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Release Notes

This is the list of changes to pandas between each release. For full details, see the commit logs at

pandas 0.4.1

Release date: Not yet released

This is primarily a bug fix release but includes some new features and improvements

New features / modules

  • Added new DataFrame methods get_dtype_counts and property dtypes
  • Setting of values using .ix indexing attribute in mixed-type DataFrame objects has been implemented (fixes GH #135)
  • read_csv can read multiple columns into a MultiIndex. DataFrame's to_csv method will properly write out a MultiIndex which can be read back (PR #151, thanks to Skipper Seabold)
  • Wrote fast time series merging / joining methods in Cython. Will be integrated later into DataFrame.join and related functions
  • Added ignore_index option to DataFrame.append for combining unindexed records stored in a DataFrame

Improvements to existing features

  • Some speed enhancements with internal Index type-checking function
  • DataFrame.rename has a new copy parameter which can rename a DataFrame in place
  • Enable unstacking by level name (PR #142)
  • Enable sortlevel to work by level name (PR #141)
  • read_csv can automatically "sniff" other kinds of delimiters using csv.Sniffer (PR #146)
  • Improved speed of unit test suite by about 40%
  • Exception will not be raised calling HDFStore.remove on non-existent node with where clause
  • Optimized _ensure_index function resulting in performance savings in type-checking Index objects

Bug fixes

  • Fixed DataFrame constructor bug causing downstream problems (e.g. .copy() failing) when passing a Series as the values along with a column name and index
  • Fixed single-key groupby on DataFrame with as_index=False (GH #160)
  • Series.shift was failing on integer Series (GH #154)
  • unstack methods were producing incorrect output in the case of duplicate hierarchical labels. An exception will now be raised (GH #147)
  • Calling count with level argument caused reduceat failure or segfault in earlier NumPy (GH #169)
  • Fixed DataFrame.corrwith to automatically exclude non-numeric data (GH #144)
  • Unicode handling bug fixes in DataFrame.to_string (GH #138)
  • Excluding OLS degenerate unit test case that was causing platform specific failure (GH #149)
  • Skip blosc-dependent unit tests for PyTables < 2.2 (PR #137)
  • Calling copy on DateRange did not copy over attributes to the new object (GH #168)
  • Fix bug in HDFStore in which Panel data could be appended to a Table with different item order, thus resulting in an incorrect result read back


  • Yaroslav Halchenko
  • Jeff Reback
  • Skipper Seabold
  • Dan Lovell
  • Nick Pentreath

pandas 0.4

What is it

pandas is a library of powerful labeled-axis data structures, statistical tools, and general code for working with relational data sets, including time series and cross-sectional data. It was designed with the practical needs of statistical modeling and large, inhomogeneous data sets in mind. It is particularly well suited for, among other things, financial data analysis applications.

Where to get it

Source code: Binary installers on PyPI: Documentation:

