::/64                       | paros     | high | 0x5400 |
|         00:01:59.887 | Added   | fd00:dead:beef:1::/64                       | paros     | med  | 0x8800 |

Print the history as a list.

> history prefix list
00:04:12.487 -> event:Added prefix:fd00:1111:2222:3333::/64 flags:paro pref:med rloc16:0x5400
00:05:03.878 -> event:Removed prefix:fd00:dead:beef:1::/64 flags:paros pref:high rloc16:0x5400
00:05:22.960 -> event:Added prefix:fd00:abba:cddd:0::/64 flags:paos pref:med rloc16:0x5400
00:05:46.968 -> event:Added prefix:fd00:dead:beef:1::/64 flags:paros pref:high rloc16:0x3c00
00:05:52.768 -> event:Added prefix:fd00:dead:beef:1::/64 flags:paros pref:high rloc16:0x5400
00:06:01.711 -> event:Added prefix:fd00:dead:beef:1::/64 flags:paros pref:med rloc16:0x8800


Usage history route [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the Network Data external route history. Each item provides:

  • Event (Added or Removed)
  • Route
  • Flags
  • Preference (high, med, low)
  • RLOC16

The flags are as follows:

  • s: Stable flag
  • n: NAT64 flag

Print the history as a table.

history route
| Age                  | Event   | Route                                       | Flags     | Pref | RLOC16 |
|         00:00:05.456 | Removed | fd00:1111:0::/48                            | s         | med  | 0x3c00 |
|         00:00:29.310 | Added   | fd00:1111:0::/48                            | s         | med  | 0x3c00 |
|         00:00:42.822 | Added   | fd00:1111:0::/48                            | s         | med  | 0x5400 |
|         00:01:27.688 | Added   | fd00:aaaa:bbbb:cccc::/64                    | s         | med  | 0x8800 |

Print the history as a list (last two entries).

> history route list 2
00:00:48.704 -> event:Removed route:fd00:1111:0::/48 flags:s pref:med rloc16:0x3c00
00:01:12.558 -> event:Added route:fd00:1111:0::/48 flags:s pref:med rloc16:0x3c00


Usage history router [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the route table history. Each item provides:

  • Event (Added, Removed, NextHopChanged, CostChanged)
  • Router ID and RLOC16 of router
  • Next Hop (Router ID and RLOC16) - none if no next hop.
  • Path cost (old -> new) - inf to indicate infinite path cost.

Print the history as a table.

> history router
| Age                  | Event          | ID (RLOC16) | Next Hop    | Path Cost  |
|         00:00:05.258 | NextHopChanged |  7 (0x1c00) | 34 (0x8800) | inf ->   3 |
|         00:00:08.604 | NextHopChanged | 34 (0x8800) | 34 (0x8800) | inf ->   2 |
|         00:00:08.604 | Added          |  7 (0x1c00) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:00:11.931 | Added          | 34 (0x8800) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:00:14.948 | Removed        | 59 (0xec00) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:00:14.948 | Removed        | 54 (0xd800) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:00:14.948 | Removed        | 34 (0x8800) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:00:14.948 | Removed        |  7 (0x1c00) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:00:54.795 | NextHopChanged | 59 (0xec00) | 34 (0x8800) |   1 ->   5 |
|         00:02:33.735 | NextHopChanged | 54 (0xd800) |        none |  15 -> inf |
|         00:03:10.915 | CostChanged    | 54 (0xd800) | 34 (0x8800) |  13 ->  15 |
|         00:03:45.716 | NextHopChanged | 54 (0xd800) | 34 (0x8800) |  15 ->  13 |
|         00:03:46.188 | CostChanged    | 54 (0xd800) | 59 (0xec00) |  13 ->  15 |
|         00:04:19.124 | CostChanged    | 54 (0xd800) | 59 (0xec00) |  11 ->  13 |
|         00:04:52.008 | CostChanged    | 54 (0xd800) | 59 (0xec00) |   9 ->  11 |
|         00:05:23.176 | CostChanged    | 54 (0xd800) | 59 (0xec00) |   7 ->   9 |
|         00:05:51.081 | CostChanged    | 54 (0xd800) | 59 (0xec00) |   5 ->   7 |
|         00:06:48.721 | CostChanged    | 54 (0xd800) | 59 (0xec00) |   3 ->   5 |
|         00:07:13.792 | NextHopChanged | 54 (0xd800) | 59 (0xec00) |   1 ->   3 |
|         00:09:28.681 | NextHopChanged |  7 (0x1c00) | 34 (0x8800) | inf ->   3 |
|         00:09:31.882 | Added          |  7 (0x1c00) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:09:51.240 | NextHopChanged | 54 (0xd800) | 54 (0xd800) | inf ->   1 |
|         00:09:54.204 | Added          | 54 (0xd800) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:10:20.645 | NextHopChanged | 34 (0x8800) | 34 (0x8800) | inf ->   2 |
|         00:10:24.242 | NextHopChanged | 59 (0xec00) | 59 (0xec00) | inf ->   1 |
|         00:10:24.242 | Added          | 34 (0x8800) |        none | inf -> inf |
|         00:10:41.900 | NextHopChanged | 59 (0xec00) |        none |   1 -> inf |
|         00:10:42.480 | Added          |  3 (0x0c00) |  3 (0x0c00) | inf -> inf |
|         00:10:43.614 | Added          | 59 (0xec00) | 59 (0xec00) | inf ->   1 |

