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Just Price Protocol Smart Contract: Functional Requirements

This document describes functional requirements for Just Price Protocol smart contract: Ethereum smart contract that acts as a market maker for Orgon tokens.

1. Introduction

Just Price Protocol Smart Contract is an Ethereum smart contract that buys and sells Orgon tokens according to rules coded into the contract. Tokens are issued right before being sold by Just Price Protocol Smart Contract and are burned right after there were bought by it. It also holds ether reserve that guarantees value of Orgon tokens. When Just Price Protocol Smart Contract sells tokens, it adds revenue to the reserve. When it buys tokens, it pays from the reserve. During its life span Just Price Protocol Smart Contract goes through several stages, and functionality of Just Price Protocol Smart Contract greatly depends of current stage. The following sections describe stages, transitions between them and main use cases. Related use cases are grouped into functional blocks.

2. Stages

This section describes all stages Just Price Protocol Smart Contract may go through during its life span as well as all valid transitions between them. Here is stages diagram:

        | Sale start time reached
   +---------+   Reserve deadline reached
   | RESERVE |-------------------------------+
   +---------+                               |
        |                                    |
        | 72500 ETH collected                |
        V                                    |
+---------------+ 30000.000000 ETH collected |
| BEFORE_GROWTH |<---------------------------O
+---------------+                            |
        |                                    | 30000.000000 ETH not collected
        | 75% of tokens delivered            |
        V                                    V
 +------------+                         +--------+
 |   GROWTH   |                         | REFUND |
 +------------+                         +--------+
        | 1,000,000,000 tokens issued or 285 days passed since start of "GROWTH" stage
    | LIFE |



This stage lasts from the deployment of Just Price Protocol Smart Contract till sale start. In case smart contract is deployed after sale start, this stage is skipped. During this stage tokens may not be bought nor sold.

  • To RESERVE stage: when sale start time is reached

2.2. RESERVE Stage


This stage lasts from sale start time till the moment 72500 ETH is collected or till reserve deadline, whichever comes first. In case smart contract is deployed after reserve deadline, this stage is skipped. In case RESERVE stage ended by reaching deadline, number of tokens in circulation is reduced to maintain reserve / tokens count ratio to be equal to 0.0001 ETH per whole token. Number of tokens is reduced by burning some tokens belonging to Oris Space. During this stage tokens may be bought from the smart contract but not sold to it. Once bought, tokens are not delivered to the buyer immediately, but delivery is postponed until the end of RESERVE stage. Token price depends on how may ETH is collected in reserve according to the following table:

ETH collected Token price (ETH per token)
0 .. 10000 0.00080
10000 .. 20000 0.00082
20000 .. 30000 0.00085
30000 .. 40000 0.00088
40000 .. 50000 0.00090
50000 .. 60000 0.00092
60000 .. 70000 0.00095
70000 .. 72500 0.00098

In case single purchase crosses price boundary, two or more prices are applied to corresponding parts. Let's consider an example. There is 37000 ETH already collected in reserve. Alice wants to buy tokens for 15000 ETH, but there is only 3000 ETH to be collected till price change. So, three prices will be applied in a sequence like shown in the following table:

Alice's ETH remaining ETH in reserve ETH till next price Price Tokens (9 decimals) ETH spent
15000 37000 3000 0.00088 3409090.909090909 2999.99999999999992
12000.00000000000008 39999.99999999999992 10000.00000000000008 0.00090 11111111.111111111 9999.9999999999999
2000.00000000000018 49999.99999999999982 10000.00000000000018 0.00092 2173913.043478261 2000.00000000000012

So Alice will buy 16694115.063680281 tokens and will get 0.00000000000006 unspent ether back.

If purchase crosses reserve target of 72500 ETH, then unspent ether is returned to the buyer.

  • To BEFORE_GROWTH stage: when amount of collected ether is so big that it is impossible to buy another token unit without crossing hard cap of 72500 ETH.
  • To BEFORE_GROWTH stage: when reserve deadline is reached and at least 39013.174672 ETH collected.
  • To REFUND stage: when reserve deadline is reached and less than 39013.174672 ETH collected.



This stage lasts from the end of successful RESERVE stage (i.e. RESERVE stage that was able to collect at least 39013.174672 ETH) till the moment when at least 80% of tokens bought during RESERVE stage are delivered to their corresponding buyers. During this stage tokens may not be bought nor sold.


