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LieAlgebras: Add docs (#2425)
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lgoettgens committed Jun 13, 2023
1 parent 32e47a6 commit 6f32130
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Showing 10 changed files with 729 additions and 80 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions experimental/LieAlgebras/docs/doc.main
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@@ -1,2 +1,7 @@
"Lie Algebras" => [
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions experimental/LieAlgebras/docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
CurrentModule = Oscar
DocTestSetup = quote
using Oscar

# Introduction

This project aims to provide functionality for Lie algebras and their representations.

## Status

This part of OSCAR is in an experimental state; please see [Adding new projects to experimental](@ref) for what this means.

## Contact

Please direct questions about this part of OSCAR to the following people:
* [Lars Göttgens](

You can ask questions in the [OSCAR Slack](

Alternatively, you can [raise an issue on github](
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions experimental/LieAlgebras/docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
CurrentModule = Oscar
DocTestSetup = quote
using Oscar

# Lie algebras

Lie algebras in OSCAR are currently always finite dimensional, and represented by two different types,
namely `LinearLieAlgebra{C}` and `AbstractLieAlgebra{C}`, depending on whether a matrix
representation is available or not.
Both types are subtypes of `LieAlgebra{C}`. Similar to other types in OSCAR, each Lie algebra
type has a corresponding element type.
The type parameter `C` is the element type of the coefficient ring.

zero(::LieAlgebra{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
iszero(::LieAlgebraElem{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
dim(::LieAlgebra{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
basis(::LieAlgebra{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
basis(::LieAlgebra{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
coefficients(::LieAlgebraElem{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
coeff(::LieAlgebraElem{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
getindex(::LieAlgebraElem{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
symbols(::LieAlgebra{C}) where {C<:RingElement}

## Special functions for `LinearLieAlgebra`s

matrix_repr_basis(::LinearLieAlgebra{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
matrix_repr_basis(::LinearLieAlgebra{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
matrix_repr(::LinearLieAlgebraElem{C}) where {C<:RingElement}

## Element constructors

`(L::LieAlgebra{C})()` returns the zero element of the Lie algebra `L`.

`(L::LieAlgebra{C})(x::LieAlgebraElem{C})` returns `x` if `x` is an element of `L`,
and fails otherwise.

`(L::LieAlgebra{C})(v)` constructs the element of `L` with coefficient vector `v`.
`v` can be of type `Vector{C}`, `Vector{Int}`, `SRow{C}`,
or `MatElem{C}` (of size $1 \times \dim(L)$).

If `L` is a `LinearLieAlgebra` of `dim(L) > 1`, the call
`(L::LinearLieAlgebra{C})(m::MatElem{C})` returns the Lie algebra element whose
matrix representation corresponds to `m`.
This requires `m` to be a square matrix of size `n > 1` (the dimension of `L`), and
to lie in the Lie algebra `L` (i.e. to be in the span of `basis(L)`).
The case of `m` being a $1 \times \dim(L)$ matrix still works as explained above.

## Arithmetics
The usual arithmetics, e.g. `+`, `-`, and `*`, are defined for `LieAlgebraElem`s.

!!! warning
Please note that `*` refers to the Lie bracket and is thus not associative.

## Lie algebra constructors


## Classical Lie algebras

general_linear_lie_algebra(R::Ring, n::Int)
special_linear_lie_algebra(R::Ring, n::Int)
special_orthogonal_lie_algebra(R::Ring, n::Int)

## Relation to GAP Lie algebras

Using `Oscar.iso_oscar_gap(L)`, one can get an isomorphism from the OSCAR Lie algebra `L`
to some isomorphic GAP Lie algebra. For more details, please refer to [`iso_oscar_gap`](@ref).
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions experimental/LieAlgebras/docs/src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
CurrentModule = Oscar
DocTestSetup = quote
using Oscar

# Lie algebra modules

Lie algebra modules in OSCAR are always finite dimensional and represented by the type
`LieAlgebraModule{C}`. Similar to other types in OSCAR, there is the corresponding
element type `LieAlgebraModuleElem{C}`.
The type parameter `C` is the element type of the coefficient ring.

base_lie_algebra(V::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
zero(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
iszero(::LieAlgebraModuleElem{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
dim(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
basis(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
basis(::LieAlgebraModule{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
coefficients(::LieAlgebraModuleElem{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
coeff(::LieAlgebraModuleElem{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
getindex(::LieAlgebraModuleElem{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
symbols(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}

## Element constructors

`(V::LieAlgebraModule{C})()` returns the zero element of the Lie algebra module `V`.

`(V::LieAlgebraModule{C})(v::LieAlgebraModuleElem{C})` returns `v` if `v` is an element of `L`. If `V` is the dual module of the parent of `v`, it returns the dual of `v`. In all other cases, it fails.

`(V::LieAlgebraModule{C})(v)` constructs the element of `V` with coefficient vector `v`. `v` can be of type `Vector{C}`, `Vector{Int}`, `SRow{C}`, or `MatElem{C}` (of size $1 \times \dim(L)$).

`(V::LieAlgebraModule{C})(a::Vector{T}) where {T<:LieAlgebraModuleElem{C}})`: If `V` is a direct sum, return its element, where the $i$-th component is equal to `a[i]`.
If `V` is a tensor product, return the tensor product of the `a[i]`.
If `V` is a exterior (symmetric, tensor) power, return the wedge product
(product, tensor product) of the `a[i]`.
Requires that `a` has a suitable length, and that the `a[i]` are elements of the correct modules,
where _correct_ depends on the case above.

