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  • deployment (Wireguard is rolled out by default)

    osism-run custom wireguard
  • client configuration can be found in /home/dragon/wireguard-client.conf on testbed-manager, MANAGER_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS has to be replaced by the public address of testbed-manager

  • Go to /opt/configuration on the manager node
  • Run ./scripts/ xena to set the OpenStack version to xena
  • Run ./scripts/ pacific to set the Ceph version to pacific
  • Go to /home/dragon on the manager node
  • Run ansible-playbook manager-part-2.yml to update the manager

This can also be achieved automatically by passing the wanted versions inside the environment ceph_version and openstack_version respectively.

On the testbed, the services can currently be deployed manually. In the future, these manual steps will be automated by Zuul CI.

  • Basic infrastructure services (MariaDB, RabbitMQ, Redis, ..)

  • Extented infrastructure services (Patchman, phpMyAdmin, Cockpit, ..)

  • Ceph services

  • Basic OpenStack services (Compute, Storage, ..)

  • Extented OpenStack services (Telemetry, Kubernetes, ..)

  • Additional OpenStack services (Rating, Container, ..)

  • Monitoring services (Netdata, Prometheus exporters, ..)


The update of the services is done in the same way as the deployment of the services. Simply re-run the scripts listed in :ref:`Deploy services`.

For an upgrade, the manager itself is updated first. Set the manager_version argument in environments/manager/configuration.yml to the new version and execute osism-update-manager afterwards.

The upgrade of the services is then done in the same way as the deployment of the services. Simply re-run the scripts listed in :ref:`Deploy services`.

These commands completely remove parts of the environment. This makes reuse possible without having to create a completely new environment.

osism-kolla _ purge
Are you sure you want to purge the kolla environment? [no]: yes
Are you really sure you want to purge the kolla environment? [no]: ireallyreallymeanit
find /opt/configuration -name 'ceph*keyring' -exec rm {} \;
osism-ceph purge-docker-cluster
Are you sure you want to purge the cluster? Note that if with_pkg is not set docker
packages and more will be uninstalled from non-atomic hosts. Do you want to continue?
 [no]: yes
cd /opt/manager
docker-compose down -v

Some services like phpMyAdmin or OpenStackClient will still run afterwards.

Authentication with OpenID Connect is possible via Keycloak, which is automatically configured for OIDC mechanism when the identity services are deployed with deploy-identity.

Once the configuration is in place, the users need to be provisioned into the LDAP database, before they can be authenticated via OIDC.

Currently by default, the testbed does not use SSL / TLS to secure the connection to Keycloak. This poses security risks, and should only be used for demonstration or test purposes, not in production.

Furthermore starting with 8.0.2 Keycloak only sets, the SameSite parameter to None if SSL / TLS is in use. Having Keycloak set SameSite=None is a must have for browsers, that follow the IETF draft proposal titled Incrementally Better Cookies which suggests to treat cookies without a SameSite attribute as SameSite=Lax.

That treatment essentially disables the sending of the login cookies into third party contexts, and in this case Keystone is considered a third party contex from Keycloak, therfore the login via OpenID Connect won't work.

The Keycloak documentation also explicitly states, that browsers with SameSite=Lax policy only get full feature support if SSL / TLS is configured. For further information see the the Keycloak documentation's Browsers with "SameSite=Lax by Default" Policy section.

Recent Chromium based browsers:

  • Chromium 91 and newer version
  • Vivalid 4.0 and newer version (Chrome/91.0.4472.79)
  • Microsoft Edge 91 and newer version

Older Chromium based browsers, which can disabling the SameSite by default cookies and Enable removing SameSite=None cookies flags in (chrome://flags and or vivaldi://flags) and therfore can work:

Gecko based browsers:

  • Firefox 92
  • SeaMonkey 2.53.9
  • LibreWolf 91.0.2-1 (After continuing to the plain http site)

WebKit based browsers:

  • Safari 14.1.2
  • GnomeWeb 40.3

For logging in via OIDC, open your browser at OpenStack Dashboard Login Page, select Authenticate via Keycloak, after being redirected to the Keycloak login page, perform the login with the credentials provisioned into LDAP. After that you will be redirected back to the Horizon dashboard, where you will be logged in with your user.

Keep in mind, that clicking Sign Out on the Horizon dashboard currently doesn't revoke your OIDC token, and any consequent attempt to Authenticate via Keycloak will succeed without providing the credentials.

The expiration time of the Single Sign On tokens can be controlled on multiple levels in Keycloak.

  1. On realm level under Realm Settings > Tokes. Assuming the keycloak_realm ansible variable is the default osism, and keycloak is listening on, then the configuration form is available here:

    Detailed information is available in the Keycloak Server Administrator Documentation Session and Token Timeouts section.

  2. In a realm down on the client level select the client (keystone), and under Settings > Advanced Settings.

    It is recommended to keep the Access Token Lifespan on a relatively low value, with the trend of blocking third party cookies. For further information see the Keycloak documentation's Browsers with Blocked Third-Party Cookies section.

[TODO] Proper logout.

