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Deprecated and Desupported Features

The following tables contain the deprecated and desupported features of the python-oracledb API, and the replacement to be used instead, if applicable. The desupported API feature is a previous deprecation that has been removed and is no longer available in python-oracledb. The most recent deprecated and desupported features are listed first.

.. list-table-with-summary:: Desupported in python-oracledb 2.0
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the desupported feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the desupport and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _desupported_2_0

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - ``oracledb.__future__.old_json_col_as_obj``
      - VARCHAR2 and LOB columns created with the ``IS JSON`` check constraint
        are now always fetched as JSON.  Use an :ref:`output type handler
        <outputtypehandlers>` if the old behavior is required.
    * - Parameters ``encoding`` and ``nencoding`` of :func:`oracledb.connect()`
        and :func:`oracledb.create_pool()`, and the related attributes on the
        objects created
      - The driver encodings are always UTF-8. Remove uses of ``encoding`` and
        ``nencoding`` from your code.
    * - Parameter ``threaded`` of :func:`oracledb.connect()` and
      - Threading is always used. Remove uses of ``threaded`` from your code.
    * - Parameter ``waitTimeout`` of :func:`oracledb.create_pool()` and
      - Replace with parameter ``wait_timeout``
    * - Parameter ``maxLifetimeSession`` of :func:`oracledb.create_pool()` and
      - Replace with parameter ``max_lifetime_session``
    * - Parameter ``sessionCallback`` of :func:`oracledb.create_pool()` and
      - Replace with parameter ``session_callback``
    * - Parameter ``maxSessionsPerShard`` of :func:`oracledb.create_pool()` and
      - Replace with parameter ``max_sessions_per_shard``
    * - Attribute ``maxBytesPerCharacter`` of the :ref:`connection object
      - The driver encodings are always UTF-8 so this attribute can be replaced by
        the constant value 4
    * - ``Connection.tnsentry``
      - Replace with :attr:`Connection.dsn`
    * - ``SessionPool.tnsentry``
      - Replace with :attr:`ConnectionPool.dsn`

.. list-table-with-summary:: Deprecated in python-oracledb 2.0
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the deprecated feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the deprecation and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _deprecations_2_0

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - Calling :meth:`Variable.setvalue()` with a string value when the
        variable type is one of :data:`oracledb.DB_TYPE_BLOB`,
        :data:`oracledb.DB_TYPE_CLOB` or :data:`oracledb.DB_TYPE_NCLOB`.
      - Call :meth:`Connection.createlob()` with the value instead and pass the
        result to :meth:`Variable.setvalue()`.
    * - Setting an attribute of type :data:`oracledb.DB_TYPE_BLOB`,
        :data:`oracledb.DB_TYPE_CLOB` or :data:`oracledb.DB_TYPE_NCLOB` on a
        database object to a string value.
      - Call :meth:`Connection.createlob()` with the value instead and set the
        attribute with the result.

.. list-table-with-summary:: Deprecated in python-oracledb 1.4
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the deprecated feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the deprecation and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _deprecations_1_4

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - Output type handler with arguments
        ``handler(cursor, name, default_type, length, precision, scale)``
      - Replace with ``handler(cursor, metadata)``. See

.. list-table-with-summary:: Deprecated in python-oracledb 1.0
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the deprecated feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the deprecation and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _deprecations_1

