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ActiveCollections is an attempt to create a java API that behaves similarly to the ActiveRecord in rails. It sits on top of JPA so you can map your objects as usual with annotations. It allows you to easily create repositories for each of your JPA classes and then filter methods to query these. As a bonus the repositories implement the Set interface so that you can drop them in anywhere a Set can go.


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Got an Article object with JPA mappings? Let's create an active set for it.

public class Articles extends JpaActiveSet<Article> {

    public Articles() {} // Required for cglib - transactions etc.

    public Articles(EntityManagerFactory emf) {
        super(Article.class, emf);


Hook up to the db

Articles articles = new Articles(entityManagerFactory);

Saving articles

Article article = new Article("Sir Ian McKellen: Cowboys and Hobbits");


1 ==;
1 == articles.size(); // Takes paging into account to conform to Set contract i.e. pagesize determines maximum possible result from this method. Normally you'll want to use total().
false == articles.isEmpty();


true == articles.contains(article);
false == articles.containsAll(collectionOfArticles);

Deleting articles


For loops

for(Article article : articles) {

Used in place of a Set

Set<Article> setOfArticles = articles;

All methods of the Set interface have been implemented so your Articles can go anywhere a normal Set can.


Article foundUsingId = articles.find(article.getId())
articles.find(idForArticleThatDoesntExist) // throws IllegalArgumentException
null == articles.findOrNull(idForArticleThatDoesntExist)


Articles firstPage =; // default page size is 25, indexed from 1
Articles smallerPageSize = articles.pagesOf(10).page(1);


Articles sortedByName = articles.orderedBy("name DESC");


Notice that many of these methods return an object of type Articles. This allows us to chain them together.

Articles orderedByNamePageOne = articles.orderedBy("name DESC").pagesOf(20).page(1)


active-collections allows you to define custom filtering criteria, let's extend our Articles implementation. We're going to take advantage of the where(jpaFragment, param1, param2, ...) method. JpaActiveSet makes an alias available for you so that you can just refer to the entity easily. The convention is that the alias is the lowercase name of the entity, in this example "article".

public class Articles extends JpaActiveSet<Article> {

    public Articles() {} // Required for cglib - transactions etc.

    public Articles(EntityManagerFactory emf) {
        super(Article.class, emf);

    public Articles beginningWith(String startOfName) {
        return where(" like ?", startOfName + "%");

    public Articles endingWith(String endOfName) {
        return where(" like ?", "%" + endOfName);
    public Articles publishedBetween(Date startDate, Date endDate) {
        return where("article.publishedDate between ? and ?", startDate, endDate);


now we can do

Articles articlesWithNamesBeginningWithPEndingWithE = articles.beginningWith("P").endingWith("e");
Articles q3Articles = articles.publishedBetween(JULY,OCTOBER);

Note that you can add as many conditions as you like and then just chain them up. Why not try it in a for loop

for(Article article : articles.beginningWith("P").endingWith("e")) {


Perhaps you want to include conditions on associated entities.

public class Articles {
    public Articles withTag(String tagName) {
      return join("article.tags tag").where(" = ?", tagName);


Set<Article> newsAboutIphone = articles.withTag("iphone");

You can also use other JpaActiveSets as criteria

public class Articles {
    public Articles where(Tags tags) {
        return join("article.tags tag").where(tags);

Set<Article> articlesWithTagsBegin = articles.where("B%"));

Custom select

Maybe you only want distinct entities.

public Articles distinct() {
  return select("distinct article");

Default conditions

You want your articles to be always ordered by title?

public Articles always() {
  return orderedBy("article.title ASC");

Now when you do

for(Article article : articles) {

or with a condition

for(Article article : articles.publishedToday()) {

They'll be listed alphabetical order


Distinct is actually already available on JpaActiveSet



sometimes you want to return all/none depending on a condition

public Articles publishedSince(Date startDate) {
  if (startDate == null) return all();

public Articles inCategories(Set<Category> categories) {
  if (categories == null || categories.isEmpty()) return none();

Query for a property

Often you don't want to bring back the whole object and just want a property

public List<String> allTitles() {
  return this.<String>reduceToList("title");


for(String title : articles.allTitles()) {

Max value

You can get the max value for a property using

public Integer getMaxAge() {
	return this.<Integer>max("age");	

or perhaps

public Long getMaxId() {
	return this.<Long>max("id");

will print all article titles without incurring the cost of loading the Article objects.

