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device-simulator / sha256:5a5a9db135c5a8e9491f3f0fda66129a67721f457180344c22735e9d820eee21


Install from the command line
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$ docker pull
Use as base image in Dockerfile:



  "digest": "sha256:5a5a9db135c5a8e9491f3f0fda66129a67721f457180344c22735e9d820eee21",
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  "labels": {
    "org.opencontainers.image.source": "",
    "summary": "Platform for running nginx 1.20 or building nginx-based application",
    "vendor": "Red Hat, Inc.",
    "": "",
    "vcs-ref": "ee2f1c913a5a96f9680f7414a932a7c79558cbaa",
    "io.k8s.display-name": "Nginx 1.20",
    "com.redhat.license_terms": "",
    "vcs-type": "git",
    "com.redhat.component": "nginx-120-container",
    "help": "For more information visit",
    "io.s2i.scripts-url": "image:///usr/libexec/s2i",
    "build-date": "2022-03-10T10:14:47.664316",
    "io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url": "image:///usr/libexec/s2i",
    "io.openshift.tags": "builder,nginx,nginx-120",
    "release": "21",
    "name": "ubi8/nginx-120",
    "distribution-scope": "public",
    "io.k8s.description": "Nginx is a web server and a reverse proxy server for HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols, with a strong focus on high concurrency, performance and low memory usage. The container image provides a containerized packaging of the nginx 1.20 daemon. The image can be used as a base image for other applications based on nginx 1.20 web server. Nginx server image can be extended using source-to-image tool.",
    "version": "1",
    "maintainer": " <>",
    "architecture": "arm64",
    "url": "",
    "io.openshift.expose-services": "8443:https",
    "usage": "s2i build <SOURCE-REPOSITORY> ubi8/nginx-120:latest <APP-NAME>",
    "description": "Nginx is a web server and a reverse proxy server for HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols, with a strong focus on high concurrency, performance and low memory usage. The container image provides a containerized packaging of the nginx 1.20 daemon. The image can be used as a base image for other applications based on nginx 1.20 web server. Nginx server image can be extended using source-to-image tool."

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