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - `SessionPool class <>`_ and use of `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - Replace by the equivalent :ref:`ConnectionPool Class <connpool>`. Use the new method :meth:`oracledb.create_pool()` to create connection pools.
    * - :meth:`Connection.begin()`
      - Replace by the new :ref:`Two-Phase Commits (TPC) <tcp>` functionality.
    * - :meth:`Connection.prepare()`
      - Replace by the new :ref:`Two-Phase Commits (TPC) <tcp>` functionality.
    * - Parameters ``encoding`` and ``nencoding`` of the :func:`oracledb.connect()`, :func:`oracledb.create_pool()` and ``oracledb.SessionPool()`` methods
      - The encodings in use are always UTF-8.
    * - Parameter ``threaded`` of the :meth:`oracledb.connect()` method
      - This was used to allow the Oracle Client libraries to support threaded applications. This value is ignored in python-oracledb because the threaded OCI is always enabled in the Thick mode, and the option is not relevant to the Thin mode. The equivalent parameter was already deprecated for `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_ in cx_Oracle 8.2.
    * - Attribute :attr:`Connection.maxBytesPerCharacter` of the Connection object
      - This was previously deprecated.  In python-oracledb 1.0 it will return a constant value of 4 since encodings are always UTF-8.
    * - Size argument, ``numRows`` of the :meth:`Cursor.fetchmany()` method
      - Rename the parameter to ``size``.
    * - `cx_Oracle.makedsn() <>`_
      - Pass the connection string components as connection creation, or pool creation, parameters.  Or use a :ref:`ConnectParams Class <connparam>` object.
    * - oracledb.Connection()
      - This method is no longer recommended for creating connections. Use the equivalent function :meth:`oracledb.connect()` instead.
    * - Attribute ``Cursor.bindarraysize`` of the Cursor object
      - Remove this attribute since it is no longer needed.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.ATTR_PURITY_DEFAULT`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.PURITY_DEFAULT`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.ATTR_PURITY_NEW`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.PURITY_NEW`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.ATTR_PURITY_SELF`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.PURITY_SELF`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SPOOL_ATTRVAL_WAIT`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.POOL_GETMODE_WAIT`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SPOOL_ATTRVAL_NOWAIT`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.POOL_GETMODE_NOWAIT`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SPOOL_ATTRVAL_FORCEGET`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.POOL_GETMODE_FORCEGET`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SPOOL_ATTRVAL_TIMEDWAIT`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.POOL_GETMODE_TIMEDWAIT`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.DEFAULT_AUTH`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_DEFAULT`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SYSASM`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_SYSASM`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SYSBKP`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_SYSBKP`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SYSDBA`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_SYSDBA`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SYSDGD`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_SYSDGD`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SYSKMT`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_SYSKMT`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SYSOPER`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_SYSOPER`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SYSRAC`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_SYSRAC`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.PRELIM_AUTH`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.AUTH_MODE_PRELIM`.
    * - Constant :data:`~oracledb.SUBSCR_PROTO_OCI`
      - Replace by :data:`~oracledb.SUBSCR_PROTO_CALLBACK`.
    * - Class name `ObjectType <>`_
      - Replace by the equivalent :ref:`DbObjectType<dbobjecttype>`.
    * - Class name `Object <>`_
      - Replace by the equivalent :ref:`DbObject <dbobject>`.

Many of the usages deprecated in cx_Oracle (see tables below) are still supported by python-oracledb to ease upgrade from cx_Oracle. However, these previous cx_Oracle deprecation announcements remain in force for python-oracledb. The relevant functionality may be removed in a future version of python-oracledb.

Some of the previous deprecations that have been removed and are not available in python-oracledb are listed below:

.. list-table-with-summary:: Desupported in python-oracledb 1.0
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the desupported feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the desupport and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _desupported_1

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - `Cursor.fetchraw() <>`__
      - Use one of the other fetch methods such as :meth:`Cursor.fetchmany()` instead.
    * - `Cursor.executemanyprepared() <>`__
      - Use :meth:`Cursor.executemany()` instead.
    * - Previously deprecated Advanced Queuing (AQ) API
      - Use the new :ref:`AQ API <aq>` instead.  AQ is only available in the python-oracledb Thick mode.
    * - `Connection.deq() <>`__
      - Replace with :meth:`Queue.deqone()` or :meth:`Queue.deqmany()`
    * - `Connection.deqoptions() <>`__
      - Replace with :attr:`Queue.deqoptions`
    * - `Connection.enq() <>`__
      - Replace with :meth:`Queue.enqone()` or :meth:`Queue.enqmany()`
    * - `Connection.enqoptions() <>`__
      - Replace with :attr:`Queue.enqoptions`

.. list-table-with-summary:: Deprecated in cx_Oracle 8.2
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the deprecated feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the deprecation and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _deprecations_8_2