Print the history as a list (last 20 entries).

> history router list 20
00:00:06.959 -> event:NextHopChanged router:7(0x1c00) nexthop:34(0x8800) old-cost:inf new-cost:3
00:00:10.305 -> event:NextHopChanged router:34(0x8800) nexthop:34(0x8800) old-cost:inf new-cost:2
00:00:10.305 -> event:Added router:7(0x1c00) nexthop:none old-cost:inf new-cost:inf
00:00:13.632 -> event:Added router:34(0x8800) nexthop:none old-cost:inf new-cost:inf
00:00:16.649 -> event:Removed router:59(0xec00) nexthop:none old-cost:inf new-cost:inf
00:00:16.649 -> event:Removed router:54(0xd800) nexthop:none old-cost:inf new-cost:inf
00:00:16.649 -> event:Removed router:34(0x8800) nexthop:none old-cost:inf new-cost:inf
00:00:16.649 -> event:Removed router:7(0x1c00) nexthop:none old-cost:inf new-cost:inf
00:00:56.496 -> event:NextHopChanged router:59(0xec00) nexthop:34(0x8800) old-cost:1 new-cost:5
00:02:35.436 -> event:NextHopChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:none old-cost:15 new-cost:inf
00:03:12.616 -> event:CostChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:34(0x8800) old-cost:13 new-cost:15
00:03:47.417 -> event:NextHopChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:34(0x8800) old-cost:15 new-cost:13
00:03:47.889 -> event:CostChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:59(0xec00) old-cost:13 new-cost:15
00:04:20.825 -> event:CostChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:59(0xec00) old-cost:11 new-cost:13
00:04:53.709 -> event:CostChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:59(0xec00) old-cost:9 new-cost:11
00:05:24.877 -> event:CostChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:59(0xec00) old-cost:7 new-cost:9
00:05:52.782 -> event:CostChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:59(0xec00) old-cost:5 new-cost:7
00:06:50.422 -> event:CostChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:59(0xec00) old-cost:3 new-cost:5
00:07:15.493 -> event:NextHopChanged router:54(0xd800) nexthop:59(0xec00) old-cost:1 new-cost:3
00:09:30.382 -> event:NextHopChanged router:7(0x1c00) nexthop:34(0x8800) old-cost:inf new-cost:3


Usage history rx [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the IPv6 message RX history in either table or list format. Entries provide same information and follow same format as in history rxtx command.

