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rss-fbia-feature-block / 0.0.0-beta-20240321173534

rss-fbia-feature-block 0.0.0-beta-20240321173534

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wpmedia/rss-fbia-feature-block@0.0.0-beta-20240321173534
Install via package.json:
"@wpmedia/rss-fbia-feature-block": "0.0.0-beta-20240321173534"

About this version

Facebook Instant Articles


feedTitle feedLanguage feedDomainURL feedResizer

Custom Fields

channelTitle: defaults to global website name channelDescription: defaults to global website name + "News Feed" channelLanguage: defaults to feedLanguage, use Exclude to remove field channelCopyright: defaults to Copyright YYYY global website name channelTTL: number of mins, defaults to 1 channelUpdatePeriod: update period hours, days, weeks, months, years. Defaults to hours channelUpdateFrequency: Number, defaults to 1 channelCategory: optional channelLogo: Should be a url to their logo, optional

itemTitle: jmespath for title mapping headlines.basic itemDescription: jmespath for description mapping description.basic pubDate: date field defaults to display_date itemCategory: jmespath for category mapping headlines.basic includeContent: number of paragraphs to include 0-10, all

includePromo: bool to include promo image promoItemsJmespath: jmespath to promo_items (promo_items.basic || promo_items.lead_art) resizerKVP: key value pair of width and or height to use with the resizer imageTitle: defaults to title imageCaption: defaults to caption ImageCredits: defaults to[].name

articleStyle: This parameter is optional and your default style is applied to this article if you do not specify an article style in your markup likesAndComments: Enable or disable, defaults to disable adPlacement: Enables automatic placement of ads within this article. This parameter is optional and defaults to false if you do not specify adDensity: How frequently you would like ads to appear in your article: default (<250 word gap), medium (350 word gap), low (>450 word gap) placementSection: Enter Javascript that goes between

in beginning of the body's header for recirculation ads that come from Facebook advertisers; leave blank if not used., adScripts: Enter third party scripts wrapped in a tag. It will be added to the end of the article body. Multiple scripts can be included, usually each in its own iframe. If you need to reference data from the ANS content, use place holders in the format of <<ANS_field>> like <<taxonomy.primary_section._id>> <figure class="op-tracker"><iframe><script>console.log("_id=<<_id>> headlines=<<headlines.basic>> primary_section=<<taxonomy.sections[0]._id>> junk=<<invalid.field>> empty=<<>>");</script></iframe></figure> iframeHxW: Height and/or width to use in oembed iframes raw_html_processing: should raw_html be excluded, included or wrapped in <iframe> tags


To use this feature in your repo, add the dependencies to your repos package.json "jmespath": "^0.15.0", "moment": "^2.24.0", "xmlbuilder2": "2.1.7", For xmlbuilder2 be sure to use version <= 2.1.7 or >= 3.0.0



  • rss-fbia-feature-block-0.0.0-beta-20240321173534.tgz

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