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secops-chaos experiments are driven by experiment files, they all follow a common format, made up of a metadata and parameters section.

  - metadata:
      name: my-experiment # A meaningful name for your experiment
      type: prvileged_container # The type of experiment, see table below for a list of valid types
      namespace: my-namespace # What namespace to apply the experiment to
    parameters: # Parameters holds the settings for your experiment, tweak them to suit your needs.
        host_pid: true 

Available Experiments

Type Description Framework
privileged_container This experiment attempts to run a privileged container in a namespace MITRE
host_path_mount This experiment attempts to mount a sensitive host filesystem path into a container MITRE
cluster_admin_binding This experiment attempts to create a container with the cluster-admin role binding attached MITRE
remote_execute_api This experiment attempts to create a deployment with a configurable image and verifies based off of API calls to the image MITRE

Implementing a new Experiment

Each experiment within secops-chaos adheres to a shared interface, this allows for a common set of functionality to be used across all experiments.

When implementing a new experiment you should create a new file starting with experiment_ within the internal/experiments directory, and implement the Experiment interface.

type Experiment interface {
	// Type returns the type of the experiment
	Type() string
	// Description describes the experiment in a brief sentence
	Description() string
	// Framework returns the attack framework e.g., MITRE/OWASP
	Framework() string
	// Tactic returns the attack tactic category
	Tactic() string
	// Technique returns the attack method
	Technique() string
	// Run runs the experiment, returning an error if it fails
	Run(ctx context.Context, client *k8s.Client, experimentConfig *ExperimentConfig) error
	// Verify verifies the experiment, returning an error if it fails
	Verify(ctx context.Context, client *k8s.Client, experimentConfig *ExperimentConfig) (*verifier.Outcome, error)
	// Cleanup cleans up the experiment, returning an error if it fails
	Cleanup(ctx context.Context, client *k8s.Client, experimentConfig *ExperimentConfig) error

Additionally, you need some way of configuring your experiment, this is done via the ExperimentConfig struct, which is passed to the Run, Verify and Cleanup methods for your experiment.

type ExperimentsConfig struct {
	ExperimentConfigs []ExperimentConfig `yaml:"experiments"`

type ExperimentConfig struct {
    // Metadata for the experiment
	Metadata ExperimentMetadata `yaml:"metadata"`
	// Parameters for the experiment
	Parameters interface{} `yaml:"parameters"`

type ExperimentMetadata struct {
	// Name of the experiment
	Name string `yaml:"name"`
	// Namespace to apply the experiment to
	Namespace string `yaml:"namespace"`
	// Type of the experiment
	Type string `yaml:"type"`

Inside your experiment file, you also need to add Parameter configuration as parameters will differ per experiment. These params get parsed into the Parameters field of the ExperimentConfig struct.

type HostPathMountExperimentConfig struct {
	Metadata   ExperimentMetadata `yaml:"metadata"`
	Parameters HostPathMount      `yaml:"parameters"`

type HostPathMount struct {
	HostPath HostPath `yaml:"host_path"`

type HostPath struct {
	Path string `yaml:"path"`

func (p *HostPathMountExperimentConfig) Run(ctx context.Context, client *k8s.client, experimentConfig *ExperimentConfig) error {
	var hostPathMountExperimentConfig HostPathMountExperimentConfig
	yamlObj, _ := yaml.Marshal(experimentConfig)
	err := yaml.Unmarshal(yamlObj, &hostPathMountExperimentConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	params := hostPathMountExperimentConfig.Parameters of your experiment implementation...

Verify, and Clean also follow the same pattern, and are passed the same ExperimentConfig struct.

Finally, add your Experiment to the Experiment registry in internal/experiments/registry.go, and create a new experiment file in the experiments directory.

Now you're set to cause some chaos! 🎉

secops-chaos run -f experiments/my-experiment.yaml