Print the IPv6 message RX history as a table:

> history rx
| Age                  | Type             | Len   | Chksum | Sec | Prio | RSS  |Dir | Neighb | Radio |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0xbd26 |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:07.640 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:d03d:d3e7:cc5e:7cd7]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788                                             |
|                      | HopOpts          |    44 | 0x0000 | yes | norm |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.263 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:4800]:0                                    |
|                      | dst: [ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:2]:0                                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    12 | 0x3f7d | yes |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.302 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:4800]:61631                                |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:4801]:61631                                |
|                      | ICMP6(EchoReqst) |    16 | 0x942c | yes | norm |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.304 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:ac09:a16b:3204:dc09]:0                               |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:dc0e:d6b3:f180:b75b]:0                               |
|                      | HopOpts          |    44 | 0x0000 | yes | norm |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.304 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:4800]:0                                    |
|                      | dst: [ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:2]:0                                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0x2e37 |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:21.622 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:d03d:d3e7:cc5e:7cd7]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788                                             |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0xe177 |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:26.640 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:d03d:d3e7:cc5e:7cd7]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788                                             |
|                      | UDP              |   165 | 0x82ee | yes |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:30.000 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:d03d:d3e7:cc5e:7cd7]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [fe80:0:0:0:a4a5:bbac:a8e:bd07]:19788                                  |
|                      | UDP              |    93 | 0x52df |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | unknwn |  15.4 |
|         00:00:30.480 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:d03d:d3e7:cc5e:7cd7]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [fe80:0:0:0:a4a5:bbac:a8e:bd07]:19788                                  |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0x5ccf |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | unknwn |  15.4 |
|         00:00:30.772 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:d03d:d3e7:cc5e:7cd7]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788                                             |

Print the latest 5 entries of the IPv6 message RX history as a list:

> history rx list 4
    type:UDP len:50 checksum:0xbd26 sec:no prio:net rss:-20 from:0x4800 radio:15.4
    type:HopOpts len:44 checksum:0x0000 sec:yes prio:norm rss:-20 from:0x4800 radio:15.4
    type:UDP len:12 checksum:0x3f7d sec:yes prio:net rss:-20 from:0x4800 radio:15.4
    type:ICMP6(EchoReqst) len:16 checksum:0x942c sec:yes prio:norm rss:-20 from:0x4800 radio:15.4


Usage history rxtx [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the combined IPv6 message RX and TX history in either table or list format. Each entry provides:

  • IPv6 message type: UDP, TCP, ICMP6 (and its subtype), etc.
  • IPv6 payload length (excludes the IPv6 header).
  • Source IPv6 address and port number.
  • Destination IPv6 address and port number (port number is valid for UDP/TCP, it is zero otherwise).
  • Whether or not link-layer security was used.
  • Message priority: low, norm, high, net (for Thread control messages).
  • Message checksum (valid for UDP, TCP, or ICMP6 message)
  • RSS: Received Signal Strength (in dBm) - averaged over all received fragment frames that formed the message. For TX history NA (not applicable) is used.
  • Whether the message was sent or received (TX or RX). A failed transmission (e.g., if tx was aborted or no ack from peer for any of the message fragments) is indicated with TX-F in the table format or tx-success:no in the list format.
  • Short address (RLOC16) of neighbor to/from which the message was sent/received. If the frame is broadcast, it is shown as bcast in table format or 0xffff in the list format. If the short address of neighbor is not available, it is shown as unknwn in the table format or 0xfffe in the list format.
  • Radio link on which the message was sent/received (useful when OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MULTI_RADIO is enabled). Can be 15.4, trel, or all (if sent on all radio links).

Print the IPv6 message RX and TX history as a table:

