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story-feed-subtypes 1.1.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @code-store-platform/story-feed-subtypes@1.1.1
Install via package.json:
"@code-store-platform/story-feed-subtypes": "1.1.1"

About this version


Story Feed Subtypes

A content source allows to retrieve stories filtered on specific subtypes, that are passed as parameters. It is possible to include or exclude subtypes.


Parameter Type Purpose
includeSubtypes text Allows to define Story subtypes to be included. Field can be multi-value, values are separated by comma. Example - article,blog,weekly_publish
excludeSubtypes text Allows to define Story subtypes to be excluded. Field can be multi-value, values are separated by comma. Example - article,blog,weekly_publish
feedSize number Amount of results to be returned. Example - 10. Set to 10 by default if not filled.
feedOffset number Offset (returns results starting from this value). Example - 3. Set to 0 by default if not filled.
type text Allows to define Story types to be filtered



  • story-feed-subtypes-1.1.1.tgz

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