## Arithmetics
The usual arithmetics, e.g. `+`, `-`, and `*` (scalar multiplication), are defined for `LieAlgebraModuleElem`s.

The module action is defined as `*`.
*(x::LieAlgebraElem{C}, v::LieAlgebraModuleElem{C}) where {C<:RingElement}

## Module constructors

standard_module(::LinearLieAlgebra{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
dual(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
direct_sum(::LieAlgebraModule{C}, ::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
tensor_product(::LieAlgebraModule{C}, ::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
exterior_power(::LieAlgebraModule{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
symmetric_power(::LieAlgebraModule{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
tensor_power(::LieAlgebraModule{C}, ::Int) where {C<:RingElement}
abstract_module(::LieAlgebra{C}, ::Int, ::Vector{<:MatElem{C}}, ::Vector{<:VarName}; ::Bool) where {C<:RingElement}
abstract_module(::LieAlgebra{C}, ::Int, ::Matrix{SRow{C}}, ::Vector{<:VarName}; ::Bool) where {C<:RingElement}

# Type-dependent getters

is_standard_module(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
is_dual(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
is_direct_sum(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
is_tensor_product(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
is_exterior_power(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
is_symmetric_power(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
is_tensor_power(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
base_module(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
base_modules(::LieAlgebraModule{C}) where {C<:RingElement}
79 changes: 78 additions & 1 deletion experimental/LieAlgebras/src/AbstractLieAlgebra.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,6 +114,23 @@ end

@doc raw"""
lie_algebra(R::Ring, struct_consts::Matrix{SRow{C}}, s::Vector{<:VarName}; cached::Bool, check::Bool) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
Construct the Lie algebra over the ring `R` with structure constants `struct_consts`
and with basis element names `s`.
The Lie bracket on the newly constructed Lie algebra `L` is determined by the structure
constants in `struct_consts` as follows: let $x_i$ denote the $i$-th standard basis vector
of `L`. Then the entry `struct_consts[i,j][k]` is a scalar $a_{i,j,k}$
such that $[x_i, x_j] = \sum_k a_{i,j,k} x_k$.
* `s`: A vector of basis element names. This is
`[Symbol("x_$i") for i in 1:size(struct_consts, 1)]` by default.
* `cached`: If `true`, cache the result. This is `true` by default.
* `check`: If `true`, check that the structure constants are anti-symmetric and
satisfy the Jacobi identity. This is `true` by default.
function lie_algebra(
Expand All @@ -124,6 +141,58 @@ function lie_algebra(
return AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}(R, struct_consts, Symbol.(s); cached, check)

@doc raw"""
lie_algebra(R::Ring, struct_consts::Array{elem_type(R),3}, s::Vector{<:VarName}; cached::Bool, check::Bool) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
Construct the Lie algebra over the ring `R` with structure constants `struct_consts`
and with basis element names `s`.
The Lie bracket on the newly constructed Lie algebra `L` is determined by the structure
constants in `struct_consts` as follows: let $x_i$ denote the $i$-th standard basis vector
of `L`. Then the entry `struct_consts[i,j,k]` is a scalar $a_{i,j,k}$
such that $[x_i, x_j] = \sum_k a_{i,j,k} x_k$.
* `s`: A vector of basis element names. This is
`[Symbol("x_$i") for i in 1:size(struct_consts, 1)]` by default.
* `cached`: If `true`, cache the result. This is `true` by default.
* `check`: If `true`, check that the structure constants are anti-symmetric and
satisfy the Jacobi identity. This is `true` by default.
# Examples
julia> struct_consts = zeros(QQ, 3, 3, 3);
julia> struct_consts[1, 2, 3] = QQ(1);
julia> struct_consts[2, 1, 3] = QQ(-1);
julia> struct_consts[3, 1, 1] = QQ(2);
julia> struct_consts[1, 3, 1] = QQ(-2);
julia> struct_consts[3, 2, 2] = QQ(-2);
julia> struct_consts[2, 3, 2] = QQ(2);
julia> sl2 = lie_algebra(QQ, struct_consts, ["e", "f", "h"])
AbstractLieAlgebra over Rational field
julia> e, f, h = basis(sl2)
3-element Vector{AbstractLieAlgebraElem{QQFieldElem}}:
julia> e * f
julia> h * e
julia> h * f
function lie_algebra(
Expand All @@ -143,8 +212,16 @@ function lie_algebra(
return AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}(R, struct_consts2, Symbol.(s); cached, check)

@doc raw"""
lie_algebra(R::Ring, dynkin::Tuple{Char,Int}; cached::Bool) -> AbstractLieAlgebra{elem_type(R)}
Construct the simple Lie algebra over the ring `R` with Dynkin type given by `dynkin`.
The actual construction is done in GAP.
If `cached` is `true`, the constructed Lie algebra is cached.
function lie_algebra(R::Ring, dynkin::Tuple{Char,Int}; cached::Bool=true)
@req is_valid_dynkin(dynkin...) "Input not allowed by GAP."
@req dynkin[1] in 'A':'G' "Unknown Dynkin type"

coeffs_iso = inv(Oscar.iso_oscar_gap(R))
LG = GAP.Globals.SimpleLieAlgebra(
Expand Down

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