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hapify-generate-config 1.64.5

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @tractr/hapify-generate-config@1.64.5
Install via package.json:
"@tractr/hapify-generate-config": "1.64.5"

About this version

Hapify config generation

This package provides a new way of expriming hapify configuration. It adds a new way to extend the hapify configuration. To work with the current version of hapify it takes a configuration to generate a hapify.json files. In order to do that it provides a list of files to read your new and shiny configuration and take the first file found in this order:


It adds the extends array property that specifies other hapify templates packages, concat theirs configurations, and copy all the files needed to the current hapify folder. In order to generate all these steps you only need to start the following command:

npx hpf-generate-config

Extends configuration examples:

// .hapifyrc.js
module.exports = {
  extends: [
    // ...

  // ... all your hapify configuration

Note: this package is intended to be deleted until hapify integrates the extends options. The copy and the generated configuration is not the best way to do and this package is just a patch to accelerate developement of the new stack



  • hapify-generate-config-1.64.5.tgz

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