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- Button for changing font color added to button bar for @HtmlText
- JasperReports and fonts upgraded to 6.20.5.
- Groovy upgraded to 4.0.12.
- Pdfbox upgraded to 2.0.28.
- Jaxb impl upgraded to 2.3.8.
- Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.75.
- Driver version in doc and new projects upgraded for MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Oracle, Informix.
- MS SQL documentation improved to deal with secure connection problems.
- Fix: Sign in form does not work if the user presses ENTER to login.
- Fix: Custom style from custom.css file in xava/style of your project
is no longer recognized.
- Fix: Impossible to add links in @HtmlText.
- Fix: X for closing dialogs is no longer shown.
- Fix: The simple attribute in @HtmlText has no effect.
- Fix: Applications no longer work in root context ("") or
- Fix: Server error in calendar when the property name for date does not
contain 'date' or 'fecha'.
- Fix: @OnChange in date property not fired sometimes when using popup
- Fix: When @OnChange in a date property on modifying date year is set
to current year.
- Fix: Default action is not executed on pressing ENTER.
- Fix: @Icon badly aligned in ManyToMany, @OrderColumn or calculated
- Fix: All resources other than CSS from xava/style folder ignored.
- Fix: Broken link in reference guide main menu to Overview, a no longer
existing section.
- Fix: Wrong classifier in dependency for AS/400 JDBC driver in template
projects and doc.
- Fix: FirstSteps module does not show left modules menu with narrow
- Fix: Missing space in group filter name, now instead of "in group(v1,
v2)" it's "in group (v1, v2)".
- Fix: Mixed encoding introduced by new Brazilian Portuguese messages
Assets 2