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Running An Experiment with the IoT lab

Yasuyuki Tanaka edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 13 revisions

This page details how to run an experiment on the IoT-LAB platform, and store the results into this repository.

Preparing for an experiment

  1. Make sure you have an an account on IoT-Lab (

  2. In order to run the experiment in the repository, a few things have to be configured before run the experiment.

  3. Create a monitoring profile called mercator (navigate "My Resources" > "Monitoring profiles"), with Node architecture field set on M3 and the other fields as you like.

  4. Configure your SSH public key to log in SSH server.

  5. After that, log into the SSH server (Grenoble preferred) and clone the mercator repository:

    git clone

  6. Make sure you have the correct python module installed:

    pip install -r requirements.txt --user

Running an Experiment

Note: You should first ssh to the site before doing the following. We are working on a remote access.

Run iotlab-auth first using your login name for FIT/IoT-LAB and password:

iotlab-auth -u <login> 

Go into app folder and execute the script:

python grenoble firmware_name

By default the duration is 10min. You can change that by using the parameter -d (in min):

python grenoble firmware_name -d 60

This script will start a new experiment in the grenoble testbed with the nodes listed in:


Committing Results

Once the experiment is over, transfer it to you local computer (using scp for instance), on the data branch, under the folder datasets/raw/<the_site_name>/<the_dataset_date>.csv

Then refer to committing experiment page.