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A Dart version for the 1 billion rows challange. See 1brc for more details.

Challange TL;DR

  • 1 billion rows of weather stations temperatures
  • Each row looks like this encoded in utf8:
    |   station name |   ;    |  temperature |  \n    |
    |<1 to 100-bytes>|<1-byte>|<3 to 5 bytes>|<1 byte>|
  • Temperature can be anywhere from -99.9 to 0.0 to 99.9
  • There are 413 unique stations for the main challange file
    • though the challange says the maximum should be 10,0000 unique stations.
  • Requirement:
    • compute min, average and max for each station
    • print them

For the best result in stand alone files, see:

* on my machine -- see details below

Create Measurements Files

Note: measurements_1000.txt is a sample data with 1000 entries that is used for dev/testing only

You cannot evaluate the actual solutions without generating the data, and here's a quick way to do it:

  • git clone

  • cd 1brc

  • Before proceeding, make sure java --version is at least 21

  • run ./mvnw clean verify

  • run ./ 1000000000

    • note: this will create a 12GB file called measurements.txt
  • Once generated, you can make a symbolic link of the file in the root of this dart project for easy access such as:

    ln -s /path/to/1brc/measurements.txt measurements.txt
  • Then run any of the solutions listed below using:

    dart run solutions/read_bytes_isolates.dart measurements.txt

    For the isolates solutions, you define the isolates number using dart -Disolates=10 run ....


solution time Notes
read_byte_by_byte.dart too slow read file byte by byte
read_lines_1.dart ~410s stream file as rows and store stats in List<double>
read_lines_2.dart ~408s stream file as rows and store stats in Stats mutable object
read_bytes_1.dart ~310s read all bytes, loop through them & store in List<double>
read_bytes_2.dart ~228s same as above but stores stats in Float32List
read_bytes_3.dart ~218s same as above but stores stats in Stats mutable object
read_bytes_async.dart ~205s split task into chunks and evaluate them asynchronously
read_bytes_isolates.dart ~28s (16i) same as above but split chunks into isolates
read_bytes_isolates_mmap.dart ~22s (16i) same as above but use mmap/ffi1
best.dart ~10s (16i) every trick I could pull so far
best_mmap.dart ~05s (16i) same as above + mmap/ffi1

(16i) refers to number of isolates based on Platform.numberOfProcessors on my machine

1 credit: @simolus3

Evaluated on:

Device: MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
Processor: 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
Memory: 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
Dart SDK version: 3.2.3 (stable) 

Notes on Chunks Approach:

According to the challange, we can assume that a row may have anywhere from 6 bytes to 107 bytes such that:

  • station name: 1 to 100 bytes
  • semicolon: 1 byte
  • temperature: 3-5 bytes from (e.g. "0.0" is 3 bytes and "-99.9" is 5 bytes)
  • newline: 1 byte

Given that, the file size is anything between 6x10^9 (6-GB) to 107x10^9 (107-GB) but it's ~12GB for the main file.

With this information, if we would like to process the data in chunks across multiple isolates (let's say 10 where each processes 100 million rows), then we can add an additional 107 bytes for the the first nine chunks in case a row spans to the next chunk. In other words, when we reach the end of a chunk, we continue reading bytes until we encounter a newline (unless the end of the chunk happened to contain a newline). On the other hand, when we evaluate the last 9 chunks, we read the last byte of the previous chunk to see if it's a newline. If the last chunk ended with a newline, we evaluate from the first byte, otherwise we skip the initial bytes of the chunk upto the the first newline.


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