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A secured, well designed, and documented Node.js backend for searching movies connected with MongoDB and OMDb external API. also, test cases have been implemented using 'Chai' package

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This is simple REST API that interacts with external API (OMDb) build using Node.js and MongoDB.


  • Node.js and npm
  • MongoDB

What did I use?

  • MongoDB and Mongoose for object Model schemas.
  • Eslint for having a better structured code.
  • supertest and chai for testing endpoint.
  • celebrate and Joi for securing routers request body.
  • nodemon to keep server running hot reloading our node.js app.
  • express, because its the best :)


  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Rename .envSample to .env file and fill required variables with your database credentials and OMDb API key
    DB_URL='<Your mongodb URI>' || 'mongodb://localhost:5000'
    PORT='<Your choosen port>'  || 'movies_api'
    API_KEY='<API key for omdbapi>' || 'ABC'
  • npm run server will run server with nodemon and you are done! :)

How to test?

  • First complete installation then run npm run test and you are ready to go.


Currently server is hosted on heroku and you can make request to this URL

  • POST /movies

    Request body should contain only one element title. On success, movie will be saved into application database and you will be presented with object that will contain all movie details . On error you will be presented with error response.

  • GET /movies

    If no query parameters are provided it will simply fetch all movies from the database (10 movies per page by default). This endpoint supports following query parameters:

    Query parameter Description
    page Describes currently displayed page. Default value is 1.
    limit Decides how many movies will be displayed per page. Default value is 10.
    columns Columns to filter by. You can provide more than one column name by separating each one with comma. For example title, year. Note that all column names must be capitalized.
    values Values for filtering. You can provide more than one value by separathing each one with comma, however please note that value index must match target column index. For example Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
    orderBy Name of column that will be used to sort movies. Default value is title. Note that all column names must be capitalized.
    order Order of sorting. Available values are DESC and ASC. Default value is ASC

    Example query string /movies?orderBy=year&order=DESC&columns=year&values=2014.

    It will fetch all movies that were made in 2019, displayed in descending order based on year.

  • POST /comments

    Request body must contain two parameters: movieID and comment. On success it will return object with your freshly created comment, on error you will be presented with error response.

  • GET /comments

    If no query parameters are provided it will fetch all comments from database. This endpoint supports following query parameters:

    Query parameter Description
    page Describes currently displayed page. Default value is 1.
    limit Decides how many comments will be displayed per page. Default value is 10.
    movieID If provided it will fetch all comments associated with this movie ID.

    Example query string /comments?movieID=5dc45af63176aa19689e4ab9.

    It will fetch all comments for movie with ID 5dc45af63176aa19689e4ab9.


  • Error response

       error:   {},
       message: ''

    For now it's the only type of response that you will receive if something will go wrong. The message property will contain information about the error.

      "statusCode": 400,
      "error": "Bad Request",
      "message": "child \"title\" fails because [\"title\" is required]",
      "validation": {
          "source": "body",
          "keys": [

If you are missing some parameters in the body you will recieve this error, (routers are protected with celebrate and Joi packages)


A secured, well designed, and documented Node.js backend for searching movies connected with MongoDB and OMDb external API. also, test cases have been implemented using 'Chai' package







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