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Provides an Object Request Broker and service framework for ruby-based services.


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A "Framework" for writing services in Ruby that provides a reliable way to deploy services across a network. Reliability is a key objective and with a server on each machine you can rely on Jerbil to connect you effortlessly to your services wherever they are running.

Jerbil comes complete with a basic service class to make writing a new service very quick and easy. It also has helpers to connect clients to services through Jerbil without having to worry about where the service is running. You can find single or multiple services and you can run services at development, test or production status all on the same LAN or same machine.

Overall, Jerbil should save anyone looking to develop a service in Ruby from a lot of tedious work and should avoid a lot of the headaches of alternatives such as Rinda.




See Also:

  • { Services Readme} for details about how to create a service that uses the Jerbil Server
  • { Testing Readme} for a note about testing Jerbil and Jerbil Services



Jerbil (a.k.a Jumpin Ermin's Reliable Broker for Integrated Linux services) will work on any Linux distro (and possibly other systems too) but it comes with all the gear necessary to work on Gentoo out of the box - e.g. runscripts, /etc/conf.d files and the like.

Installing the Gem

Jerbil is available as a gem, so to get the gem:

# gem install jerbil

Jerbil needs extra files to be installed on the system, which is done with the help of Jeni:

# jerbil-install

This will install various files over and above those installed by the gem, including configuration files, runscripts, and sbin wrappers for the jerbil server and for services that use the server. By default, Jerbil will install start-up scripts etc into /usr/local/sbin, but this can be changed to /usr/sbin by adding the -u option or the -t option. Use the -p switch to pretend and see if everything works OK. Jerbil assumes there is a user 'jerbil' that will run the server process etc, so if there is no user 'jerbil' then this script will create one.

Jerbil can also be installed from source by downloading from GitHub (see above).

System Architecture Overview

A Jerbil Server should be run on every machine that uses or provides services through Jerbil. The servers self-discover each other and share service records so that the loss of a single node in the network does not disrupt the rest of the network. The system is not secure, but all servers share a secret key and check for this key before accepting other servers into the network. Its more to avoid mistakes than proper security.

Services always register with their local server and clients always request services from their local server. If services inherit the {JerbilService::Base} class all server interactions are hidden from the user and if clients use the {JerbilService::Client} class then all server interactions are also hidden. Service startup and shutdown can be achieved through a common script making it easy to bring a new service into operation.

All services (and servers) can be run in one of three environments: prod, test and dev. This allows development versions to run in parallel with production versions etc.


The configuration file for the server (jerbil.rb) will be placed in a directory /etc/jerbil. As well as checking the defaults, you need to generate a secret. A random secret can be generated using the jerbil command:

# jerbil server secret

although any long string will do.

You also need to set some parameters for your network. This is to help the server discover any other Jerbil servers on the network without having to hard-code this information on all computers. Further details on Server Discovery are provided below. Full details of the configuration parameters for Jerbil are in {Jerbil::Config}.

Editting /etc/services

Jerbil uses /etc/services (Socket.getservbyname) to find the ports for its services (unsurprisingly) so this file needs to be updated. There must be an entry for the Jerbil server itself, as well as the services that use Jerbil. Because Jerbil supports three operating environments (dev, test and prod), these services must be assigned in triplets. The following is an example

# starts from 49195
jerbil		  49200/tcp	# Jerbil Server
jerbil-test	49201/tcp
jerbil-dev	49202/tcp

jexten		  49203/tcp	# Jexten Service - controls CM15pro
jexten-test	49204/tcp
jexten-dev 	49205/tcp

tittle		  49206/tcp	# Tittle - Thermostatic Temperature Logger
tittle-test	49207/tcp
tittle-dev	49208/tcp

tittledm	    49209/tcp	# Tittle's little device manager service
tittledm-test	49210/tcp
tittledm-dev	49211/tcp

jemb		  49212/tcp	# Jumpin' Ermin's Music Box
jemb-test	49213/tcp
jemb-dev	49214/tcp

Strictly speaking the intermediate assignments do not need to be defined: Jerbil looks for the first one and offsets it if either test or dev is selected. They are included here as a reminder that the ports may be used.