Release notes

Release date: 9/12/2011

New features / modules

  • pandas.core.sparse module: "Sparse" (mostly-NA, or some other fill value) versions of Series, DataFrame, and Panel. For low-density data, this will result in significant performance boosts, and smaller memory footprint. Added to_sparse methods to Series, DataFrame, and Panel. See online documentation for more on these
  • Fancy indexing operator on Series / DataFrame, e.g. via .ix operator. Both getting and setting of values is supported; however, setting values will only currently work on homogeneously-typed DataFrame objects. Things like:
    • series.ix[[d1, d2, d3]]
    • frame.ix[5:10, ['C', 'B', 'A']], frame.ix[5:10, 'A':'C']
    • frame.ix[date1:date2]
  • Significantly enhanced groupby functionality
    • Can groupby multiple keys, e.g. df.groupby(['key1', 'key2']). Iteration with multiple groupings products a flattened tuple
    • "Nuisance" columns (non-aggregatable) will automatically be excluded from DataFrame aggregation operations
    • Added automatic "dispatching to Series / DataFrame methods to more easily invoke methods on groups. e.g. s.groupby(crit).std() will work even though std is not implemented on the GroupBy class
  • Hierarchical / multi-level indexing
    • New the MultiIndex class. Integrated MultiIndex into Series and DataFrame fancy indexing, slicing, __getitem__ and __setitem, reindexing, etc. Added level keyword argument to groupby to enable grouping by a level of a MultiIndex
  • New data reshaping functions: stack and unstack on DataFrame and Series
    • Integrate with MultiIndex to enable sophisticated reshaping of data
  • Index objects (labels for axes) are now capable of holding tuples
  • Series.describe, DataFrame.describe: produces an R-like table of summary statistics about each data column
  • DataFrame.quantile, Series.quantile for computing sample quantiles of data across requested axis
  • Added general DataFrame.dropna method to replace dropIncompleteRows and dropEmptyRows, deprecated those.
  • Series arithmetic methods with optional fill_value for missing data, e.g. a.add(b, fill_value=0). If a location is missing for both it will still be missing in the result though.
  • fill_value option has been added to DataFrame.{add, mul, sub, div} methods similar to Series
  • Boolean indexing with DataFrame objects: data[data > 0.1] = 0.1 or data[data> other] = 1.
  • pytz / tzinfo support in DateRange
    • tz_localize, tz_normalize, and tz_validate methods added
  • Added ExcelFile class to for parsing multiple sheets out of a single Excel 2003 document
  • GroupBy aggregations can now optionally broadcast, e.g. produce an object of the same size with the aggregated value propagated
  • Added select function in all data structures: reindex axis based on arbitrary criterion (function returning boolean value), e.g. x: 'foo' in x, axis=1)
  • DataFrame.consolidate method, API function relating to redesigned internals
  • DataFrame.insert method for inserting column at a specified location rather than the default __setitem__ behavior (which puts it at the end)
  • HDFStore class in has been largely rewritten using patches from Jeff Reback from others. It now supports mixed-type DataFrame and Series data and can store Panel objects. It also has the option to query DataFrame and Panel data. Loading data from legacy HDFStore files is supported explicitly in the code
  • Added set_printoptions method to modify appearance of DataFrame tabular output
  • rolling_quantile functions; a moving version of Series.quantile / DataFrame.quantile
  • Generic rolling_apply moving window function
  • New drop method added to Series, DataFrame, etc. which can drop a set of labels from an axis, producing a new object
  • reindex methods now sport a copy option so that data is not forced to be copied then the resulting object is indexed the same
  • Added sort_index methods to Series and Panel. Renamed DataFrame.sort to sort_index. Leaving DataFrame.sort for now.
  • Added skipna option to statistical instance methods on all the data structures
  • module providing a consistent interface for reading time series data from several different sources

Improvements to existing features

  • The 2-dimensional DataFrame and DataMatrix classes have been extensively redesigned internally into a single class DataFrame, preserving where possible their optimal performance characteristics. This should reduce confusion from users about which class to use.
    • Note that under the hood there is a new essentially "lazy evaluation" scheme within respect to adding columns to DataFrame. During some operations, like-typed blocks will be "consolidated" but not before.
  • DataFrame accessing columns repeatedly is now significantly faster than DataMatrix used to be in 0.3.0 due to an internal Series caching mechanism (which are all views on the underlying data)
  • Column ordering for mixed type data is now completely consistent in DataFrame. In prior releases, there was inconsistent column ordering in DataMatrix
  • Improved console / string formatting of DataMatrix with negative numbers
  • Improved tabular data parsing functions, read_table and read_csv:
    • Added skiprows and na_values arguments to functions for more flexible IO
    • parseCSV / read_csv functions and others in now can take a list of custom NA values, and also a list of rows to skip
  • Can slice DataFrame and get a view of the data (when homogeneously typed), e.g. frame.xs(idx, copy=False) or frame.ix[idx]
  • Many speed optimizations throughout Series and DataFrame
  • Eager evaluation of groups when calling groupby functions, so if there is an exception with the grouping function it will raised immediately versus sometime later on when the groups are needed
  • datetools.WeekOfMonth offset can be parameterized with n different than 1 or -1.
  • Statistical methods on DataFrame like mean, std, var, skew will now ignore non-numerical data. Before a not very useful error message was generated. A flag numeric_only has been added to DataFrame.sum and DataFrame.count to enable this behavior in those methods if so desired (disabled by default)
  • DataFrame.pivot generalized to enable pivoting multiple columns into a DataFrame with hierarhical columns
  • DataFrame constructor can accept structured / record arrays
  • Panel constructor can accept a dict of DataFrame-like objects. Do not need to use from_dict anymore (from_dict is there to stay, though).

