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109 lines (63 loc) · 5.14 KB

Oscar Perez Assignment 3 Advanced Graphics Programming

This project has been done by Oscar Perez Martin.

You can view the source code at:

This README is only viewed as intended when being displayed in the link above or HERE.

A release with the compiled demo with only the executable and the models for an easy plug-and-play demonstration can be found in the release section of the github repository or through this link:


A simplified controls information window is also avaliable when executing the release.

  • F (Press): Resets the camera to its initial position, rotation and zoom.


Camera movement is performed in the directions of the camera local coordinates.

  • W (Press/Hold): Move forward.
  • S (Press/Hold): Move backward.
  • A (Press/Hold): Move to the left.
  • D (Press/Hold): Move to the right.
  • E (Press/Hold): Move up.
  • Q (Press/Hold): Move down.
  • SPACE (Hold): Multiply movement speed.


  • MOUSE RIGHT CLICK (Hold): Orbit mode.
  • MOUSE WHEEL (Scroll): Changes the distance of the camera from the target point (Zoom-In/Out).
  • MOUSE MOVEMENT: When in orbit mode, orbits the camera around a target point.


The project supports two different pipelines: forward and deferred. The two effects implemented are avaliable for the deferred pipeline. The pipeline being used can be changed through the debug ImGui window when executing the release.

This is the default look of the image without effects on the deferred pipeline: alt text

When on the deferred pipeline both techniques implemented can be activated through a checkbox in the inspector to show their properties. The techniques implemented are the following:


This effect can be activated by simply checking the SSAO effect checkbox in the ImGui inspector, which appears if the rendering pipeline is the deferred pipeline.

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When active some options to configure the effect appear as seen in the image above and can be changed in real time. The kernel radius specifies how far away neighbouring samples are taken. The bias offsets the kernel samples hemisphere along the surface normal and incrementing this value can help get rid of some artifacts with very flat surfaces.

When the blur checkbox is active the noisy SSAO image created by a limited ammount of samples are smoothed with a simple square blur. The size of the blur kernel can be adjusted with the blur ammount parameter that appears once the blur checkbox is checked.

In the table below you can compare the results with and without blur in the SSAO effect:

SSAO with noise SSAO blured
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The shader code for both the noisy SSAO and the square blur to smooth it out can be found in the ssao.glsl file.


This effect can be activated by simply checking the Bloom effect checkbox in the ImGui inspector, which appears if the rendering pipeline is the deferred pipeline.

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When active some options to configure the effect appear as seen in the image above and can be changed in real time. THe threshold parameter specifies at which brightness the pixels of the rendered image will be considered bright enough to be glowing. The 5 LOD values below the threshold are multipliers ranging between 0 and 1 and define how much will each Level Of Detail of the blur effect contribute to the final bloom image.

Base rendered image Image with bloom applied
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The shader code for both the brightest pixel extraction and the blur can be found in the bloom.glsl file.


This is the image we started with:

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This is the image with blured SSAO applied to the base image:

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This is the image with Bloom applied to the base image:

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Enabling both the effects we end up with the final image:

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The shader code for the deferred rendering pipeline can be found in the deferredRendering.glsl file.

The shader code for the forward rendering pipeline can be found in the forwardRendering.glsl file.