> history rxtx
| Age                  | Type             | Len   | Chksum | Sec | Prio | RSS  |Dir | Neighb | Radio |
|                      | HopOpts          |    44 | 0x0000 | yes | norm |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.267 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:800]:0                                     |
|                      | dst: [ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:2]:0                                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    12 | 0x6c6b | yes |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.290 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:800]:61631                                 |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:801]:61631                                 |
|                      | ICMP6(EchoReqst) |    16 | 0xc6a2 | yes | norm |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.292 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:efe8:4910:cf95:dee9]:0                               |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:af4c:3644:882a:3698]:0                               |
|                      | ICMP6(EchoReply) |    16 | 0xc5a2 | yes | norm |  NA  | TX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.292 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:af4c:3644:882a:3698]:0                               |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:efe8:4910:cf95:dee9]:0                               |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0xaa0d | yes |  net |  NA  | TX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.294 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:801]:61631                                 |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:800]:61631                                 |
|                      | HopOpts          |    44 | 0x0000 | yes | norm |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.296 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:800]:0                                     |
|                      | dst: [ff03:0:0:0:0:0:0:2]:0                                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0xc1d8 |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:09.569 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:54d9:5153:ffc6:df26]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788                                             |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0x3cb1 |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:16.519 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:54d9:5153:ffc6:df26]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788                                             |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0xeda0 |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:20.599 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:54d9:5153:ffc6:df26]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788                                             |
|                      | UDP              |   165 | 0xbdfa | yes |  net |  -20 | RX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:21.059 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:54d9:5153:ffc6:df26]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [fe80:0:0:0:8893:c2cc:d983:1e1c]:19788                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    64 | 0x1c11 |  no |  net |  NA  | TX | 0x0800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:21.062 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:8893:c2cc:d983:1e1c]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [fe80:0:0:0:54d9:5153:ffc6:df26]:19788                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    93 | 0xedff |  no |  net |  -20 | RX | unknwn |  15.4 |
|         00:00:21.474 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:54d9:5153:ffc6:df26]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [fe80:0:0:0:8893:c2cc:d983:1e1c]:19788                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    44 | 0xd383 |  no |  net |  NA  | TX | bcast  |  15.4 |
|         00:00:21.811 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:8893:c2cc:d983:1e1c]:19788                                 |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2]:19788                                             |

Print the latest 5 entries of the IPv6 message RX history as a list:

> history rxtx list 5

    type:UDP len:50 checksum:0xd843 sec:no prio:net rss:-20 from:0x0800 radio:15.4
    type:HopOpts len:44 checksum:0x0000 sec:yes prio:norm rss:-20 from:0x0800 radio:15.4
    type:UDP len:12 checksum:0x6c6b sec:yes prio:net rss:-20 from:0x0800 radio:15.4
    type:ICMP6(EchoReqst) len:16 checksum:0xc6a2 sec:yes prio:norm rss:-20 from:0x0800 radio:15.4
    type:ICMP6(EchoReply) len:16 checksum:0xc5a2 sec:yes prio:norm tx-success:yes to:0x0800 radio:15.4


Usage history tx [list] [<num-entries>]

Print the IPv6 message TX history in either table or list format. Entries provide same information and follow same format as in history rxtx command.

Print the IPv6 message TX history as a table (10 latest entries):

> history tx
| Age                  | Type             | Len   | Chksum | Sec | Prio | RSS  |Dir | Neighb | Radio |
|                      | ICMP6(EchoReply) |    16 | 0x932c | yes | norm |  NA  | TX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:18.798 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:dc0e:d6b3:f180:b75b]:0                               |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:ac09:a16b:3204:dc09]:0                               |
|                      | UDP              |    50 | 0xce87 | yes |  net |  NA  | TX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:18.800 | src: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:4801]:61631                                |
|                      | dst: [fdde:ad00:beef:0:0:ff:fe00:4800]:61631                                |
|                      | UDP              |    64 | 0xf7ba |  no |  net |  NA  | TX | 0x4800 |  15.4 |
|         00:00:39.499 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:a4a5:bbac:a8e:bd07]:19788                                  |
|                      | dst: [fe80:0:0:0:d03d:d3e7:cc5e:7cd7]:19788                                 |
|                      | UDP              |    44 | 0x26d4 |  no |  net |  NA  | TX | bcast  |  15.4 |
|         00:00:40.256 | src: [fe80:0:0:0:a4a5:bbac:a8e:bd07]:19788                                  |
|                      | dst: [ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2]:19788                                             |

Print the IPv6 message TX history as a list:

history tx list
    type:ICMP6(EchoReply) len:16 checksum:0x932c sec:yes prio:norm tx-success:yes to:0x4800 radio:15.4
    type:UDP len:50 checksum:0xce87 sec:yes prio:net tx-success:yes to:0x4800 radio:15.4
    type:UDP len:64 checksum:0xf7ba sec:no prio:net tx-success:yes to:0x4800 radio:15.4
    type:UDP len:44 checksum:0x26d4 sec:no prio:net tx-success:yes to:0xffff radio:15.4