Using the openstack cli is also possible via OIDC, assuming you provisioned the user testuser with password password, then you can perform a simple project list operation like this:

openstack \
  --os-auth-url \
  --os-auth-type v3oidcpassword \
  --os-client-id keystone \
  --os-client-secret 0056b89c-030f-486b-a6ad-f0fa398fa4ad \
  --os-username testuser \
  --os-password password \
  --os-identity-provider keycloak \
  --os-protocol openid \
  --os-identity-api-version 3 \
  --os-discovery-endpoint \
project list

It is also possible to exchange your username/password to a token, for further use with the cli. The token issue subcommand returns an SQL table, in which the id column's value field contains the token:

openstack \
  --os-auth-url \
  --os-auth-type v3oidcpassword \
  --os-client-id keystone \
  --os-client-secret 0056b89c-030f-486b-a6ad-f0fa398fa4ad \
  --os-username testuser \
  --os-password password \
  --os-identity-provider keycloak \
  --os-protocol openid \
  --os-identity-api-version 3 \
  --os-discovery-endpoint \
  --os-openid-scope "openid profile email" \
token issue \
    -c id
    -f value

An example token is like:




Name URL Username Password
ARA ara password
Ceph admin phoon7Chahvae6we
Cockpit dragon da5pahthaew2Pai2
Horizon admin pYV8bV749aDMXLPlYJwoJs4ouRPWezCIOXYAQP6v
Keycloak admin password
Kibana kibana k2ReobFEsoxNm3DyZnkZmFPadSnCz6BjQhaLFoyB
Netbox netbox password
Patchman patchman password
Skydive admin pYV8bV749aDMXLPlYJwoJs4ouRPWezCIOXYAQP6v
phpMyAdmin root qNpdZmkKuUKBK3D5nZ08KMZ5MnYrGEe2hzH6XC0i


To access the webinterfaces, make sure that you have a tunnel up and running for the internal networks.

make sshuttle ENVIRONMENT=betacloud

Deploy Ceph first.

osism-run custom bootstraph-ceph-dashboard
osism-generic cockpit
osism-run custom generate-ssh-known-hosts
osism-infrastructure keycloak

Netbox is part of the manager and does not need to be deployed individually.

osism-monitoring netdata

Deploy Clustered infrastructure services, Infrastructure services, and Basic OpenStack services first.

osism-kolla deploy skydive

The Skydive agent creates a high load on the Open vSwitch services. Therefore the agent is only started manually when needed.

osism-generic manage-container -e container_action=stop -e container_name=skydive_agent -l skydive-agent
osism-generic patchman-client
osism-infrastructure patchman

Every night the package list of the clients is transmitted via cron. Initially we transfer these lists manually.

osism-ansible generic all -m command -a patchman-client

After the clients have transferred their package lists for the first time the database can be built by Patchman.

This takes some time on the first run. Later, this update will be done once a day during the night via cron.


The previous steps can also be done with a custom playbook.

osism-run custom bootstrap-patchman

Deploy Clustered infrastructure services, Infrastructure services, and Basic OpenStack services first.

osism-kolla deploy prometheus
Full duration: 6.30863

* To plot HTML graphics with this data, run:
    rally task report 002a01cd-46e7-4976-940f-943586771629 --out output.html

* To generate a JUnit report, run:
    rally task export 002a01cd-46e7-4976-940f-943586771629 --type junit-xml --to output.xml

* To get raw JSON output of task results, run:
    rally task report 002a01cd-46e7-4976-940f-943586771629 --json --out output.json

At least one workload did not pass SLA criteria.
Ran: 286 tests in 1197.9323 sec.
 - Passed: 284
 - Skipped: 2
 - Expected Fail: 0
 - Unexpected Success: 0
 - Failed: 0
Sum of execute time for each test: 932.9678 sec.

The contrib directory contains a script to check the clustered infrastructure services. The configuration is so that two nodes are already sufficient.

cd /opt/configuration/contrib
Elasticsearch   OK - elasticsearch (kolla_logging) is running. status: green; timed_out: false; number_of_nodes: 2; ...

MariaDB         OK: number of NODES = 2 (wsrep_cluster_size)

RabbitMQ        RABBITMQ_CLUSTER OK - nb_running_node OK (2) nb_running_disc_node OK (2) nb_running_ram_node OK (0)

Redis           TCP OK - 0.002 second response time on port 6379|time=0.001901s;;;0.000000;10.000000

The contrib directory contains some scripts to fill the components of the environment with random data. This is intended to generate a realistic data load, e.g. for upgrades or scaling tests.

After deployment of MariaDB including HAProxy it is possible to create four test databases each with four tables which are filled with randomly generated data. The script can be executed multiple times to generate more data.

cd /opt/configuration/contrib
./ 100000

After deployment of Elasticsearch including HAProxy it is possible to create 14 test indices which are filled with randomly generated data. The script can be executed multiple times to generate more data.

14 indices are generated because the default retention time for the number of retained indices is set to 14.

cd /opt/configuration/contrib
./ 100000

This section describes how individual parts of the testbed can be deployed.

  • Ceph

    osism-ceph testbed
    osism-run custom fetch-ceph-keys
    osism-infrastructure cephclient
  • Clustered infrastructure services

    osism-kolla deploy common,haproxy,elasticsearch,rabbitmq,mariadb,redis
  • Infrastructure services (also deploy Clustered infrastructure services)

    osism-kolla deploy openvswitch,memcached,etcd,kibana
  • Basic OpenStack services (also deploy Infrastructure services, Clustered infrastructure services, and Ceph)

    osism-kolla deploy keystone,horizon,placement,glance,cinder,neutron,nova
    osism-infrastructure openstackclient
    osism-custom run bootstrap-basic
  • Additional OpenStack services (also deploy Basic OpenStack services and all requirements)

    osism-kolla deploy heat,gnocchi,ceilometer,aodh,panko,barbican,designate