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Using JSON Data

Native support for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data was introduced in Oracle Database 12c. You can use JSON with relational database features, including transactions, indexing, declarative querying, and views. You can project JSON data relationally, making it available for relational processes and tools. Also see :ref:`Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) <sodausermanual>`, which allows access to JSON documents through a set of NoSQL-style APIs.

For more information about using JSON in Oracle Database see the Database JSON Developer's Guide.

Oracle Database 21c JSON Data Type

Oracle Database 21c introduced a dedicated JSON data type with a new binary storage format that improves performance and functionality compared with earlier releases. To take advantage of the dedicated JSON type with Oracle Database 21c, or later, you can use python-oracledb in Thin or Thick modes. With Thick mode the Oracle Client libraries should be version 21, or later.

To create a table with a column called JSON_DATA for JSON data you might use:

create table CustomersAsJson (
    id integer not null primary key,
    json_data json

Oracle Database 12c JSON Data Type

In Oracle Database 12c, or later, JSON in relational tables can be stored as BLOB, CLOB or VARCHAR2 data. All of these types can be used with python-oracledb in Thin or Thick modes. BLOB is preferred to avoid character set conversion overheads.

The syntax to create a table with a JSON column using BLOB storage is like:

create table CustomersAsBlob (
    id integer not null primary key,
    json_data blob check (json_data is json)

The check constraint with the clause IS JSON ensures only JSON data is stored in that column.

This older syntax can still be used in Oracle Database 21c (and later); however, the recommendation is to move to the new JSON type.

Using the Oracle Database 21c JSON Type in python-oracledb

Using python-oracledb Thin mode with Oracle Database 21c, or using Thick mode with Oracle Database 21c and Oracle Client 21c (or later), you can insert by binding as shown below:

data = [
  (5, dict(name="Sally", dept="Sales", location="France")),
insert_sql = "insert into CustomersAsJson values (:1, :2)"

# Take advantage of direct binding
cursor.setinputsizes(None, oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON)
cursor.execute(insert_sql, [1, data])

To fetch a JSON column, use:

for row in cursor.execute("select * from CustomersAsJson"):

See for a runnable example. The example also shows how to use this type when python-oracledb Thick mode uses older Oracle Client libraries.

Using the Oracle 12c JSON type in python-oracledb

When using Oracle Database 12c or later with JSON using BLOB storage, you can insert JSON strings like:

import json

data = dict(name="Rod", dept="Sales", location="Germany")
inssql = "insert into CustomersAsBlob values (:1, :2)"

cursor.execute(inssql, [1, json.dumps(data)])

You can fetch VARCHAR2 and LOB columns that contain JSON data in the same way that :ref:`JSON type columns <json21fetch>` are fetched when using Oracle Database 21c or later. If you are using python-oracledb Thick mode, you must use Oracle Client 19c (or later). For example:

for row in cursor.execute("select * from CustomersAsBlob"):
.. versionchanged:: 2.0

    Previously, the ``oracledb.__future__.old_json_col_as_obj`` attribute
    needed to be set to *True* to fetch VARCHAR2 and LOB columns that
    contained JSON data. Also, you could fetch JSON data without setting this
    attribute with a call to ``json.loads()`` on the returned data. With this
    change, the ``oracledb.__future__.old_json_col_as_obj`` attribute is
    desupported. VARCHAR2 and LOB columns containing JSON data can now be
    fetched directly without setting the
    ``oracledb.__future__.old_json_col_as_obj`` attribute or without needing
    to call ``json.loads()`` on the value.

See for a runnable example.

IN Bind Type Mapping

When binding to a JSON value, the type parameter for the variable must be specified as :data:`oracledb.DB_TYPE_JSON`. Python values are converted to JSON values as shown in the following table. The 'SQL Equivalent' syntax can be used in SQL INSERT and UPDATE statements if specific attribute types are needed but there is no direct mapping from Python.