Dates and Calendars as parameters

They just work. You don't have to worry about telling JPA that they are time based parameters, JpaActiveSet takes care of it for you.

public Articles publishedSince(Date startDate) {
  return where("startDate > ?", startDate);

public Articles publishedSince(Calendar startDate) {
  return where("startDate > ?", startDate);

Collections as parameters using ?

They also just work. JPA will not normally allow you to use Collections as parameters when you're using the ? syntax. It does however work with named parameters. Behind the scenes JpaActiveSet actually converts all ?s into named parameters so you're able to use Collections as parameters with the ? syntax.

public Articles withAny(Set<Tag> tags) {
  return where("article.tag in (?)", tags);

JpaActiveSets are proxies onto database tables

If you've been checking your log you'll find that a call such as

Articles orderedByNamePageOne = articles.orderedBy("name DESC").pagesOf(20).page(1)

doesn't actually query the database. The query isn't triggered until you try and use the articles in the Set.

for(Article article : orderedByNamePageOne) {

Once you do this you'll see that the query is made to the database. So what's triggering it? To understand that you need to know how the for loop works. When the for loop is compiled it actually get's converted into something like this.

Iterator<Article> iter = orderedByNamePageOne.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
  Article article =;
  // body of for loop
  // end of for loop body

It's the call to .iterator() is what triggers the query to the database. Each time .iterator() is called the database is queried again. All of the querying methods on a JpaActiveSet behave in the same way. It's important to understand this, consider the following.

Articles filtered = articles.beginningWith("P").publishedThisWeek();

0 ==;
0 ==;

1 ==;
1 ==;

1 ==;
2 ==;

The filtered set always contains all of the articles that match it's criteria.


Perhaps you want to freeze the results for the current request? These are for you.

Set<Article> frozenSet = articles.frozen();
List<Article> frozenList = articles.frozenList();
SortedSet<Article> frozenSortedSet = articles.frozenSortedSet();
Set<Article> orderedSet = articles.frozenOrderedSet();


The logging framework is log4j. By setting the logger level for opsb.activecollections.JpaActiveSet you can view the jpa queries as they're executed.

Sometimes you only want logging from one of your JpaActiveSets. Taking Articles as an example

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public Articles extends JpaActiveSet<Article> {


    protected Logger getLogger() {
        return Logger.getLogger(Articles.class);


now when you switch on logging for Articles you'll see all of the JPA queries that JpaActiveSet is executing.


Mocking JpaActiveSets for testing

Mockito is your friend here, it allows you to do "deep stubbing". This means you can define expectations for chains in one go.

Articles mockArticles = deepMock(Articles.class);
  .thenReturn(asSet(article1, article2));

and this is the implementation for the deepMock method

public class MockitoUtil {
    public static <T> T deepMock(Class<T> clazz) {
            return Mockito.mock(clazz, new DeepAnswer());

class DeepAnswer implements Answer<Object> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6926328908792880098L;

    private final HashMap<Class<?>, Object> mocks = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>();

    public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
        Class<?> clz = invocation.getMethod().getReturnType();
        if (clz.isPrimitive()) {
                return null;
        if (mocks.containsKey(clz)) {
                return mocks.get(clz);
        } else {
                Object mock = Mockito.mock(clz, this);
                mocks.put(clz, mock);
                return mock;


Dependencies missing after filtering

When chaining you need to ensure that any dependencies are copied across to the new copy that get's created(each chained method call results in a new JpaActiveSet being created). Here's an example, note how authors are copied across.

public Articles extends JpaActiveSet<Article> {
    private Authors authors;
    public Articles() {}
    public Articles(EntityManagerFactory emf, Authors authors) {
      super(Article.class, emf);
      this.authors = authors;
    protected <E extends JpaActiveSet<T>> void afterCopy(E copy) {
      copy.authors = authors;

AOP advice lost in chains

When you chain calls with a JpaActiveSet it creates a new clone of the class for each step. Because these clones aren't managed by spring they don't have any aop functionality mixed in. JpaTemplate is used for all queries though so queries will still be run inside transactions.

Load time weaving - the solution to this issue is to use load time weaving. Once you've configured this in spring all of the objects in a chain will have the correct aop advice.

TODO - pretty self explanatory though

Articles distinctArticles = articles.distinct();
Articles articlesInList =, article2))