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Ori edited this page Sep 12, 2017 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the UE4PyhtonBridge wiki!

I created this project as a redesign of the project. I decided that it is a better way not to use the plugin mechanism since I am not truly extending the capabilities of the editor. I am only extending the runtime environment. So the process of installation includes adding a new Actor to the Unreal engine (PyServer Tick Actor), and this actor is responsible for loading the python environment.


  • python3.x


run: --entry_point ENTRY_POINT --entry_path ENTRY_PATH --project_path PROJECT_PATH --ue4path UE4PATH

ENTRY_POINT - sets the module where main_loop function exists if the entry_point file does not exists it is created with the functions main_loop and kill please look at the demos/minimal/ file to see how the entry_point file should look like

ENTRY_PATH - a path where the entry_point file exists

PROJECT_PATH - path to unreal engine project path

UE4PATH - path to the unreal engine

for example for the track_test:

python --project_path /project_files/my_unreal_project --ue4path=/usr/local/UnrealEngine/ --entry_point=track_test --entry_path=demos/track_test/


cd /project_files/my_unreal_project

This will rebuild your unreal engine project

next open your unreal project in the unreal engine editor.

Add the PyServer Tick Actor to the viewport Window.

That's it.

When pressing play the main_loop function in the entry_point file will be called.

Download baked game:

This is a self-contained demo of the bridge for linux64 distros. you can download the game from this location:

demo game

After download:

tar xvzf UE4PythonBridge_demo.tgz

cd UE4PyhtonBridge_demo


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