API Changes

  • The DataMatrix variable now refers to DataFrame, will be removed within two releases
  • WidePanel is now known as Panel. The WidePanel variable in the pandas namespace now refers to the renamed Panel class
  • LongPanel and Panel / WidePanel now no longer have a common subclass. LongPanel is now a subclass of DataFrame having a number of additional methods and a hierarchical index instead of the old LongPanelIndex object, which has been removed. Legacy LongPanel pickles may not load properly
  • Cython is now required to build pandas from a development branch. This was done to avoid continuing to check in cythonized C files into source control. Builds from released source distributions will not require Cython
  • Cython code has been moved up to a top level pandas/src directory. Cython extension modules have been renamed and promoted from the lib subpackage to the top level, i.e.
    • pandas.lib.tseries -> pandas._tseries
    • pandas.lib.sparse -> pandas._sparse
  • DataFrame pickling format has changed. Backwards compatibility for legacy pickles is provided, but it's recommended to consider PyTables-based HDFStore for storing data with a longer expected shelf life
  • A copy argument has been added to the DataFrame constructor to avoid unnecessary copying of data. Data is no longer copied by default when passed into the constructor
  • Handling of boolean dtype in DataFrame has been improved to support storage of boolean data with NA / NaN values. Before it was being converted to float64 so this should not (in theory) cause API breakage
  • To optimize performance, Index objects now only check that their labels are unique when uniqueness matters (i.e. when someone goes to perform a lookup). This is a potentially dangerous tradeoff, but will lead to much better performance in many places (like groupby).
  • Boolean indexing using Series must now have the same indices (labels)
  • Backwards compatibility support for begin/end/nPeriods keyword arguments in DateRange class has been removed
  • More intuitive / shorter filling aliases ffill (for pad) and bfill (for backfill) have been added to the functions that use them: reindex, asfreq, fillna.
  • pandas.core.mixins code moved to pandas.core.generic
  • buffer keyword arguments (e.g. DataFrame.toString) renamed to buf to avoid using Python built-in name
  • DataFrame.rows() removed (use DataFrame.index)
  • Added deprecation warning to DataFrame.cols(), to be removed in next release
  • DataFrame deprecations and de-camelCasing: merge, asMatrix, toDataMatrix, _firstTimeWithValue, _lastTimeWithValue, toRecords, fromRecords, tgroupby, toString
  • method deprecations
    • parseCSV is now read_csv and keyword arguments have been de-camelCased
    • parseText is now read_table
    • parseExcel is replaced by the ExcelFile class and its parse method
  • fillMethod arguments (deprecated in prior release) removed, should be replaced with method
  • Series.fill, DataFrame.fill, and Panel.fill removed, use fillna instead
  • groupby functions now exclude NA / NaN values from the list of groups. This matches R behavior with NAs in factors e.g. with the tapply function
  • Removed parseText, parseCSV and parseExcel from pandas namespace
  • Series.combineFunc renamed to Series.combine and made a bit more general with a fill_value keyword argument defaulting to NaN
  • Removed pandas.core.pytools module. Code has been moved to pandas.core.common
  • Tacked on groupName attribute for groups in GroupBy renamed to name
  • Panel/LongPanel dims attribute renamed to shape to be more conformant
  • Slicing a Series returns a view now
  • More Series deprecations / renaming: toCSV to to_csv, asOf to asof, merge to map, applymap to apply, toDict to to_dict, combineFirst to combine_first. Will print FutureWarning.
  • DataFrame.to_csv does not write an "index" column label by default anymore since the output file can be read back without it. However, there is a new index_label argument. So you can do index_label='index' to emulate the old behavior
  • datetools.Week argument renamed from dayOfWeek to weekday
  • timeRule argument in shift has been deprecated in favor of using the offset argument for everything. So you can still pass a time rule string to offset

