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Bootstrap theme for Oruga

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npm install @oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap


yarn add @oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap


import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

// import Oruga
import Oruga from '@oruga-ui/oruga-next'

// import Oruga Bootstrap theme config
import { bootstrapConfig } from '@oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap'

// import Bootstrap and Oruga styling
import '@oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap/dist/bootstrap.css'

    .use(Oruga, bootstrapConfig)

Please note, the package also works for @oruga-ui/oruga (Vue 2) and can be used without importing any other Oruga styling or the full Oruga bundle.

Customization (SASS/SCSS)

You have two options for including the theme: include all the styling at once (including the full Bootstrap), or include the Oruga theme and Bootstrap separately.

// Option A: Include all styling (including Bootstrap)

// Include any default variable overrides here (though functions and maps won't be available here)
// ...

// Include the Oruga Bootstrap theme with Bootstrap included
@import "/node_modules/@oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap/dist/scss/bootstrap-build";

// Then add additional custom code here
// ...
// Option B: Include the Oruga theme and Bootstrap separately

// 1. Include Bootstrap functions first (so you can manipulate colors, SVGs, calc, etc)
@import "/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";

// 2. Include any default variable overrides here
// ...

// 3. Include remainder of required Bootstrap stylesheets (including any separate color mode stylesheets)
@import "/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables-dark";

// 4. Include the Oruga Bootstrap theme variables
@import "/node_modules/@oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap/dist/scss/utils/variables";

// 5. Include any default map overrides here
// ...

// 6. Include the remaining parts or full Bootstrap
@import "/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

// 7. Include the Oruga Bootstrap theme components styles
@import "/node_modules/@oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap/dist/scss/bootstrap";

// 8. Add additional custom code here
// ...

Override default config

In case you want to replace the default style of a component you can override or add new classes changing bootstrapConfig; more details about components customization on

import { createApp } from 'vue'

import Oruga from '@oruga-ui/oruga-next'
import { bootstrapConfig } from '@oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap'

import '@oruga-ui/theme-bootstrap/dist/bootstrap.css'

const custombootstrapConfig = {
    checkbox: {
        override: true,
        rootClass: 'checkbox'

    .use(Oruga, custombootstrapConfig)


Thank you to everyone involved for improving this project, day by day 💚

Complete list.


Code released under MIT license.