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An Ingress per domain chart

This chart is for deploying an Ingress resource in front of an Oracle SOA Suite domain cluster. We support three Ingress types: Traeafik and Nginx.


  • Have Docker and a Kubernetes cluster running and have kubectl installed and configured.
  • Have Helm installed.
  • The corresponding Ingress controller, Traefik, is installed in the Kubernetes cluster.
  • An Oracle SOA Suite domain cluster deployed by weblogic-operator is running in the Kubernetes cluster.
  • For Secured access (SSL) to the SOA applications enable WebLogic plugin.

Install Nginx (kubernetes/ingress-nginx) Ingress Controller.

$ helm install  nginx-ingress -n soans stable/nginx-ingress

Installing the chart

To install the chart with the release name, soa-traefik-ingress or soa-nginx-ingress, with the given values.yaml:

# Change directory to the cloned git Oracle SOA Suite Kubernetes deployment scripts repo.

# Use helm to install the chart.  Use `--namespace` to specify the name of the Soa domain's namespace.

# Using Helm 3.x:
# Traefik:
$ helm install soa-traefik-ingress  charts/ingress-per-domain --namespace soans --values charts/ingress-per-domain/values.yaml --set "traefik.hostname=$(hostname -f)"  

$ helm install soa-nginx-ingress  charts/ingress-per-domain --namespace soans --values charts/ingress-per-domain/values.yaml --set "nginx.hostname=$(hostname -f)"

NOTE: Ingress per domain installing using helm command uses the values from values.yml available at charts/ingress-per-domain/values.yaml. This values.yaml contains the default values The inputs provided in the helm install command will overwrite these default values.

In the value.yaml the default values are: type: "TRAEFIK" , sslType: "NONSSL" and domainType: "soa".
If you want to use other than these default values then,
1. Either modify the value.yaml file with the required values or
2. Pass the required values through the helm command line.

For Example : For installing Nginx ingress with SSL Configuration pass "type=NGINX" and "sslType=SSL" on command line.
$ helm install soa-nginx-ingress charts/ingress-per-domain --namespace soans --values charts/ingress-per-domain/values.yaml --set "nginx.hostname=$(hostname -f)" --set type=NGINX --set sslType=SSL

The Ingress resource will be created in the same namespace as the SOA domain cluster.

Generate Secret to access SSL services

Command to Generate Secret:

$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /tmp/tls1.key -out /tmp/tls1.crt -subj "/CN=*"
$ kubectl -n soans create secret tls soainfra-tls-cert --key /tmp/tls1.key --cert /tmp/tls1.crt

Sample values.yaml for the Traefik and Nginx Ingress:

# Load balancer type.  Supported values are: TRAEFIK
# For Type NGINX Uncomment type NGINX and Comment type TRAEFIK
#type: NGINX

# Type of Configuration Supported Values are : NONSSL,SSL and E2ESSL
sslType: NONSSL
#sslType: SSL
#sslType: E2ESSL

# domainType Supported values are soa,osb and soaosb
# Uncomment only one domainType below and comment others based on the domain type of SOA Suite domain. Default domainType is 'soa'.
 domainType: soa
#domainType: osb
#domainType: soaosb

# WLS domain as backend to the load balancer
  domainUID: soainfra
  adminServerName: AdminServer
  adminServerPort: 7001
  adminServerSSLPort: 7002
  soaClusterName: soa_cluster
  soaManagedServerPort: 8001
  soaManagedServerSSLPort: 8002
  osbClusterName: osb_cluster
  osbManagedServerPort: 9001
  osbManagedServerSSLPort: 9002

# Host Specific Values

Uninstalling the chart

To uninstall and delete the my-ingress deployment:

$ helm delete --purge <soa-traefik-ingress or soa-nginx-ingress >


The following table lists the configurable parameters of this chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
type Type of Ingress controller. Legal values are TRAEFIK or NGINX. TRAEFIK
sslType Type of Configuration. values are NONSSL , SSL and E2ESSL. NONSSL
domainType Type of SOA Domain. values are soa or osb orsoaosb. soa
hostName.admin Admin host name.
hostName.soa Soa host name.
hostName.osb Osb host name.
wlsDomain.domainUID DomainUID of the Soa domain. soainfra
wlsDomain.soaClusterName Cluster name in the SOA domain. soa_cluster
wlsDomain.osbClusterName Cluster name in the OSB domain. osb_cluster
wlsDomain.adminServerPort Port number of the Admin servers in the Soa domain cluster . 7001
wlsDomain.adminServerSSLPort Port number of the Admin servers in the Soa domain cluster . 7002
wlsDomain.soaManagedServerPort Port number of the managed servers in the Soa domain cluster. 8001
wlsDomain.soaManagedServerSSLPort SSL Port number of the managed servers in the Soa domain cluster. 8002
wlsDomain.osbManagedServerPort Port number of the managed servers in the Soa domain cluster. 9001
wlsDomain.osbManagedServerSSLPort Port number of the managed servers in the Soa domain cluster. 9002

NOTE: The input values domainUID and clusterName will be used to generate the Kubernetes serviceName of the WLS cluster with the format domainUID-cluster-clusterName.