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DOMETL (Python ETL Tool)

Dometl is a Python ETL package.


  1. Init - Initializes the database
dometl -t init
  1. Stage - Moves files into staging tables
dometl -t stage
  1. Live - Runs transformations to move data from staging to live tables
dometl -t live
  1. Test - Runs very simple tests on the data
dometl -t test

How to Install & Run the Package?

Run the initialization step

dometl -t init -cp dometl_config
# if you don't install the package
# python -c "from dometl import run_dometl; run_dometl()" -t init -cp dometl_config

Run the staging step

dometl -t stage -ep datasets\\game_data\\daily\\20221105_g.csv -tb ST_GAME -cp dometl_config
# if you don't install the package
# python -c "from dometl import run_dometl; run_dometl()" -t stage -ep datasets\\game_data\\daily\\20221105_g.csv -tb st_game -cp dometl_config
# python -c "from dometl import run_dometl; run_dometl()" -t stage -ep datasets\\game_data\\seasons -tb st_game -cp dometl_config

Run the live step

dometl -t live -tb game -cp dometl_config
# if you don't install the package
# python -c "from dometl import run_dometl; run_dometl()" -t live -tb game -cp dometl_config

Run the test step

dometl -t test -tb game -cp dometl_config
# if you don't install the package
# python -c "from dometl import run_dometl; run_dometl()" -t test -tb game -cp dometl_config

The simple testing is made up of testing queries which are placed into the config.yaml folder like below

  table_name: ["some_test.sql", "other_test.sql"]

Each table can have a set of test queries. The queries need to be written in a way that they return 0 rows when the test passes. If the query returns more than 0 rows the test will fail. As a suggestion the rows that are returned should help find the root cause of the failure.

Configuration Folder

    config.yaml     # structure defined below
    db_create.sql   # custom file which creates and initializes the db
    file1.sql       # custom SQL file
    file2.sql       # custom SQL file
    file3.sql       # custom SQL file
    file4.sql       # custom SQL file
    file5.sql       # custom SQL file

Structure for config.yaml

credentials_path: "path/to/creds.yaml"

init_order: [

  table_name_1: "file3.sql"  
  table_name_2: "file4.sql"  
  table_name_3: "file5.sql"  

Structure for the creds.yaml

  username: ""
  password: ""
  hostname: ""
  port: ""
  db_name: ""


Run a script with psql

psql -U postgres -h -d DBNAME -f path\path\file_name.sql

Copy CSV into a table

psql -U postgres -h -d DBNAME -c "COPY table_name FROM '/'some_name.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv)"