Bug fixes

  • Column ordering in will match CSV in the presence of mixed-type data
  • Fixed handling of Excel 2003 dates in
  • DateRange caching was happening with high resolution DateOffset objects, e.g. DateOffset(seconds=1). This has been fixed
  • Fixed __truediv__ issue in DataFrame
  • Fixed DataFrame.toCSV bug preventing IO round trips in some cases
  • Fixed bug in Series.plot causing matplotlib to barf in exceptional cases
  • Disabled Index objects from being hashable, like ndarrays
  • Added __ne__ implementation to Index so that operations like ts[ts != idx] will work
  • Added __ne__ implementation to DataFrame
  • Bug / unintuitive result when calling fillna on unordered labels
  • Bug calling sum on boolean DataFrame
  • Bug fix when creating a DataFrame from a dict with scalar values
  • Series.{sum, mean, std, ...} now return NA/NaN when the whole Series is NA
  • NumPy 1.4 through 1.6 compatibility fixes
  • Fixed bug in bias correction in rolling_cov, was affecting rolling_corr too
  • R-square value was incorrect in the presence of fixed and time effects in the PanelOLS classes
  • HDFStore can handle duplicates in table format, will take


  • Joon Ro
  • Michael Pennington
  • Chris Uga
  • Chris Withers
  • Jeff Reback
  • Ted Square
  • Craig Austin
  • William Ferreira
  • Daniel Fortunov
  • Tony Roberts
  • Martin Felder
  • John Marino
  • Tim McNamara
  • Justin Berka
  • Dieter Vandenbussche
  • Shane Conway
  • Skipper Seabold
  • Chris Jordan-Squire

pandas 0.3

This major release of pandas represents approximately 1 year of continuous development work and brings with it many new features, bug fixes, speed enhancements, and general quality-of-life improvements. The most significant change from the 0.2 release has been the completion of a rigorous unit test suite covering all of the core functionality.

What is it

pandas is a library of labeled data structures, statistical models, and general code for working with time series and cross-sectional data. It was designed with the practical needs of statistical modeling and large, inhomogeneous data sets in mind.

Where to get it

Source code: Binary installers on PyPI: Documentation:

Release notes

Release date: February 20, 2011

New features / modules

  • DataFrame / DataMatrix classes
  • corrwith function to compute column- or row-wise correlations between two objects
  • Can boolean-index DataFrame objects, e.g. df[df > 2] = 2, px[px > last_px] = 0
  • Added comparison magic methods (__lt__, __gt__, etc.)
  • Flexible explicit arithmetic methods (add, mul, sub, div, etc.)
  • Added reindex_like method
  • WidePanel
  • Added reindex_like method
  • IO utilities

    • module
      • Convenience functions for accessing SQL-like databases
    • module
    • Added (still experimental) HDFStore class for storing pandas data structures using HDF5 / PyTables
  • pandas.core.datetools

    • Added WeekOfMonth date offset
  • pandas.rpy (experimental) module created, provide some interfacing / conversion between rpy2 and pandas


  • Unit test coverage: 100% line coverage of core data structures
  • Speed enhancement to rolling_{median, max, min}
  • Column ordering between DataFrame and DataMatrix is now consistent: before DataFrame would not respect column order
  • Improved {Series, DataFrame}.plot methods to be more flexible (can pass matplotlib Axis arguments, plot DataFrame columns in multiple subplots, etc.)

API Changes

  • Exponentially-weighted moment functions in pandas.stats.moments have a more consistent API and accept a min_periods argument like their regular moving counterparts.
  • fillMethod argument in Series, DataFrame changed to method, FutureWarning added.
  • fill method in Series, DataFrame/DataMatrix, WidePanel renamed to fillna, FutureWarning added to fill
  • Renamed DataFrame.getXS to xs, FutureWarning added
  • Removed cap and floor functions from DataFrame, renamed to clip_upper and clip_lower for consistency with NumPy

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in IndexableSkiplist Cython code that was breaking rolling_max function
  • Numerous numpy.int64-related indexing fixes
  • Several NumPy 1.4.0 NaN-handling fixes
  • Bug fixes to
  • Fixed DateRange caching issue with unusual date offsets
  • Fixed bug in DateRange.union
  • Fixed corner case in IndexableSkiplist implementation