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Tiny immutable

Experimental immutable object. Made for making using immutable object easily. This project is not a production ready!

import tiny from 'tiny-immutable';

const a ={ x: 1 }); // { x: 1 }
const b ={ y: 2 });    // { x: 1, y: 2 }
a === b;                      // false

const c = b.delete('x'); // { y: 2 }
b === c;                 // false


  npm i --save tiny-immutable


You can import tiny immutable object, only, as a node module currently. For using it in browsers you need to bundle it with projects as Browserify. UMD might come in future.

Each tiny-immutable object contains two non-enumerable functions new and delete. The reason the functions aren't enumerable is to avoid using functions such as toJSON, and working straight with the object. The purpose of using reserved words for commands is for reducing the chance for naming collision. The tiny immutable object is always freezed so you cannot assign new properties or reassign.


You can think about the new method as Object.assign only the different is that you get a cloned tiny immutable object.

a ={ x: 1 });    // { x: 1 }
b ={ y: 2 });       // { x: 1, y: 2 }
c ={ y: 0, z: 1 }); // { x: 1, y: 0, z: 1 }


The delete method gets an array of string or string parameters. The parameters are the name of the properties to omit from a cloned object.

a ={ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }); // { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }
b = a.delete('y', 'z');   // { x: 1 }
c = a.delete(['x', 'y']); // { z: 3 }


In future version, you might be able to decide the new and delete method names. Also, Object.freeze might be an optional.