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FireWood Fridge ORM, an ORM for Objective-C (iOS and Mac OSX) on top of SQLite

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FireWood Fridge ORM

an ORM for Objective-C (both iOS and Mac OSX) on top of SQLite


Modeled after Active Records pattern. It supports relations (many-to-one, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many).

It can be deployed both on iOS and Mac OSX

It's based upon FMDB available at, an Objective-C wrapper around SQLite:

How to use

###Quickstart Import into the XCode Project the FWF_ORM folder, enable ARC and add libsqlite3.dylib (in YourProject->BuildPhases->Link Binary With Libraries)

####An Example

Import FWF_ORMLib.h and define a class that inherits from FWFEntity, that will be our entity. In the example we will name it EntityTest (wow a name that's unexpected…) with an NSString attribute name.

NB:Attributes must be Objects! (see newOBJDataTypes section)

Remember that you will need to init the persistence f your entities at startup (or before every call) you could not do so and use everytime

[[EntityTest alloc] initWithPersistenceCheck];

but it's faster to init persistence at startup

[[EntityTest alloc] initEntityPersistence];

and somewhere else you can use the entity withou any worries

EntityTest *jack = [[EntityTest alloc] init]; = @"Jack White"

to save call

[jack save];

simple huh?

To retrieve the object saved:

EntityTest *retrievedobj = [[EntityTest objects] getFirstOrNilWithSQLPredicate:@"name='Jack White'"];

Or a collection of objects:

the entire collection

FWFList *listobjs = [[EntityTest objects] all];

a part of it (using filters)

FWFList *listobjs = [[EntityTest objects] filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%Whi%'"];


####SQL based filters

You can use filter based on SQL (everything is appended after the keyword WHERE)

FWFList *listobjs = [[EntityTest objects] filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name = 'Jack White'"];

and chain them together

FWFList *listobjs = [[[EntityTest objects] filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%Ja%'"] filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%White%'"];

or better (because each call to the filter method executes a query and retrieve the objects, so it consumes resources)

FWFList *listobjs = [EntityTest objects];
[listobjs beginSQLChainedFiltering];
#add filters
[[listobjs filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%Ja%'"] filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%White%'"];
#and now execute each filter called
[listobjs executeSQLChainedFiltering];

####Tip: This code

FWFList *listobjs = [[[EntityTest objects] filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%Ja%'"] filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%White%'"];

or this one

FWFList *listobjs = [EntityTest objects];
[listobjs filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%Ja%'"]
[listobjs filterWithSQLPredicate:@"name like '%White%'"];

Does the same thing

####NSPredicate based filters You can use NSPredicate based filters (sintax help)

FWFList *listobjs = [EntityTest objects];
[listobjs filterWithPredicate:@"number=11"];
[listobjs filterWithPredicate:@"name like 'Mar*'"];

You can chain them togheter but they are executed every time they are called (each filter is executed when called).

####Tip: If you use the filters based on NSPredicate you can't chain after them a SQL based filter (it will overwrite the filtering made by every NSPredicate based filter).


There are also serialization methods available that returns NSDictionary or NSArray of NSDictionary

#for single entities:
[retrievedobj serializeWithDictionary];

#for collections:
[listobjs serializeWithDictionary];

####Others Examples You can try the examples included in the test folder. That folder does not contain dependancies for the FWF ORM.


###General The FWF general configurations are stored into FWF_Config.h

  • FWF_LAZY_ERRORS FALSE: default is FALSE, and it throw s an exception when incurring in a persistence problem. If TRUE it's more "lazy" (less strict) about that.
  • FWF_DEBUG: default is FALSE, if true the query executed by the FWF ORM are logged

###Specific FWFEntity could allow the storage of empty entities (every attribute is null except for the pk). DEFAULT is FALSE If you want to allow empty entities, override the method isNullEntityNotAllowed, returning false

- (bool) isNullEntityNotAllowed{
	return false;


The filters based on SQL are clauses that will be appended in the query after the keyword WHERE.

You can chain SQL filters, but remember each filter is executed every times it is invoked. To avoid that, before executing the chained filters, call beginSQLChainedFiltering, and after the last filter (to retrieve the desidered data) call executeSQLChainedFiltering. If you use the filters based on NSPredicate you can't chain after them a SQL based filter (it will overwrite the filtering made by every NSPredicate based filter).

It's better to use SQL based filters because they are faster (expecially with lot of data)

New OBJ DataTypes

They are available the "object equivalent" of some primitive types:

  • OBJBool
  • OBJInteger
  • OBJUInteger

Use them instead of primitive types, as attributes of entities.


###Import Export You can use this module to import/export entities, for example it can be useful to load predefined data on first start (of the app)

####import methods

  • import into the database the entities contained in the binary file. They MUST be of the same class. Returns false if the file does not exist.

      - (bool) importFromBinaryFileWithPath:(NSString *) path;
  • overwrites (or inits) the current database with the default "templatedb.sqlite" (it must be available in the folder where the program is executed, remember to add it in the copy boundle in Build Phases)

      - (bool) overwriteDataWithTemplateDb;
  • overwrites (or inits) the current database with the one provided in the path (considered as template)

      - (bool) overwriteDataWithTemplateDbFromPath:(NSString *)path;

####export methods

  • exports the selected entities to a binary file. Returns false if it encounters problems while saving.

      - (bool) exportToBinaryFileWithPath:(NSString *) path;
  • exports the data to sqlite file (overwriting any existent file with the same name). Returns false if it encounters problems while saving.

      - (bool) exportToSqliteFileWithPath:(NSString *) path;


See the examples in the source code


FireWood Fridge ORM, an ORM for Objective-C (iOS and Mac OSX) on top of SQLite






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