  • To GROWTH stage: when at least 80% of tokens bought during RESERVE state are delivered to their corresponding buyers.

2.4. GROWTH Stage


This stage lasts from the end of BEFORE_GROWTH stage till the moment when there will be at least 1,500,000,000 tokens in circulation, but not longer than for one year. During this stage tokens may be bought from the smart contract but not sold to it. Number of tokens to be bought for given amount of ether is calculated individually for each purchase via the following formula:

T ((1 + e/E)^0.1 - 1)

Here T is current number of tokens in circulation, E is amount of ether in reserve, and e is an amount of ether buyer wants to buy tokens for. For every purchase, small fraction of purchased tokens is withheld by Just Price Protocol smart contract and sent to special address, known as K1.

  • To LIFE stage: when there are at least 1,000,000,000 tokens in circulation
  • To LIFE stage: when 285 days passed since the start of GROWTH stage

2.5. LIFE Stage


This stage lasts from the end of GROWTH stage. During this stage tokens may be both, bought from the smart contract and sold to it. Buying from the smart contract works exactly as during GROWTH phase. Amount of ether to be payed for given number of tokens sold to the smart contract if calculated individually for each sell via the following formula:

E (1 - (1 - t/T)^10)

Here E is amount of ether in reserve, t it number of tokens seller wants to sell and T is current number of tokens in circulation.



3. Functional Blocks

In this document, use cases for Just Price Protocol Smart Contract are grouped into the following functional blocks:

  • Administration – smart contract deployment and administration
  • Trading – buying and selling tokens
  • DAO – collaborative actions of early investors
  • Transition – transitions between stages

In the following sections use cases for these functional blocks are described in details.

4. Administration Use Cases

This section describes use cases related to smart contract deployment and administration.

4.1. Admin:Deploy

Actors: Administrator, Smart Contract

Goal: _Administrator wants to deploy Smart Contract

Main Flow:
  1. Administrator deploys Smart Contract providing the following information as constructor parameters: address of Orgon Token Smart Contract, address of Oris Space Smart Contract, address K1
  2. Smart Contract remembers addresses passed as constructor parameters

5. Trading Use Cases

This section describes use cases related to buyibng and selling tokens.

5.1. Trading:Buy

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to buy tokens from Smart Contract

Main Flow RESERVE:
  1. User calls method on Smart Contract or sends no-data transaction to it attaching some ether to the transaction
  2. Amount of ether provided by User is greater than zero
  3. Smart Contract is currently in RESERVE stage
  4. Smart Contract calculates number of tokens that could be bought for the amount of ether provided by User and not exceeding hard cap
  5. Smart Contract calculates exact amount of ether User should pay for the number of tokens calculated at step 4
  6. Smart Contract issues tokens (number of tokens to be issued was calculated at step 4)
  7. Tokens are issued successfully
  8. Amount of ether provided by User is greater than amount of ether calculated at step 5
  9. Smart Contract sends unspent ether back to User (amount of ether to be sent is amount provided by User minus amount calculated at step 5)
  10. Ether transfer succeeded
  11. Number of tokens calculated at step 4 is greater than zero
  12. Smart Contract logs investment event with the following information: User address, amount of ether invested as calculated at step 5, number of tokens bought as calculated at step 4
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Smart Contract is currently in GROWTH of LIFE stage
  4. Amount of ether provided by User does not exceed maximum purchase ether amount
  5. Smart Contract calculates number of tokens that could be bought for amount of ether provided by User
  6. After adding ether provided by User to reserve, amount of ether in reserve will not exceed maximum reserve amount
  7. Number of tokens calculated at step 5 is greater than zero
  8. Smart Contract issues tokens (number of tokens to be issued was calculated at step 5)
  9. Tokens are issued successfully
  10. After issuing new tokens, total number of tokens in circulation does not exceed maximum number of tokens in circulation
  11. Smart Contract transfers new issued tokens to User withholding fee
  12. Token transfer succeeded
  13. Fee is greater than zero
  14. Smart Contract transfers fee tokens to K1 address
  15. Fee token transfer succeeded
Exceptional Flow 1:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Amount of ether attached provided by User is zero
  3. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 2:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Smart Contract is not in RESERVE, GROWTH, or LIFE stage
  4. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 3:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  4. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  5. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  6. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  7. Token issuing failed
  8. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 4:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  4. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  5. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  6. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  7. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  8. Amount of ether provided by User is exactly the same as amount of ether calculated at step 6
Exceptional Flow 5:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  4. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  5. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  6. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  7. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  8. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  9. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  10. Ether transfer failed
  11. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 6:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  4. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  5. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  6. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  7. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  8. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  9. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  10. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  11. Number of tokens calculated at step 4 is zero
  12. Smart Contract does nothing
Exceptional Flow 7:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Amount of ether provided by User exceeds maximum purchase ether amount
  5. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 8:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  5. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  6. After adding ether provided by User to reserve, amount of ether in reserve will exceed maximum reserve amount
  7. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 9:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  5. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  6. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  7. Number of tokens calculated at step 5 is zero
  8. Smart Contract does nothing
Exceptional Flow 10:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  5. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  6. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  7. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  8. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  9. Tokens issuing failed
  10. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 11:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  5. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  6. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  7. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  8. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  9. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  10. After issuing new tokens, total number of tokens in circulation exceeds maximum number of tokens in circulation
  11. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 12:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  5. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  6. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  7. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  8. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  9. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  10. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  11. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  12. Token transfer failed
  13. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 13:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  5. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  6. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  7. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  8. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  9. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  10. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  11. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  12. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  13. Fee is zero
  14. Smart Contract does nothing
Exceptional Flow 14:
  1. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  2. Same as in Main Flow RESERVE
  3. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  4. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  5. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  6. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  7. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  8. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  9. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  10. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  11. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  12. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  13. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  14. Same as in Main Flow GROWTH/LIFE
  15. Fee token transfer failed
  16. Smart Contract cancels transaction

