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Prabh Singh prabh8331
Professionally, I am a data engineer. Personally, I love working on my home server.

Cotiviti Pune

Marcos Wesley Marcos314
Graduated in Analysis and Development of Systems - Instituto Federal de Goiás; Data Engineer at @gupy-io

@gupy-io João Pessoa - PB

Pedro Henrique pedrobezerra14
Estudante | Cursando tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - UEPB| Técnico em Informática para Internet - CPM

UEPB - Universidade Estadual da Paraíba Brazil

Waldemberg D. Ginú bergginu
Experimental Physicist and Data Scientist

UEPB Brazil

Epitacio Neto epitacioneto
Data Scientist at dhauz. Post-graduate student at PUC Minas and UNIESP. Computer Engineering bachelor at UFPB. Former Director @TailUFPB


Orlando Junior orlandojsjunior
Cientista de Dados | Python | SQL | Machine Learning | AI | Big Data | Data Visualization


Allaff Gustavo allaff
Téc. Informática pelo IFPB campus Guarabira

Instituto Federal da Paraíba de Ciências E Tecnologia (Campus Guarabira) (Guarabira) Riachão, Paraíba, Brasil.

Leonardo Araújo leopycode
Análise de Dados | Python | Pandas | Flask | Excel | Power BI | SQL

Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

Fellipão Castro fellipaocastro
Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated.
Walison Silva walisilva
MID Analyst Developer C# .NET | Python | SQL | VB6


Stênio B. Oliveira steniocg
Tecnologia da Informação

Campina Grande

Diógenes (doginnn) Dantas Doginnn
Hello guys i'm Diogenes Dantas, and i breath technology. My job is Python and PHP Development and i live to love the love of my life, my little girl Mariana.

João Pessoa - PB

Daniel Arnóbio daniel-arnobio
Chemical Engineer. Ex-researcher in biofuel production. Nature lover & music enthusiast. Now an Analytics Engineer.