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Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind.


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Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind.

Homesick is sorta like rip, but for dotfiles. It uses git to clone a repository containing dotfiles, and saves them in ~/.homesick. It then allows you to symlink all the dotfiles into place with a single command.

We call a repository that is compatible with homesick to be a 'castle'. To act as a castle, a repository must be organized like so:

  • Contains a 'home' directory
  • 'home' contains any number of files and directories that begin with '.'

To get started, install homesick first:

gem install homesick

Next, you use the homesick command to clone a castle:

homesick clone git://

Alternatively, if it's on github, there's a slightly shorter way:

homesick clone technicalpickles/pickled-vim

With the castle cloned, you can now link its contents into your home dir:

homesick symlink pickled-vim

You can remove symlinks anytime when you don't need them anymore

homesick unlink pickled-vim

If you're not sure what castles you have around, you can easily list them:

homesick list

To pull your castle (or all castles):

homesick pull --all|CASTLE

To commit your castle's changes:

homesick commit CASTLE

To push your castle:

homesick push CASTLE

Not sure what else homesick has up its sleeve? There's always the built in help:

homesick help


homesick symlink basically makes symlink to only first depth in castle/home. If you want to link nested files/directories, please use .homesick_subdir.

For example, when you have castle like this:

`-- .config
    `-- fooapp
        |-- config1
        |-- config2
        `-- config3

and have home like this:

$ tree -a
|-- .config
|   `-- barapp
|         |-- config1
|         |-- config2
|         `-- config3
`-- .emacs.d
    |-- elisp
    `-- inits

You may want to symlink only to castle/home/.config/fooapp instead of castle/home/.config because you already have ~/.config/barapp. In this case, you can use .homesick_subdir. Please write "directories you want to look up sub directories (instead of just first depth)" in this file.



and run homesick symlink CASTLE. The result is:

|-- .config
|   |-- barapp
|   |     |-- config1
|   |     |-- config2
|   |     `-- config3
|   `-- fooapp        -> castle/home/.config/fooapp
`-- .emacs.d
    |-- elisp
    `-- inits

Or homesick track NESTED_FILE CASTLE adds a line automatically. For example:

homesick track .emacs.d/elisp castle



home directory

|-- .config
|   |-- barapp
|   |     |-- config1
|   |     |-- config2
|   |     `-- config3
|   `-- fooapp        -> castle/home/.config/fooapp
`-- .emacs.d
    |-- elisp         -> castle/home/.emacs.d/elisp
    `-- inits

and castle

|-- .config
|   `-- fooapp
|       |-- config1
|       |-- config2
|      `-- config3
`-- .emacs.d
    `-- elisp

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Need homesick without the ruby dependency?

Check out homeshick.


Copyright (c) 2010 Joshua Nichols. See LICENSE for details.


Your home directory is your castle. Don't leave your dotfiles behind.







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