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Laravel Make Class


  • Create a php class from the command for any directory in the root name-space;
  • Store a custom path as an alias and use alias instead of full path.
  • Create interface | class | enum | trait.
  • Create final and abstract classes
  • Create class with a declare strict_type


composer require opheus2/laravel-makeclass


File is created in root name-space. E.b App

php artisan make:class {name}

Default type is class.

File is created in test folder in root name-space. E.b App/Test

php artisan make:class Test\{name}

Create an interface type of class

php artisan make:class {name} -i
php artisan make:class {name} --type interface

Available types flags
class (default no flag)
interface (-i or --interface)
trait (-T or --trait)
enum (-e or --enum)

Using custom path with alias

php artisan make:class {name} -i -p="Domains/Services/" --alias="ape"
php artisan make:class {name} -i -p=Domain\Services\ --alias=ape
php artisan make:class {name} -i -p Domain\Services\ --alias ape

Please note: You always need to add a trailing slash at the end for it to work properly. I would surely fix that soon.

Then you can use alias as path

php artisan make:class {name} -i -p="ape"

This would use the same old/saved path for subsequent file names

Using modifiers

php artisan make:class {name} -fx

This would create a final class with declare strict_types at the top You can use the -x flag to always add the strict type to any class type

Available modifiers flags
strict (-x or --strict)
final (-f or --final)
abstract (-a or --abstract)

For more info you can do

php artisan make:class --help

####Thank you


  • Add check for trailing slash and auto fix