5.2. Trading:Sell

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to sell tokens to Smart Contract

Main Flow:
  1. User calls method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: number of tokens to be sold
  2. Number of tokens to be sold is greater than zero
  3. Number of tokens to be sold is less than maximum sell token number
  4. Smart Contract is currently in LIFE stage
  5. Number of tokens in circulation is less than maximum number of tokens in circulation
  6. Number of tokens to be sold is less than or equal to number of tokens in circulation
  7. Smart Contract calculates amount of ether to be payed to User for tokens
  8. Smart Contract transfer tokens from User to its own balance
  9. Token transfer succeeded
  10. Smart Contract burns tokens transferred from User
  11. Token burning succeeded
  12. Smart Contract sends amount of ether calculated at step 7
  13. Ether transfer succeeded
Exceptional Flow 1:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Number of tokens to be sold is zero
  3. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 2:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Number of tokens to be sold is greater than or equal to maximum sell token number
  4. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 3:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Smart Contract is currently not in LIFE stage
  5. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 4:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Number of tokens in circulation is greater than or equal to maximum number of tokens in circulation
  6. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 5:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Number of tokens to be sold is greater than number of tokens in circulation
  7. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 6:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Same as in Main Flow
  7. Same as in Main Flow
  8. Same as in Main Flow
  9. Token transfer failed
  10. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 7:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Same as in Main Flow
  7. Same as in Main Flow
  8. Same as in Main Flow
  9. Same as in Main Flow
  10. Same as in Main Flow
  11. Token burning failed
  12. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 8:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Same as in Main Flow
  7. Same as in Main Flow
  8. Same as in Main Flow
  9. Same as in Main Flow
  10. Same as in Main Flow
  11. Same as in Main Flow
  12. Same as in Main Flow
  13. Ether transfer failed
  14. Smart Contract cancels transaction

5.3. Trading:Deliver

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants tokens bought at RESERVE stage to be delivered to certain investors

Main Flow:
  1. User calls method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: list of addresses of investors to deliver tokens to
  2. Smart Contract is currently in BEFORE_GROWTH, GROWTH, or LIFE stage
  3. The following steps are repeated for every investor in the list
  4. Number of tokens bought by investor during RESERVE stage and not yet delivered to him is greater than zero
  5. Smart Contract transfers proper number of tokens to User
  6. Token transfer succeeded
  7. Smart Contract logs delivery event with the following information: investor address, number of tokens delivered
Exceptional Flow 1:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Smart Contract is currently not in BEFORE_GROWTH, GROWTH, nor LIFE stage
  3. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 2:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Number of tokens bought by investor during RESERVE stage and not yet delivered to him is zero
  5. Smart Contract proceeds to next investor
Exceptional Flow 3:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Token transfer failed
  7. Smart Contract cancels transaction