Starting and Stopping the Server

Once you have generated a secret and set up some services in /etc/services, it is now possible to start the Jerbil Server. This can be done using the jerbild script:

# /usr/local/sbin/jerbild

which will start the server, get the default config file (/etc/jerbil/jerbil.rb), daemonise, and say very little. If you add the -h or --help switch you can see how to overide this default behaviour. You can then test that the server is running with:

# jerbil status

If this does not report the server as up, go to the troubleshooting section.

If you can support init scripts, then jerbil is ready to go. Edit /etc/conf.d/jerbild if you need to change settings such as where the config file is and then run:

# /etc/init.d/jerbild start
or alternatively
# rc-service jerbild start
and to set the service to run at startup:
# rc-update add jerbild default

You can also check if the server is working using:

# rc-service jerbild status

To stop the server:

# rc-service jerbild stop

If your distro does not support runscripts like this, then you can start, stop and test status manually using:

# /usr/local/sbin/jerbild 
# /usr/local/sbin/jerbil-status
# /usr/local/sbin/jerbil-stop

Further details of all these commands can be obtained with the -h or --help option

General Description

The aim of Jerbil is to make it easier to write Linux services in Ruby that can be deployed anywhere on a network, once or multiple times, and enabling clients to access these services regardless of where they are. Its a wrapper around DRb and a replacement for Rinda.

A Jerbil Server is required to run on each machine where services are needed or from which they are accessed. Each server will discover other servers on the network and register with them, provided they all share the same secret and are running in the same environment. During registration, new servers will receive details from the other servers of all the services that are local to them. This provides a robust and relatively self-healing network where a server can come and go without needing to restart any of the others. By comparison, the Rinda server presents a single point of failure. If it goes down nobody can find anything and all services have to be restarted when the server is restored.

Part of the self-healing in Jerbil is dealing with services that become unavailable. When this happens, the server checks if the service's local server is running. If it is, this local server is asked to deal with the missing service and update the database accordingly. If it is not, then the original server takes responsibility for the missing service and purges it from all the other servers.

A Service registers with a server to make its services available. A client then searches the server for the service(s) it is interested in and receives back all of the matching services known. The client can then connect to each service and carry out whatever action is required. The search can be controlled, e.g. to return only local services or the first service or services in a given environment.

Writing a Service is eased by various support classes. The main class is {JerbilService::Base}, which is a generic service that deals with all of the Jerbil server interactions. By inheriting this class, a service can be created that uses Jerbil with only a couple of lines of code.

Controlling a service is also made easy by the {JerbilService::Supervisor} class. This hides all of the actions needed to start a service. However, service control is made even easier by /usr/bin/jserviced, which starts any service given that services name, provided the files conform to certain protocols. The /usr/local/sbin/jservice-status and /usr/local/sbin/jservice-stop commands work in a similar manner.

Writing a client is similarly made easy by the {JerbilService::Client} class, which finds one or more services ready to be connected to and acted upon.

Further Reading

  • { Jerbil Services} A short guide.

Code Walkthrough

The Jerbil code is available online at GitHub Jerbil is divided into two groups: the server and the services that use the server.


The server consists of one main class: {Jerbil::Broker} and two data-type classes: {Jerbil::Servers} and {Jerbil::ServiceRecord}. The Broker contains the main server code, accepting and recording services and responding to queries about registered services. When a service registers with the broker, the broker will also inform all of the other servers of that service. The {Jerbil::Servers} class is used by the broker to record information about a server and it provides convenience methods to connect to a server and a class method to find the local server. The {Jerbil::ServiceRecord} class fulfils a similar role for services.

Jerbil is intended to be as reliable as possible - to survive any of the servers and their services leaving the network unexpectedly. If a local client attempts to connect to a remote service and fails, then the server will be asked to check with {Jerbil::Broker#service_missing?}. This will attempt to contact the service's local server and ask it to check. If the local server is running, it will check that the service is OK and if not, remove the service and update all the other servers. If this server is not available (e.g. server has gone down) then the original server will take responsibility for purging the service from its own records and all the remaining servers.

Jerbil uses Jellog for logging and on :debug level produces copious records to help understand what it is doing. See below for more detail on Jerbil logging.

Jerbil and Jerbil Services use the standard library daemons to run in the background but they keep track of their own pids instead of relying on daemon. To stop the server, an attempt is made to call the stop method, which cleans up with all the other servers, but failing that the pid is used to kill the server.

