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HDR Histogram Plotter: A Java library to plot HDR Histogram Files

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Build Status: Build Status

Codacy Report: Codacy Badge


This library reads compressed HDR Histogram and plot them. It makes it easier to integrate processing of those files into custom automation tools without relying on Excel, GNUPlot or GoogleCharts. It can be used as a command-line tool or it can be integrated in other projects as a library.


To build the project run:

mvn clean install

To generate the delivery tarball run:

mvn -PDelivery clean package

If you maintain your own Maven repository, you can deploy this library using:

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=libs-snapshot::default::http://hostname:8081/path/to/libs-snapshot-local

Using as Command Line Tool


./hdr-histogram-plotter -f /path/to/sample.hdr

Using as Library


To use this project as library on your project you have to add my personal bintray repository to the pom.xml file:


Then, the library can be referenced as:


Note: replace version with the latest available version you wish to use.


The API documentation (javadoc) is available here. Additional project documentation is available here.

Sample usage:

// HDR Converter
HdrLogProcessorWrapper processorWrapper = new HdrLogProcessorWrapper();

String csvFile = processorWrapper.convertLog(fileName);

// CSV Reader
HdrReader reader = new HdrReader();

HdrData hdrData =;

// HdrPlotter
HdrPlotter plotter = new HdrPlotter(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(fileName));
plotter.plot(hdrData.getPercentile(), hdrData.getValue());


The HDR processing will generate 4 files:


The files are, in order:

  • Plotted PNG file for the 90th percentile
  • Plotted PNG file for the 99th percentile
  • Plotted PNG file for the all data range
  • Intermediary CSV file that can be used elsewhere


90th percentile sample 99th percentile sample All data range sample