.. list-table-with-summary::
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :widths: 1 1 1
    :summary: The first column is the Python Type or Value. The second column is the equivalent JSON Attribute Type or Value. The third column is the SQL Equivalent syntax.
    :align: left

    * - Python Type or Value
      - JSON Attribute Type or Value
      - SQL Equivalent Example
    * - None
      - null
      - NULL
    * - True
      - true
      - n/a
    * - False
      - false
      - n/a
    * - int
      - NUMBER
      - json_scalar(1)
    * - float
      - NUMBER
      - json_scalar(1)
    * - decimal.Decimal
      - NUMBER
      - json_scalar(1)
    * - str
      - VARCHAR2
      - json_scalar('String')
    * -
      - json_scalar(to_timestamp('2020-03-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))
    * - datetime.datetime
      - json_scalar(to_timestamp('2020-03-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))
    * - bytes
      - RAW
      - json_scalar(utl_raw.cast_to_raw('A raw value'))
    * - list
      - Array
      - json_array(1, 2, 3 returning json)
    * - dict
      - Object
      - json_object(key 'Fred' value json_scalar(5), key 'George' value json_scalar('A string') returning json)
    * - n/a
      - CLOB
      - json_scalar(to_clob('A short CLOB'))
    * - n/a
      - BLOB
      - json_scalar(to_blob(utl_raw.cast_to_raw('A short BLOB')))
    * - n/a
      - DATE
      - json_scalar(to_date('2020-03-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))
    * - n/a
      - json_scalar(to_yminterval('+5-9'))
    * - n/a
      - json_scalar(to_dsinterval('P25DT8H25M'))
    * - n/a
      - json_scalar(to_binary_double(25))
    * - n/a
      - json_scalar(to_binary_float(15.5))

An example of creating a CLOB attribute with key mydocument in a JSON column using SQL is:

    insert into mytab (
    ) values (
        json_object(key 'mydocument' value json_scalar(to_clob(:b)) returning json)
    ['A short CLOB'])

When mytab is queried in python-oracledb, the CLOB data will be returned as a Python string, as shown by the following table. Output might be like:

{mydocument: 'A short CLOB'}

Query and OUT Bind Type Mapping

When getting Oracle Database 21 JSON values from the database, the following attribute mapping occurs:

.. list-table-with-summary::
    :header-rows: 1
    :class: wy-table-responsive
    :widths: 1 1
    :align: left
    :summary: The first column is the Database JSON Attribute Type or Value. The second column is the corresponding Python Type or Value mapped.

    * - Database JSON Attribute Type or Value
      - Python Type or Value
    * - null
      - None
    * - false
      - False
    * - true
      - True
    * - NUMBER
      - decimal.Decimal
    * - VARCHAR2
      - str
    * - RAW
      - bytes
    * - CLOB
      - str
    * - BLOB
      - bytes
    * - DATE
      - datetime.datetime
      - datetime.datetime
      - not supported
      - datetime.timedelta
      - float
      - float
    * - Arrays
      - list
    * - Objects
      - dict

SQL/JSON Path Expressions

Oracle Database provides SQL access to JSON data using SQL/JSON path expressions. A path expression selects zero or more JSON values that match, or satisfy, it. Path expressions can use wildcards and array ranges. A simple path expression is $.friends which is the value of the JSON field friends.

For example, the previously created customers table with JSON column json_data can be queried like:

select c.json_data.location FROM customers c

With the JSON '{"name":"Rod","dept":"Sales","location":"Germany"}' stored in the table, the queried value would be Germany.

The JSON_EXISTS functions tests for the existence of a particular value within some JSON data. To look for JSON entries that have a location field:

import json

for blob, in cursor.execute("""
    data = json.loads(

This query might display:

{'name': 'Rod', 'dept': 'Sales', 'location': 'Germany'}

The SQL/JSON functions JSON_VALUE and JSON_QUERY can also be used.

Note that the default error-handling behavior for these functions is NULL ON ERROR, which means that no value is returned if an error occurs. To ensure that an error is raised, use ERROR ON ERROR.

For more information, see SQL/JSON Path Expressions in the Oracle JSON Developer's Guide.

Accessing Relational Data as JSON

In Oracle Database 12.2 or later, the JSON_OBJECT function is a great way to convert relational table data to JSON:

        json_object('deptId' is d.department_id,
                    'name' is d.department_name) department
        departments d
        department_id < :did
    order by
for row in cursor:

This produces:

('{"deptId":40,"name":"Human Resources"}',)

To select a result set from a relational query as a single object you can use JSON_ARRAYAGG, for example:

oracledb.defaults.fetch_lobs = False

            json_object('deptid' is d.department_id,
                        'name' is d.department_name) returning clob)
        departments d
        department_id < :did""",
j, = cursor.fetchone()

This produces:

[{"deptid":10,"name":"Administration"},{"deptid":20,"name":"Marketing"},{"deptid":30,"name":"Purchasing"},{"deptid":40,"name":"Human Resources"}]