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Nisha Ajbani najbani

Hitachi Solutions Canada

Diego Rojas drojas-hitachi-sol

Hitachi Solutions Costa Rica

Chris Rice cdrice23
fairly new to this, but boy can I drink from the firehose.

Hitachi Solutions America Chicago, IL

FlowJoe Flow-Joe
I'm a Microsoft Biz Apps MVP, FTRSA & MCT and my day-to-day role is a Senior Solution Architect. I have a passion for automation and love Power Automate.

Vancouver, BC

Jeff Macfie jeffmacfie

Hitachi Solutions Greenville SC

Aaron Hughes ahughes257

Hitachi Solutions Europe

brainstorm209 brainstorm209
PHP, SQL, React, Redux, Node.js, ASP.NET (4 years), React Native (1 years), Bootstrap, Tailwind.CSS, ...

whatsapp +16787528599


Hitachi Solutions MN

Andrii Kohut andriykohut Lviv, Ukraine

Thomas Wynne jtwynne

Hitachi Solutions America Chicago, IL

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Igors Vaitkus unlitdev
Senior Data Engineer


pgona99 chicago