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Content Management - Component, Template, Theme and Content Layout Development

To learn about developing components for Content Management, see the links below:

Developing for Oracle Content Management

Test to Production – Use the Content Toolkit for Test to Production

Headless CLI using IAM - Setup IAM Application for headless CLI (No popup Chromium for authentication)

Headless CLI using IDCS - Setup IDCS Application for headless CLI (No popup Chromium for authentication)

Build Test - Build, optimize and test updates for OCM source

Asset Sync - Synchronize asset create, update, delete, publish across OCM servers

Site Pre-Compilation - Pre-Compile a site for faster rendition in the browser


  • Make sure node and npm are in your PATH. Use NodeJS version 16.18.1+.
  • Download the Content Toolkit - e.g. from GitHub - link
  • Install the dependencies
cd  <download-path>/content-and-experience-toolkit/sites
npm install
  • Put cec on your path:


sudo ln -s $PWD/node_modules/.bin/cec /usr/local/bin/cec


Run SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe, edit Environment Variables and add <your download path>\content-and-experience-toolkit\sites\node_modules\.bin to the PATH variable, replacing <your download path> as appropriate.

  • Run the command line utility cec to get help about the commands.

Create an initial src directory

Create an initial src directory in any location on your local file system to contain your CEC source. A package.json some dependencies, and src will be created. You can use this a your starting point for CEC source and dependency inclusion.

mkdir cec-src
cd cec-src
cec install
  • Start the local test harness to allow disconnected development of components, themes, templates, and content layouts:
cec develop
  • the runtime test harness can be accessed from the browser using address: http://localhost:8085

  • Your components, themes, templates, layouts can all be found in src/

Using a Content Management instance for local testing

The CEC instance can be used for the following things:

  • Testing components like Sample-File-List which access content
  • Generating Content Layouts from content types stored in CEC
  • Rendering Content Layouts using content from CEC
  • Exporting and Importing templates, and components from / to CEC into local file system

You can register one, two, or more OCM servers.

cec register-server DEV -e -u user -p password
cec register-server DEV2 -e -u user2 -p password
cec register-server UAT -e -u user -p password
cec register-server PROD -e -u user -p password

If you want the password to be encrypted, create an encryption key first and register the server with the key

cec create-encryption-key ~/.ceckey
cec register-server DEV -e -u user -p password -k ~/.ceckey

Test your registered server

cec list --server DEV

Using an IAM Application to access CEC Instance to have a CLI without Chromium popup for Authentication

Instructions on how to setup the IAM application for headless CLI are here

Using an IDCS Application to access CEC Instance to have a CLI without Chromium popup for Authentication

Instructions on how to setup the IDCS application for headless CLI are here