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ACM Multimedia(ACM MM) 2023

Zhong Li1, Liangchen Song2, Zhang Chen1, Xiangyu Du1, Lele Chen1, Junsong Yuan2, Yi Xu1,
1OPPO US Research Center, 2University at Buffalo

In this paper, we address the problem of simultaneous relighting and novel view synthesis of a complex scene from multi-view image with a limited number of light sources. We propose an analysis-synthesis approach called Relit-NeuLF. Following the recent neural 4D light field network (NeuLF) [22 ], Relit-NeuLF first leverages a two-plane light field representation to parameterize each ray in a 4D coordinate system, enabling efficient learning and inference. Then, we recover the spatially-varying bidirectional reflectance distribu- tion function (SVBRDF) of a 3D scene in a self-supervised manner. A DecomposeNet learns to map each ray to its SVBRDF components:albedo, normal, and roughness. Based on the decomposed BRDF components and conditioning light directions, a RenderNet learns to synthesize the color of the ray. To self-supervise the SVBRDF decomposition, we encourage the predicted ray color to be close to the physically-based rendering result using the microfacet model. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is efficient and effective on both synthetic data and real-world human face data, and outperforms the state-of-the-art results

TLDR, Relit-NeuLF (Relightable Neural 4D Light Field) is a method that achieves state-of-the-art results for simutaneously relighting and synthesizing novel views of complex scenes. Here are some videos generated by this repository (pre-trained models are provided below):


Our code is tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with Pytorch 1.10.1 Python 3.7,CUDA 11.3. We recommend using Anaconda to install the dependencies.

conda create -n relitneulf python=3.7
conda activate relitneulf
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

pip install opencv-python
pip install imageio==2.20.0
pip install scipy
pip install tqdm
pip install setuptools==59.5.0
pip install tensorboardX==1.6
pip install tensorboard==2.1.0
pip install scikit-learn
pip install scikit-image
pip install lpips   

2.How to Run

  • 2.1 Synthetic Dataset

    We used Blender’s physically based path tracer renderer and rendered 3 textured objects: synthetic face, wood train, and face mask. We set up 5 × 5 camera views on the front hemisphere, set 105 directional light sources around the full sphere, and render at a resolution of 800 × 800 pixels. Each camera differs by 10 degrees and each light source differs by 25 degrees on the sphere. Please download the LumiView dataset from this link hosted by huggingface: BlenderData.

    mkdir data/BlenderData

    unzip it and put them in the folder data/BlenderData/.

    For the detailed description of the dataset, please refer to the dataset page.

  • 2.2 Train the model To train the multiview and multilight model, please run the following command for indivisual scene in LumiView dataset:

    For ToyTrain scene:

    # preprocessing the data
    python src/ --data_dir data/BlenderData/toytrain/multilight/ --uv_depth 9.0 --st_depth 0.0 --resize_ratio 2
    python src/ --exp_name toytrain_multi_albedo_full --data_dir data/BlenderData/toytrain/multilight/ --uv_depth 10.0 --st_depth 0.0 --resize_ratio 2 --method full

    For FaceCoverscene:

    # preprocessing the data
    python src/ --data_dir data/BlenderData/facecover/multilight/ --uv_depth 10.0 --st_depth 0.0 --resize_ratio 2 
    python src/ --exp_name facecover_multi_albedo_full --data_dir data/BlenderData/facecover/multilight/ --uv_depth 10.0 --st_depth 0.0 --resize_ratio 2 --method full

    For FaceBase scene:

    # preprocessing the data
    python src/ --data_dir data/BlenderData/FaceBase/multilight/ --uv_depth 5.0 --st_depth 0.0 --resize_ratio 2 
    python src/ --exp_name FaceBase_multi_albedo_full --data_dir data/BlenderData/FaceBase/multilight/ --uv_depth 5.0 --st_depth 0.0 --resize_ratio 2 --method full --gpuid 0

    The results will in result_mm/folder. The expect animation result is result_mm/Exp_xxxx/epoch-xxx/video_ani.gif

GIF1 Description GIF2 Description GIF3 Description
  • 2.3 Relighting demo

    Relighting demo on synthetic data for various light probe format environment map. Please download the light probe data *.pfm from here: light probe, and put them in the folder env_map/.

    To run the relighting demo, for here, we choose the grace.pfm as the environment map, and experiment on the synthetic data FaceBase with the light source distance uv_depth=5.0 and st_depth=0.0. If it is your first time to run this experiment, please add --compute_OLAT argument to precompute the OLAT imgs.

    # grace_probe
    python src/ --st_depth 0.0 --uv_depth 5.0 --exp_name FaceBase_multi_albedo_full --data_dir data/BlenderData/FaceBase/multilight/ --env_map_dir 'env_map/grace_probe.pfm' --compute_OLAT
    # uffizi_probe
    python src/ --st_depth 0.0 --uv_depth 5.0 --exp_name FaceBase_multi_albedo_full --data_dir data/BlenderData/FaceBase/multilight/ --env_map_dir 'env_map/uffizi_probe.pbm'

    Above command will generate the relighting results structure like below

    - result_relight/
    - Exp_FaceBase_multi_albedo_full/
      - lightImg # store current direction of light probe imgs and mp4 video
      - OLAT_img # store the precomputed OLAT imgs
      - result # store the relight results and mp4 video

    And expecting relighting result is like below:

    Alternate Text


  title={Relit-NeuLF: Efficient Novel View Synthesis with Neural 4D Light Field},
  author={Li, Zhong, Song, Liangchen, Chen, Zhang, Du, Xiangyu, Chen, Lele, Yuan, Junsong, Xu, Yi},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 31th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},


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