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - ``encoding`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.connect() <>`_
      - No longer needed as the use of encodings other than UTF-8 is
        deprecated. Encoding is handled internally between python-oracledb and Oracle
    * - ``nencoding`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.connect() <>`_
      - No longer needed as the use of encodings other than UTF-8 is
    * - ``encoding`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - No longer needed as the use of encodings other than UTF-8 is
    * - ``nencoding`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - No longer needed as the use of encodings other than UTF-8 is
    * - Connection.maxBytesPerCharacter
      - No longer needed as the use of encodings other than UTF-8 is
        deprecated. The constant value 4 can be used instead.
    * - Positional parameters to `cx_Oracle.connect() <>`_
      - Replace with keyword parameters in order to comply with the Python
        database API.
    * - Positional parameters to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - Replace with keyword parameters in order to comply with the Python
        database API.
    * - ``threaded`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - The value of this parameter is ignored. Threading is now always used.
    * - ``waitTimeout`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``wait_timeout``
    * - ``maxLifetimeSession`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``max_lifetime_session``
    * - ``sessionCallback`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``session_callback``
    * - ``maxSessionsPerShard`` parameter to `cx_Oracle.SessionPool() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``max_sessions_per_shard``
    * - ``SessionPool.tnsentry``
      - Replace with :attr:`ConnectionPool.dsn`
    * - ``payloadType`` parameter to `Connection.queue() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``payload_type`` if using keyword parameters.
    * - ``ipAddress`` parameter to `Connection.subscribe() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``ip_address``
    * - ``groupingClass`` parameter to `Connection.subscribe() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``grouping_class``
    * - ``groupingValue`` parameter to `Connection.subscribe() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``grouping_value``
    * - ``groupingType`` parameter to `Connection.subscribe() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``grouping_type``
    * - ``clientInitiated`` parameter to `Connection.subscribe() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``client_initiated``
    * - ``Connection.callTimeout``
      - Replace with `Connection.call_timeout <>`_
    * - ``Connection.tnsentry``
      - Replace with :attr:`Connection.dsn`
    * - `keywordParameters` parameter to `Cursor.callfunc() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``keyword_parameters``
    * - ``keywordParameters`` parameter to `Cursor.callproc() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``keyword_parameters``
    * - ``encodingErrors`` parameter to `Cursor.var() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``encoding_errors``
    * - ``Cursor.fetchraw()``
      - Replace with `Cursor.fetchmany() <>`_
    * - ``newSize`` parameter to `LOB.trim() <>`_
      - Replace with parameter name ``new_size``
    * - ``Queue.deqMany``
      - Replace with `Queue.deqmany() <>`_
    * - ``Queue.deqOne``
      - Replace with `Queue.deqone() <>`_
    * - ``Queue.enqMany``
      - Replace with `Queue.enqmany() <>`_
    * - ``Queue.enqOne``
      - Replace with `Queue.enqone() <>`_
    * - ``Queue.deqOptions``
      - Replace with `Queue.deqoptions <>`_
    * - ``Queue.enqOptions``
      - Replace with `Queue.enqoptions <>`_
    * - ``Queue.payloadType``
      - Replace with `Queue.payload_type <>`_
    * - ``Subscription.ipAddress``
      - Replace with `Subscription.ip_address <>`_
    * - ``Message.consumerName``
      - Replace with `Message.consumer_name <>`_
    * - ``Message.queueName``
      - Replace with `Message.queue_name <>`_
    * - ``Variable.actualElements``
      - Replace with `Variable.actual_elements <>`_
    * - ``Variable.bufferSize``
      - Replace with `Variable.buffer_size <>`_
    * - ``Variable.numElements``
      - Replace with `Variable.num_elements <>`_

.. list-table-with-summary:: Deprecated in cx_Oracle 8.0
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the deprecated feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the deprecation and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _deprecations_8_0

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - ``cx_Oracle.BFILE``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_BFILE <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.BLOB``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_BLOB <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.BOOLEAN``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_BOOLEAN <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.CLOB``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_CLOB <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.CURSOR``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_CURSOR <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_CHAR <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.FIXED_NCHAR``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_NCHAR <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.INTERVAL``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_INTERVAL_DS <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.LONG_BINARY``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_LONG_RAW <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.LONG_STRING``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_LONG <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.NATIVE_FLOAT``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.NATIVE_INT``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_BINARY_INTEGER <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.NCHAR``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_NVARCHAR <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.NCLOB``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_NCLOB <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.OBJECT``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_OBJECT <>`_
    * - ``cx_Oracle.TIMESTAMP``
      - Replace with `cx_Oracle.DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP <>`_

.. list-table-with-summary:: Deprecated in cx_Oracle 7.2
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the deprecated feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the deprecation and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _deprecations_7_2

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - ``Connection.deq()``
      - Replace with `Queue.deqone() <>`_ or `Queue.deqmany() <>`_.
    * - ``Connection.deqoptions()``
      - Replace with attribute `Queue.deqoptions <>`_.
    * - ``Connection.enq()``
      - Replace with `Queue.enqone() <>`_ or `Queue.enqmany() <>`_.
    * - ``Connection.enqoptions()``
      - Replace with attribute `Queue.enqoptions <>`_.

.. list-table-with-summary:: Deprecated in cx_Oracle 6.4
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :summary: The first column, Name, displays the deprecated feature. The second column, Comments, includes information about the deprecation and the replacement to use, if applicable.
    :name: _deprecations_6_4

    * - Name
      - Comments
    * - ``Cursor.executemanyprepared()``
      - Replace with `~Cursor.executemany() <>`_     with  None for the statement argument and an integer for the parameters argument.