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A Docker image usable within GitLab CI Pipelines to facilitate sending webhooks over a Ziti Network to a secure server that is "dark" on the internet (e.g. a self-hosted instance of Mattermost).

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This GitLab CI Pipeline image uses the Ziti NodeJS SDK to post an arbitrary JSON payload over a Ziti Network to a protected service. Here, an example of a protected service could be a self-hosted instance of Mattermost that is only accessible over Ziti.

Example usage in a .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline:


  stage: .pre


    # Run this job based on whatever events you are interested in. 
    # Here we run whenever updates are pushed into the repo.
    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push"'
      when: always


    # WEBHOOK_URL specifies the URL to post the event payload.
    # Note that the Ziti service name must match the hostname
    # in the URL (e.g. "your-mattermost.ziti"). Also note that
    # "xxx-generatedkey-xxx" in this URL example should be replaced
    # with the generated key associated with the incoming webhook
    # you established on your Mattermost instance.
    WEBHOOK_URL: 'https://your-mattermost.ziti/hooks/xxx-generatedkey-xxx'

    # Identity JSON containing key to access a Ziti network.
    # We suggest specifying it in a variable controlled through
    # the GitLab UI.
    # The WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD env var should be set to an arbitrary
    # JSON salvo that will be POST'ed to the Ziti service.
    # For example, if you are using Mattermost as the target,
    # you can use the JSON format described at: 
    # GitLab exposes lots of information via pre-defined env vars,
    # and you can extract information from them and craft a payload
    # that provides value to you.
    - export WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD='{"channel":"my-channel-name", "text":"whatever text your script want to set"}'

    # Transmit the webhook to the service over Ziti
    - ziti-webhook

Ziti Identity

The ZITI_IDENTITY referenced above is the JSON formatted string of an identity enrolled in a Ziti network.

The identity can be created by enrolling via the ziti edge enroll path/to/jwt [flags] command. The ziti executable can be obtained here.