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Second project from the 6by6Challenge. It's a PWA to play the carrot assassin game specially designed for the "Pastanaga del Rei".


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Aquest és el projecte del mes de gener (i febrer) dins el #Repte6by6

🧬 Tecnologia utilitzada

Front end

Back end

  • Hasura engine allotjat a Heroku.
  • Hasura Event Triggers ens facilita l'execució de les lambda functions a partir dels canvis a la base de dades.
  • Aplicació allotjada al CDN de Netlify.
  • Netlify Functions gestiona tota la lògica de servidor.
  • Auth0 com a servei de gestió d'identitat per accedir a l'aplicació.
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging per a l'enviament de notificacions a través d'una lambda function.
  • SendGrid serà l'encarregat d'enviar els correus electrònics automàtics als usuaris.

📄 Informació

Pots llegir més informació sobre el projecte al meu blog aquí i aquí. També pots consultar l'apartar LAB de la meva web Ok! Studio.

🧪 Demo

Accedeix a la demo aquí.


This is the january's (and also february) project from 6by6 challenge (no english article yet).

🧬 Tech stack

Front end

  • Gatbsby as the main framework to develop the app using Reactjs.
  • Apollo to query the GraphQL endpoint.
  • Material-ui as the UI component library.
  • FirebaseJS to receive the push notifications.
  • Auth0JS as the toolkit to manage authority in the client.

Back end

  • Hasura engine deployed to Heroku.
  • Hasura Event Triggers allow us to trigger the lambda functions after changes in the database.
  • The webapp is deployed to Netlify's CDN.
  • Netlify Functions manage all the server logic.
  • Auth0 is the identity service selected to control the access to the web app.
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging is used to send push notifications to the users through a lambda function.
  • SendGrid is the service used to send automatic emails to the users.

📄 Information

Articles are only in catalan for now. The LAB section in my website, Ok! Studio, is only in catalan but you can explore the projects and see the final results.

🧪 Demo

Acces the demo here.


Second project from the 6by6Challenge. It's a PWA to play the carrot assassin game specially designed for the "Pastanaga del Rei".








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