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A python script to run everything related to pretext, from initializing a folder to setting up a config file (publisher.xml) to building latex/pdf and html from ptx source files.

Implemented features


Planed features

Starting in a blank directory (or maybe inside a parent directory) run pretexer -init <project-name> to generate a directory structure and set of template ptx files.

In a generated directory containing an outline.xml file, pretexer -setup outline.xml will create the ptx files for a book as specified in outline.xml.

pretexer -setup will install pretext (mathbook) if not already present and set paths in the config file. Perhaps this is called by pretexer -init automatically.

pretexer -build html will, using publisher.xml or another config file, process the main ptx file (or a specified on with -i <file>.ptx?) into html. Optional -diagrams regenerates diagrams using the mbx script (done automatically if images are found in ptx files but not in output directory?).

pretexer -build latex as above.

pretexer -build pdf builds latex and pdf in one step.

pretexer -build epub and etc.

Each of the above accept -ww to indicate whether the project contains ww elements? Or just scan the ptx for elements and do automatically. Probably this, eventually.

pretexer -validate creates a jing error file

pretexer -clean to clean up ignored files or some list of temporary files.


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