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react-verification-code-input 1.0.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @gaudiy/react-verification-code-input@1.0.2
Install via package.json:
"@gaudiy/react-verification-code-input": "1.0.2"

About this version


A verification code input

fork from suweya/react-verification-code-input

  • Styles for each element are deleted.
  • You cant style as you like with className & fieldClassName.
  • No Title or Loading.

Live demo


npm install --save @gaudiy/react-verification-code-input


import React, { Component } from 'react';

import ReactCodeInput from '@gaudiy/react-verification-code-input';

class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return <ReactCodeInput />;


Key Type Desc
type text one of number or text
fields number The count of characters
onChange func Trigger on character change
onComplete func Trigger on all character inputs
fieldWidth number input width
fieldHeight number input height
autoFocus bool auto focus first input on init
className string class name
fieldClassName string class name for each field
values array default values
placeholder array input placeholder


MIT © suweya



  • react-verification-code-input-1.0.2-npm.tgz

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