Server Discovery

Jerbil servers automatically connect to each other on a LAN to make their management as easy as possible. They do this using brute force - polling each address on the network until they find a server and then registering with it. This all takes time and to avoid delaying the server itself, the discovery task is delegated to {Jerbil::Monitor}, which is run in a sub-process by the sbin/jerbild script.

The {Jerbil::Monitor} class uses the {Jerbil::Servers.find_servers} class method to search the network for any other servers. This method uses the NetAddr gem to create a list of network addresses from the parameters defined by {Jerbil::Config}, allowing users to limit jerbil addresses, both to control which machines get polled and to speed up the search. The Jerbil port is polled using the standard library TCPSocket interface with a timeout (standard library again). When the server finds another server it first does a minor security check (see below) and then obtains all of the services registered with that server and adds it to its service database.

To avoid missing any servers that may have been busy during the short period waited on each port, the monitor process can loop round the discovery task multiple times (see defaults in {Jerbil::Config}. There is also a delay between each cycle that can be set in {Jeckyl::Config}. Overall, the parameters for the monitor task can be tuned to ensure success on anything from a small subnet to a large network. The only thing it cannot do is monitor more than one network.


Services are created by inheriting the {JerbilService::Base} class:

module RubyTest

extend JerbilService::Support

class Service < JerbilService::Base

  def initialize(pkey, options)
    super(:rubytest, pkey, options)
  def action
    @logger.debug("Someone called the action method!")
    return "Hello"


The Base class takes care of Jerbil registration and creates a Jellog logger instance variable. It also provides a stop method and a verify method. Full details on creating Jerbil Services are provided in the { Readme file}.


Security is currently limited:

  • Servers share a secret key, recorded in their config file which should be readable by limited people! They use this key to ensure that registering servers are bona fide.

  • Each server is given its own session-unique private key that it shares with the others and checks for all of the remote server methods. The same key is also required to stop the server.

  • A similar key is provided to each service and is required to stop the service. It is up to service writers to decide whether to require clients to use this key, but a check_key method is provided.

The purpose of these checks is largely to protect integrity rather than make Jerbil secure. Jerbil is currently targetted at a benign network environment.

During installation, jerbil-install should have created the 'jermine' user. By default the jerbil servers will run as this user and so will any services started using the /etc/init.d runscripts.


Jerbil uses Jellog to log messages. By default, these messages will be logged to /var/log/jerbil/jerbil-.log where is prod, test or dev depending on the environment jerbil is running in. Note that Jellog also logs certain messages to syslog unless you select the option to disable this (see sbin/jerbild or /etc/conf.d/jerbild). The verbosity of the log can be increased by setting the log_level parameter in {Jerbil::Config} to either :verbose or :debug.

This log is used by the main Jerbil Server, but it is not the only log generated. During start-up, the script will also log to a separate file (by default this is /var/log/jerbil/jerbil_sd.log). This can be used to check if something went wrong with the script after it daemonised. To ensure that this logging occurs, set the command line option for the sbin/jerbild script or the parameter in /etc/conf.d/jerbild. Alternatively, run the script in foreground mode to see all the possible messages. This is also an option on the script and in the config file.

In the event that something goes wrong during the daemonisation itself, the jerbil script sets the daemon process to log any messages to a file in the same log directory: /var/log/jerbil/jerbil_daemon.output. This can, however, contain a lot of exception information that has very little to do with the problem.

Finally, if Jerbil fails to start and these logs show no help, it is worth checking the file /tmp/jerbil_panic.log which is also created by the startup script in the event that an exception is raised during the daemonization process.


Tested on Ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0.

Check the {file:Gemfile} for other dependencies.


Documentation is best viewed using Yard and is available online at RubyDoc


Details of testing can be found in the { Testing README}.


Details of any unresolved bugs and change requests are in {file:Bugs.rdoc Bugs}


See {file:History.txt} for a summary change history

Copyright and Licence

Copyright (c) 2014 Robert Sharp

This software is licensed under the terms defined in {file:LICENCE.rdoc}

The author may be contacted by via GitHub


This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.


Provides an Object Request Broker and service framework for ruby-based services.





