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This submodule generates the GCN CLI application which is compiled to a native executable gcn, which works similarly to the Micronaut mn CLI with the addition of being able to generate GCN applications by specifying clouds and services.


The main class is GcnStarter which defines the "core" command and the 3 subcommands "create-app" (GcnCreateAppCommand), "create-function" (GcnCreateFunctionCommand), and "create-gateway-function" (GcnCreateGatewayFunctionCommand).

When you run the application and provide valid arguments, the ProjectGenerator bean (GcnProjectGenerator) creates the applications or functions. These are generated as a multi-module project with the core library "lib" and one module for each selected cloud.

Generating projects

There are a few ways to generate a project.

  • Run ./gradlew clean assemble from the project root to build the jars in each submodule’s build/libs directory. Then run java -jar path/to/gcn/gcn-cli/build/libs/gcn-cli-<VERSION>-all.jar create-app com.example.demo --services=…​ --clouds=…​ --features=…​ passing any features and clouds or other args

  • Run ./gradlew clean :gcn-cli:nativeCompile from the project root to build a native executable in build/native/nativeCompile, then run path/to/gcn/gcn-cli/build/native/nativeCompile/gcn create-app com.example.demo --services=…​ --clouds=…​ --features=…​ passing any features and clouds or other args

  • Run in IntelliJ by creating a Micronaut run configuration with Main class cloud.graal.gcn.GcnStarter. Set the Working directory to the location where you want to generate the project, and specify the command and args in the Program arguments field, e.g., create-app com.example.demo --services=…​ --clouds=…​ --features=…​