5.4. Trading:Refund

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants certain investors to receive refund for their investments made during RESERVE stage

Main Flow:
  1. User calls method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: list of addresses of investors to receive refund
  2. Smart Contract is currently in REFUND stage
  3. The following steps are repeated for every investor in the list
  4. Amount of ether invested by investor during RESERVE stage and not yet refunded is greater than zero
  5. Smart Contract sends refund to investor
  6. Ether transfer succeeded
  7. Smart Contract logs refund event with the following information: address of investor that was refunded, refund amount
Exceptional Flow 1:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Smart Contract is currently not in REFUND stage
  3. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 2:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Amount of ether invested by investor during RESERVE stage and not yet refunded is zero
  5. Smart Contract proceeds to next investor
Exceptional Flow 3:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Ether transfer failed
  7. Smart Contract cancels transaction

5.5. Trading:GetStage

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to know what stage Smart Contract is currently in

Main Flow:
  1. User calls constant method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: current UNIX timestamp
  2. Smart Contract returns stage it is currently in to User

5.6. Trading:OutstandingTokens

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to know number of tokens that certain investor bought during RESERVE stage and that are not yet delivered to the investor

Main Flow:
  1. User calls constant method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: address of an investor to get number of outstanding tokens for
  2. Smart Contract returns number of outstanding tokens for given investor to User

6. DAO Use Cases

This section describes use cases related to collective actions of early investors performed via DAO smart contract.

6.1. DAO:Vote

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to vote for new K1 address

Main Flow:
  1. User calls method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: new K1 address to vote for
  2. Smart Contract is currently in LIFE stage
  3. K1 address was not yet changed
  4. Number of tokens User bought during RESERVE and GROWTH stages (number of votes User has) is greater than zero
  5. User already voted for new K1 address and his last votes were not revoked
  6. New K1 address provided by User is not the same as K1 address he voted previously
  7. Smart Contract revokes votes belonging to User from K1 address he voted previously for
  8. Smart Contract logs vote revocation event with the following information: address of User, K1 address User voted previously, number of votes User has
  9. New K1 address provided by User is not zero
  10. Smart Contract adds number of votes User has to the new K1 address provided by User
  11. Smart Contract logs vote event with the following information: address of User, K1 address User voted for, number of votes User has
  12. After adding User votes, total number of votes given for K1 address provided by User is greater than or equal to 51% of total number of votes all users have
  13. Smart Contract changes K1 address to the address provided by User
  14. Smart Contract logs K1 change event with the following information: new K1 address

If User performed token purchase when Smart Contract was in GROWTH stage and this particular purchase crossed the limit of tokens to be issued in GROWTH stage, then only number of tokens bought by User that fit under the limit a counted as User votes. Here is an example:

  1. Smart Contract is in GROWTH stage and total number of tokens in circulation is 1,499,999,000 whole tokens
  2. Alice buys 2500 tokens crossing GROWTH stage limit of 1,500,000,000 tokens by 1500, so only 1000 tokens fit under limit
  3. Alice obtains only 1000 votes for this purchase
Exceptional Flow 1:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Smart Contract is currently no in LIFE stage
  3. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 2:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. K1 address was already changed
  4. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 3:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Number of tokens User bought during RESERVE and GROWTH stages (number of votes User has) is zero
  5. Smart Contract does nothing
Exceptional Flow 4:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. User didn't vote for new K1 address yet or his last votes were revoked
  6. New K1 address provided by User is not zero
  7. Proceed to step 10 of Main Flow
Exceptional Flow 5:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Exceptional Flow 4
  6. New K1 address provided by User is zero
  7. Smart Contract does nothing
Exceptional Flow 6:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. New K1 address provided by User is the same as K1 address he voted previously for
  7. Smart Contract does nothing
Exceptional Flow 7:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Same as in Main Flow
  7. Same as in Main Flow
  8. Same as in Main Flow
  9. New K1 address provided by User is zero
  10. Smart Contract does nothing

