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osFree Windows Kernel

This is attempt to reimplement 16-bit Windows kernel for usage in VDM. It is heavely reuses TWIN, WINE and HX-DOS. As well as Mett Pietrek "Windows Internals" and Andrew Schulman "Undocumented Windows" book heavy used to reconstruct Kernel internal structure.


Because original OS/2 uses mostly unchanged Windows so you can consider this is reimplementation of vanilla Windows 3.x. This means most of code is written to start without any underline system, like Win32 or XFree or something like this. KRNL286/386 must start from pure DOS and start working.

Most of initialization code and module manager are from HX-DOS. HX-DOS is a staring base for implementation.

Most other API functions taken from Wine and TWIN, depending on how hard to port to pure 16-bit environment. Many functions ported back to pure DOS 16-bit environment.


Very-very alpha development stage. GDI and USER not handled at all. Most of higher level dll also not implemented.

First goal is to correctly start simple program like WinVer or something like this. This means KERNEL must correctly load and initialise drivers (system, mouse, keyboard) and GDI.EXE with USER.EXE.


resources	Icons, bitmaps, cursors from TWIN, fonts from Wine
dlls		Standard Windows DLLs
doc			Some documentation. Mostly outdated and for reference only.
dosx		286 DOS Extender
drivers		Standard Windows drivers
include		Include files. For reference only.
kernel		KERNEL.EXE/KRNL286.EXE/KRNL386.EXE - new kernel
pal			Platform Abstration Layer - drivers for X11 (not used, for reference only)
programs	Standard Windows programs. Mix of TWIN, Wine sources, as well as MS File Manager
samples		Various Sample programs
tests		WIN16 unit tests
tools		various tools
user    USER.EXE
win			WIN.COM - Windows loader
winkrnl		TWIN Windows kernel, gdi, user. For reference only. Current kernel in kernel directory.