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ORuby is a package to embed mruby scripts into Go and help expose Go types in mruby scripts.


git submodule init
git submodule update

Windows is still unsupported, but iti is on the way. You should use mingw32-make.


Docs are still pending.


package main

import ""

func main() {
	mrb := oruby.New()
	defer mrb.Close()

	println(mrb.Eval(`"hello " + ARGV[0]`, "oruby").(string))
	result, _ := mrb.Eval(` {|x| x + 1}`, 1, 2, 3)

	for _, i := range result.Intf().([]interface{}) {
		println(i.(int)) // 2 3 4


ORuby is available as open source under the terms of the Apache License 2.0 License

(c) 2020, Dušan D. Majkić

Linked projects

This project is based on idea from Yasuhiro Matsumoto go-mruby package. Visiting commits on will make you a better coder.

The chief designer of MRuby and Ruby is Yukihiro Matsumoto, aka Matz.

Similar projects

You should checkout by Mitchell Hashimoto of Hashicorp, TerraForm, Valut, Vagrant fame.

Go-mruby is similar, battle tested, production used and focused project. ORuby is still in motion, so it is not yet suitable for production.

ORuby tends to support whole of mruby API, with the idea of supporting more on the Go side of thigs: exporting Go interfaces and types, gems via Go packages, stdlib implmented in Go, etc.


  • Dušan D. Majkić (oruby)
  • Yasuhiro Matsumoto (go-mruby)
  • Yukihiro Matsumoto (mruby and ruby master)