6.2. DAO:SetFee

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to change fee being withheld by Smart Contract when tokens are bought from it during GROWTH or LIFE stage

Main Flow:
  1. User calls method on Smart Contract providing the following information: new fee as the number of base points, where base point is 0.005%.
  2. User is K1
  3. New fee provided by User is greater than or equal to 1 base point (0.005%)
  4. New fee provided by User is less than or equal to 2000 base points (10%)
  5. Smart Contract is currently in GROWTH or LIFE stage
  6. At least 730 days passed since the beginning of GROWTH stage
  7. New fee differs from current fee by not more than 1 base point (0.005%)
  8. New fee differs from current fee
  9. Smart Contract sets new fee value
  10. Smart Contract logs fee change event with the following information: new fee
Exceptional Flow 1:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. User is not K1
  3. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 2:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. New fee provided by User is less than 1 base point (0.005%)
  4. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 3:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. New fee provided by User is greater than 2000 base points (10%)
  5. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 4:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Smart Contract is currently not in GROWTH nor LIFE stage
  6. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 5:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Less than 730 days passed since the beginning of GROWTH stage
  7. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 6:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Same as in Main Flow
  7. New fee differs from current fee by more than 1 base point (0.005%)
  8. Smart Contract cancels transaction
Exceptional Flow 7:
  1. Same as in Main Flow
  2. Same as in Main Flow
  3. Same as in Main Flow
  4. Same as in Main Flow
  5. Same as in Main Flow
  6. Same as in Main Flow
  7. Same as in Main Flow
  8. New fee provided by User is the same as current fee
  9. Smart Contract does nothing

6.3. DAO:TotalEligibleVotes

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to know total number of votes eligible for choosing new K1 address

Main Flow:
  1. User calls constant method on Smart Contract
  2. Smart Contract returns total number of eligible votes to User

6.4. DAO:EligibleVotes

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to know number of votes eligible for choosing new K1 address certain investor has

Main Flow:
  1. User calls constant method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: address of investor to get number of eligible votes for
  2. Smart Contract returns to User number of eligible votes given investor has

6.5. VotesFor

Actors: User, Smart Contract

Goal: User wants to know number of votes for certain new K1 address

Main Flow:
  1. User calls constant method on Smart Contract providing the following information as method parameters: new K1 address to get number of votes for
  2. Smart Contract returns to User number of votes for given new K1 address

7. Transition Use Cases

This section contains use cases that are executed by Smart Contract automatically when it goes from one stage to another. For transitions that are triggered by reaching certain deadline, corresponding transition use case is executed in a lazy way right before any use case whose behavior depends on current smart contract stage. For transitions that are triggered by executing some method on smart contract, corresponding transition use case is executed right after the use implemented by the method that was called.

7.1. Transition:BeforeGrowth

Actors: Smart Contract, Oris Space

Goal: Smart Contract goes from RESERVE to BEFORE_GROWTH stage

  1. RESERVE stage deadline reached
  2. Smart Contract calculates number of Oris Space tokens to be burned in order to make reserve amount / total number of tokens ratio to be the same as it would be in case reserve cap would be reached, which is currently 0.0001 ETH per whole token
  3. Smart Contract orders Order Space to start and return number of tokens calculated at step 2 to Smart Contract
  4. Number of tokens calculated at step 2 is greater than zero
  5. Smart Contract burns number of tokens calculated at step 2
  6. Token burning succeeded
Main Flow CAP:
  1. Amount of ether collected during RESERVE stage reached reserve stage cap of 72500 ETH
  2. Smart Contract orders Oris Space to start and return zero tokens
Exceptional Flow 1:
  1. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  2. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  3. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  4. Number of tokens calculated at step 2 is zero
  5. Smart Contract does nothing
Exceptional Flow 2:
  1. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  2. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  3. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  4. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  5. Same as in Main Flow DEADLINE
  6. Token burning failed
  7. Smart Contract cancels transaction

8. Limits

This section describes limits established for technical reasons.

Limit Value
Maximum purchase ether amount 2^128 - 1 Wei
Maximum sell tokens number 2^128 - 1 Wei
Maximum amount of ether in reserve 2^128 - 1 Wei
Maximum number of tokens in circulation 2^128 - 1 token units